个人简介王刚锋,男,1983年生,陕西渭南人,工学博士,硕士生导师。2015年于西北工业大学获工学博士学位,并入职长安大学工程机械学院从事教学科研工作,2016年~2019年在长安大学-常林工程机械集团开展博士后研究工作,2017年入选江苏省“双创计划”-双创博士,2020年入选长安大学科学研究党员示范岗,2021年获长安大学高等教育教学成果奖特等奖,2022年获陕西省高等学校教育教学成果奖一等奖。目前主要从事智能制造与创新设计,以及工程机械智能化等方面的研究工作。近年来主持中国博士后科学基金、陕西省自然科学基金、江苏省“双创计划”项目、中央高校基础科研项目、校企科研合作项目等20余项;重点参与国家自然科学基金项目、工信部预研基金/基础科研项目、国家/教育部重点实验室开放基金、陕西高等教育教学改革研究项目等20余项。以第一作者/通讯作者发表学术论文50余篇,申请发明专利10项,计算机软件著作权16项。 社会职务² 担任IEEE技术与工程管理学会设计和工程过程组联席主席、陕西省创新方法研究会理事、《机械与电子控制工程》编委; International Journal of Production Research, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Assembly Automation, Journal of Engineering Design, Advance in Manufacturing, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, International Journal of Systematic Innovation, 《西北工业大学学报》《图学学报》等期刊审稿专家 研究领域主要研究方向: (1)基于数字孪生的智能制造技术 (2)机械创新设计与知识工程 (3)工程机械重载作业智能控制 (4)大型施工装备结构优化设计 For details, please visit the ResearchGate homepage. 招生信息: 欢迎对研究方向感兴趣的同学加入科研团队,要求具备良好的机械工程基础知识和数学外语能力,掌握Catia、Ansys、AMESim、Matlab、Python者优先。团队每年招收研究生6~8名。 联系方式: wanggf@chd.edu.cn
开授课程《产品设计》 《Design Front》 科研项目主要科研项目:
论文近年代表性论文: ² 王刚锋,张寰, 刘思濛, 等. 基于语义工艺知识的驱动桥装配序列规划研究[J]. 图学学报, 2024, 在线出版. ² Liu, X.; Wang, G.*; Suo, X.; et al. Modeling and characteristic analysis of mid-rear axle hydraulically interconnected suspensions for tri-axle heavy trucks[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2023, 10775463231191853.(SCI) ² 王刚锋*,杨军康, 侯润锋, 等. 基于改进PSO模糊PID的管廊吊具同步控制[J]. 液压与气动, 2023, 47(12): 115-123. ² 王刚锋*,王万汀, 索雪峰, 等. 结构参数对两级压力式油气悬架动态特性的影响[J]. 液压与气动, 2023, 47(9): 107-115. ² 王刚锋*,张琪, 赵东平, 等. 基于数字孪生的工程机械臂装配建模与仿真[J]. 机械设计与制造, 2023, 386(4): 243-246. ² Zhang, M.; Tian, X.; Wang, G.*; et al. Residual stress analysis and its effect on springback for multi-step pressbrake bending[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B-Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2023, 237(12): 1787-1797.(SCI) ² Guo, H.; Ma, Y.; Wang, G.; et al. Effect of cyclic tests on the shape memory performance of GO-CF hybrid-reinforced SMPC[J]. Polymer Composites, 2022, 43(8): 5076-5086.(SCI) ² Xu, Y.; Ma, Y.; Wang, G.; et al. Effect of layering angles on shape memory properties of graphene oxide/carbon fiber hybrid reinforced composites prepared by vacuum infiltration hot pressing system[J]. High Performance Polymers, 2022, 34(10): 1164-1176.(SCI) ² 王刚锋*,刘湘, 杜腾, 等. 矿用自卸车两级压力式油气悬架特性分析[J]. 液压与气动, 2022, 46(9): 92-98. ² 王刚锋*,樊一涛, 刘晓辉, 等. 采用优先数系排布的非等距轴流风扇性能研究[J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2022, 42(2): 67-72. ² 牛国华, 王刚锋*, 王剑. 组合L型变截面梁的自由振动特性分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(5): 228-234.(EI) ² Zhang, D.; Wang, G.*; Xin, Y.; Shi, X; Evans, R.; Guo, B.; Huang, P. Knowledge-Driven Manufacturing Process Innovation: A Case Study on Problem Solving in Micro-Turbine Machining[J]. Micromachines, 2021, 12(11): 1357.(SCI) ² Shi, X.; Tian, X.*; Wang, G.; Zhao, D. Semantic-Based Assembly Precision Optimization Strategy Considering Assembly Process Capacity [J]. Machines, 2021, 9(11): 269.(SCI) ² Shi, Y.; Liu, H.*; Wang, G. Modeling of asphalt mixture-screed interaction: A nonlinear dynamic vibration model for improving paving density[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 311: 125296.(SCI) ² 刘思濛,王刚锋*,索雪峰. 基于改进混沌粒子群算法的薄壁件铣削参数优化[J]. 图学学报, 2021, 42(6): 987-994. ² 杨延璞,余进,王刚锋. 基于不完全互惠偏好关系的产品工业设计方案决策[J]. 计算机集成制造系统, 2021, 27(3): 878-886.(EI) ² Chen, J.; Wang, G.*; Xue, T.; Li, T. An improved polychromatic graphs-based BOM multi-view management and version control method for complex products[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(1), 712-726.(SCI) ² Xin, Y.; Li, Y.; Li, W.; Wang, G.* Towards Efficient Milling of Multi-Cavity Aeronautical Structural Parts Considering ACO-Based Optimal Tool Feed Position and Path[J]. Micromachines, 2021, 12(1), 88.(SCI) ² Chen, Y.; Song, H.; Yang, Y.; Wang, G. Fault detection in mixture production process based on wavelet packet and support vector machine[J]. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2021, 40(5), 10235-10249.(SCI) ² Suo, X.; Jiao, S.; Wang, G.; Liu, S.; Zhang, Z. Research on the vibration damping performance of a novel single-side coupling hydro-pneumatic suspension[J]. Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette, 2021, 28(5), 1495-1502.(SCI) ² Shi, X.; Tian, X.; Wang, G.*; Zhao, D.; Zhang, M. Semantic-based subassembly identification considering non-geometric structure attributes and assembly process factors[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 110(1-2), 439-455.(SCI) ² Shi, X.; Tian, X.; Wang, G.* Screening product tolerances considering semantic variation propagation and fusion for assembly precision analysis[J]. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2020, 21(7), 1259-1278.(SCI) ² Zhao, D.; Wang, G.*; Hui, J.; Hou, W.; Evans, R.D. A precision analysis method for the kinematic assembly of complex products based on equivalence of deviation source[J]. Assembly Automation, 2020, 40(3), 447-460.(SCI) ² Xin, Y.; Yang, S.; Wang, G.*; Evans, R.D.; Wu, F. A tool path optimization approach based on blend feature simplification for multi-cavity machining of complex parts[J]. Science Progress, 2020, 103(1), 1-21.(SCI) ² Zhao, D.; Wang, G.*; Guo, W.; Zhang, Q. An Integrated Framework for Aircraft Digital Assembly Coordination Design and Simulation[J]. Procedia CIRP, 2019, 83, 330-334.(EI) ² 赵东平,王刚锋*,侯伟. 面向三维AO定制发布的工艺信息分层描述方法[J]. 现代制造工程, 2019, 4, 75-79+150. ² Hu, G.; Zhou, X.; Zhang, G.; Zhang, C.; Li, D.; Wang, G. Multiple Laser Stripe Scanning Profilometry Based on Microelectromechanical Systems Scanning Mirror Projection[J]. Micromachines, 2019, 10(1), 57.(SCI) ² Shi, X.; Tian, X.; Wang, G.*; Zhang, M.; Zhao, D. A Simplified Model for Assembly Precision Information of Complex Products Based on Tolerance Semantic Relations[J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(12), 4482.(SCI) ² Wang, G.*; Hu, Y.; Tian, X.; Geng, J.; Hu, G.; Zhang, M. An Integrated Open Approach to Capturing Systematic Knowledge for Manufacturing Process Innovation Based on Collective Intelligence[J]. Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(3), 1-21.(SCI) ² Wang, G.*; Tian, X.; Hu, Y.; Evans, R.D.; Tian, M.; Wang, R. Manufacturing Process Innovation-Oriented Knowledge Evaluation Using MCDM and Fuzzy Linguistic Computing in an Open Innovation Environment[J]. Sustainability, 2017, 9(9), 1-19.(SCI) ² Wang, G.*; Hu, Y.; Zhu, W.; Bao, Z.; Chen, Z.; Huang, Z.; Wang, W. The design of a compaction parameters management system for intelligent vibratory roller[C]. The 2017 IEEE 3rd Information Technology and Mechatronics Engineering Conference (ITOEC), Chongqing, China, 3-5 Oct. 2017; pp. 634-638.(EI) ² Wang, G.*; Tian, X.; Geng, J.; Evans, R.; Che, S. Extraction of Principle Knowledge from Process Patents for Manufacturing Process Innovation[J]. Procedia CIRP, 2016, 56, 193-198.(EI) ² Wang, G.; Tian, X.; Geng, J.; Guo, B. A knowledge accumulation approach based on bilayer social wiki network for computer-aided process innovation[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2015, 53(8), 2365-2382.(SCI) ² Wang, G.; Tian, X.; Geng, J. Optimal Selection Method of Process Patents for Technology Transfer Using Fuzzy Linguistic Computing[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, 2014, 1-10.(SCI) 著作: 机械制造技术基础(第4版),西北工业大学出版社,2019.08,参编 科技成果荣誉奖励2022年,陕西省高等学校教育教学成果奖一等奖 2022年,长安大学优秀教育工作者 2021年,长安大学教学成果奖特等奖 2020年,长安大学科学研究党员示范岗 2019年,德基奖教金获得者 2017年,入选江苏省“双创计划”-双创博士 工作经历2015-至今 长安大学工程机械学院 2016-2019 长安大学-常林工程机械集团博士后工作站 |