Yuchen Niu, Yongjie Wang*, Mei Xiao, et al. Reliable safety decision-making for autonomous vehicles: a safety assurance reinforcement learning. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 2025, 13(01): 2439997. (SCI, Q2, 学院39本2类)
Tao Wang, Ying-En Ge, Yongjie Wang*, et al. A conflict risk graph approach to modeling spatio-temporal dynamics of intersection safety. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2024, 169: 104874. (SCI, Q1, 学院39本1类)
Tao Wang, Ying-En Ge, Yongjie Wang*, et al. Dynamic inferences of crash risks in freeway merging zones: a spatio-temporal deep learning model. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 2024, 12(01): 2426727. (SCI, Q2, 学院39本2类)
Yongjie Wang, Yuchen Niu, Mei Xiao*, et al. Modeling framework of human driving behavior based on Deep Maximum Entropy Inverse Reinforcement Learning. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2024, 652: 130052. (SSCI, Q2)
Tao Wang, Ying-En Ge, Yongjie Wang*, et al. A novel model for real-time risk evaluation of vehicle-pedestrian interactions at intersections. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2024, 206: 107727. (SSCI, Q1, 学院39本1类)
Qiong Li, Lingzhi Xue, Yongjie Wang*, et al. Advancing a revised UB-DBQ: A New Insight into Driver Behaviour and Older Passenger Injuries in Urban Buses. Journal of Transport & Health, 2024, 38: 101843. (SSCI, Q3)
Yongjie Wang, Zhikun Zhou, Wenqiang Chen, et al. Modelling yielding dilemma zone for drivers at non-signalised crosswalks. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2024, 102: 213-232. (SSCI, Q2, 学院39本1类)
Tao Wang, Ying-En Ge, Yongjie Wang*, et al. A spatiotemporal deep learning approach for simulating conflict risk propagation on freeways with trajectory data. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2024, 195: 107377. (SSCI, Q1, 学院39本1类)
Yongjie Wang, Yuqi Jia, Wenqiang Chen, et al. Examining safe spaces for pedestrians and e-bicyclists at urban crosswalks: An analysis based on drone-captured video. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2024, 194: 107365. (SSCI, Q1, 学院39本1类)
Yongjie Wang, Yuchen Niu, Wenying Zhu, et al. Predicting Pedestrian Crossing Behavior at Unsignalized Mid-Block Crosswalks Using Maximum Entropy Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024, 25(5): 3685-3698. (SCI, Q1, 学院39本1类)
Yongjie Wang, Siwei Wan, Qiong Li, et al. Modeling Crossing Behaviors of E-Bikes at Intersection With Deep Maximum Entropy Inverse Reinforcement Learning Using Drone-Based Video Data. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023, 24(6): 6350-6361. (SCI, Q1, 学院39本1类)
Wenqiang Chen, Tao Wang, Yongjie Wang*, Qiong Li, Yueying Xu, Yuchen Niu. Lane-based distance-velocity model for evaluating pedestrian-vehicle interaction at non-signalized locations. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2022, 176, 106810. (SSCI, Q1, 学院39本1类)
Yongjie Wang, Qian Su, Chao Wang, Carlo Prato. Investigating yielding behavior of heterogeneous vehicles at a semi-controlled crosswalk. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2021, 161, 106381. (SSCI, Q1, 学院39本1类)
Qipeng Sun, Hang Liu, Yongjie Wang*, Qiong Li, Wenqiang Chen, Pengxia Bai, Chenlei Xue. Cooperation in the jaywalking dilemma of a road public good due to points guidance. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2022, 160, 112277. (SCI Q1)
Yongjie Wang, Zhouzhou Yao, Chao Wang, Jiale Ren, Qiao Chen. The impact of intelligent transportation points system based on Elo rating on emergence of cooperation at Y intersection. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2020, 370, 124923. (SCI, Q1)
Yongjie Wang, Binchang Shen, Hao Wu, Chao Wang, Qian Su, Wenqiang Chen. Modeling illegal pedestrian crossing behaviors at unmarked mid-block roadway based on extended decision field theory. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2021, 562, 125327. (SCI, Q2)
Qipeng Sun, Chen He, Yongjie Wang*, Hang Liu, Fei Ma, Xiao Wei. Reducing violation behaviors of pedestrians considering group interests of travelers at signalized crosswalk. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2022, 594, 127023. (SCI, Q2)
Qipeng Sun, Qianqian Cheng, Yongjie Wang, Tao Li, Fei Ma, Zhigang Yao. Zip-merging behavior at Y-intersection based on intelligent travel points. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2022, 593, 126951. (SCI, Q2)
Chao Wang, Yuelin Zhao, Yongjie Wang, et al. Transportation CO2 emission decoupling: An assessment of the Eurasian logistics corridor. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2020, 86:102486. (SCI, Q1)
Yongjie Wang*, Tong Chen, Qiao Chen. Emotional decisions in structured populations for the evolution of public cooperation. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017, 468: 475-481. (SCI, Q2)
Yongjie Wang*, TongChen. Heuristics guide cooperative behaviors in public goods game. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2015, 439: 59-65.(SCI, Q2)
Qiao Chen, Tong Chen, Yongjie Wang*. How the expanded crowd-funding mechanism of some southern rural areas in China affects cooperative behaviors in threshold public goods game. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2016, 91: 649-655. (SCI, Q1)
Qiao Chen, Tong Chen, Yongjie Wang. Publishing the donation list incompletely promotes the emergence of cooperation in public goods game. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2017, 310: 48-56. (SCI, Q1)
李琼, 薛令知, 汪勇杰*等. 组织认同对城市公交驾驶员安全绩效的影响机制[J]. 中国安全生产科学技术, 2024, 20 (01): 166-171.(北核,CSCD)
陈文强, 勾小梅, 汪勇杰*等. 右转车道对非机动化交通参与者非法过街行为的影响[J].中国公路学报, 2023, 36(8): 271-279. (北核,EI,CSCD)