


学位: 博士

毕业院校: Colorado State University

邮件: jun.wu@chd.edu.cn



办公地点: 长安大学公路学院


  • 学院: 公路学院
  • 性别:
  • 出生年月:
  • 职称:
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历: 博士
  • 毕业院校: Colorado State University
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱: jun.wu@chd.edu.cn
  • 通讯地址: 长安大学公路学院
  • 邮编: 710064
  • 传真:
  • 办公地址: 长安大学公路学院
  • 教育经历:






20117月工作以来,主持国家级科研课题1项,主持的省部级科研课题3 项,参与的国家科研项目2项,2016年获得河北省科学技术进步二等奖。主持的课题项目经费达60多万。

在国际一流期刊Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE)Engineering StructuresComputer and Structures,以及国内一流期刊土木工程学报、中国公路学报等发表期刊文章13 篇,会议文章12 篇。其中被SCI 收录的有11 篇。武博士也是国际一流期刊Journal of Bridge EngineeringASCE),Advances in Structural Engineering Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A 的审稿人,并荣获“Journal of Bridge Engineering ASCE 2012 年优秀审稿人。合作出版专著《重载交通动态过桥可视化仿真与安全评价》.


Journal of Bridge EngineeringASCE),Advances in Structural Engineering, Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A长安大学学报《自然版》的审稿人和编委











5.  专业英语(本科)

6.  计量经济学(研究生)

7. 科技论文写作(研究生)



1) 国家自然科学基金青年基金,“融合交通监测和Agent-CA模型的风、随机车流、大跨桥梁耦合系统仿真及荷载效应评估No. 514080532015-2017,负责人;

2) 陕西省自然科学基金青年基金,“高墩大跨桥梁安全评估No. 2014JQ72342014-2016,负责人;

3) 中国博士后特别资助,基于可靠度的高墩大跨桥在风车作用下的安全评估No. 2015T809962015-2016,负责人;

4) 中国博士后基金,高墩大跨桥梁在风和随机车流作用下的安全评估No. 2014M5523952014-2016 ,负责人;

5) 中央高校基础研究项目大跨桥梁在台风作用下的安全评估”, No. CHD2011JC174, 2017-2018,负责人;

6) 中央高校基础研究项目大中跨桥梁设计荷载研究”, No. CHD310821171002 ,2011-2013,负责人;

7)中央高校教育教学改革专项结构力学(双语)”, No. 0012-310621171501,2017,负责人;

8)卓越人才培养计划结构力学(双语)”, No. 2014Z0401 , 2014-2015,负责人;

9)国家自然科学基金青年基金,考虑体系冗余性及其经时变异性的RC简支T梁桥可靠度评估方法No. 513080552014-2016, 主要参与人;

10)国家自然科学基金青年基金,宽幅波纹钢腹板预应力混凝土箱梁的空间力学性能研究No. 51308053,主要参与人;

11)河北省计划外项目, “重载交通动态过桥可视化仿真、结构安全风险评价与对策技术研究,2012.01.05-2016.02.27”2012-2016主要参与人





1J. Wu, S. R. Chen and J. W. van de Lindt (2012). “Fatigue assessment of slender long-span bridges: A reliability approach”, Journal of Bridge Engineering ASCE,17, 47-57. (SCI-EEI 收录,被索引5 )

2J. Wu, Y. F. Zhou and S. R. Chen (2012). “Wind-induced performance of long-span bridge with modified cross-section profiles by stochastic traffic”, Engineering Structures, 41, 464-476 (SCIEI 收录,被索引6)

3J. Wu and S. R. Chen (2010). “Probabilistic dynamic behavior of long-span bridge under extreme events”, Engineering Structures,33, 1657-1665. (SCIEI 收录,被索引4)

4J. WuF. Yang, W.S. Han (2015). Vehicle Load Effect of Long-Span Bridges: Assessment with Cellular Automaton Traffic Model”, Transportation Research Record2481132-139. SCI 收录

5 S. R. Chen and J. Wu (2010). “Dynamic performance simulation of long-span bridge under combined loads of stochastic traffic and wind”, Journal of Bridge Engineering ASCE, 15(3),219-230. (SCI-EEI 收录,被索引51 )

6 S. R. Chen and J. Wu (2008). “Performance enhancement of bridge infrastructure systems: Long-span bridge, moving trucks and wind with tuned mass dampers”, Engineering Structures, 30, 3316-3324. (SCIEI 收录,被索引33 )

7 S. R. Chen and J. Wu (2011). “Modeling stochastic live load for long-span bridge based on microscopic traffic flow simulation”, Computers and Structures. 899-10,813-824. (SCIEI 收录,被索引48 )

8 W. S. Han, J. Wu, C. S. Cai and S. R. Chen (2014). “Characteristics and Dynamic Impact of Overloaded Extra Heavy Trucks on Typical Highway Bridges”, Journal of Bridge Engineering ASCE, 20(2) 05014011. (SCIEI 收录,被索引16 )

9G.Y. Hou, S. R. Chen, Y. F. Zhou & J. Wu (2017). “Framework of microscopic traffic flow simulation on highway infrastructure system under hazardous driving conditions”, Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure. 2(3), 136-152.

10Han, Y. Yuan, P. Huang, J. Wu, T. Wang & H. Liu (2017). “Dynamic impact of heavy traffic load on typical t-beam bridges based on WIM data”, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 31(3), 04017001. (SCIEI 收录)

11L. Ma, D. Zhou, W.S. Han, J. Wu & J. Liu (2016). “Transient aerodynamic forces of a vehicle passing through a bridge tower's wake region in crosswind environment”, Wind & Structures An International Journal, 22(2), 211-234. (SCIEI 收录)

12W.S. Han, L.Ma , C. S. Cai, S. R. Chen & J. Wu (2015). “Nonlinear dynamic performance of long-span cable-stayed bridge under traffic and wind”, Wind & Structures An International Journal, 20(2), 249-274. (SCIEI 收录,被索引3 )

13武隽,刘焕举等(2019)."大跨桥梁台风风场全过程动态数值模拟", 振动与冲击. 38(14), 260- 266EI 收录期刊

14)韩万水,刘焕举,武隽等(2017. 大跨径桥梁三维台风风场数值模拟振动与冲击. 36(24), 77- 84EI 收录

15) 武隽, 吴柳杰, 徐鹏飞(2016). 中德公路桥梁设计汽车荷载及效应对比研究. 武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版), 40(1):45-49.

16) 韩万水, 武隽, 马麟, 杨飞, & 肖强. (2015). 基于微观交通流模型的风--桥系统高真实度模拟.中国公路学报,28(11), 37-45. EI收录)

17) 武隽,杨飞,院素静,韩万水(2014). “特重车交通荷载作用下大跨拱桥动力响应分析”.建筑科学与工程学报, 31(1):68-75.

18) 武隽, 赵敏等(2014. “正常交通状态下基于移动TMD响应的桥梁快速损伤识别方法,武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),38(3):525-528.

19) 武隽, 袁阳光等(2014. “基于移动TMD加速度响应的桥梁损伤检测新方法研究,中外公路, 2014, 34(4):162-166.

20) 武隽,杨飞等(2014). “基于实测和CA模型的大跨桥梁车辆荷载模拟,铁道科学与工程学报,4, 14-18.

21) 韩万水, 马麟, 汪炳, 院素静& 武隽. (2013). 随机车流-桥梁系统耦合振动精细化分析与动态可视化.中国公路学报, 26(4), 78-87. EI 收录)

22周绪红, 武隽& 狄谨. (2006).大跨径自锚式悬索桥受力分析.土木工程学报, 39(2), 42-45.EI 收录).

23狄谨& 武隽. (2004). 自锚式悬索桥主缆线形计算方法.交通运输工程学报,4(3), 38-43.EI 收录).

24)武隽,刘焕举等(2018).大跨桥梁非平稳台风风场数值模拟与验证, 振动工程学报,31(4)662-670EI 收录).


26)   武隽,杨铭等(2022).地震和列车作用下地铁高架桥的振动特征武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)(已接收).

27)武隽,刘秉峰等(2022).基于MEA-BP神经网络的多轴车的桥梁动态称重研究, 振动与冲击(已投).


1) 武隽,刘焕举,徐鹏飞.“台风作用下大跨桥梁动态响应分析”,第18届全国结构风工程学术会议暨第四届全国风工程研究生论坛,2017.8, 中国长沙(大会作报告);

2) 武隽,徐鹏飞,丁彬元.“风车联合作用下高墩大跨桥的动力响应特征”,第18届全国结构风工程学术会议暨第四届全国风工程研究生论坛,2017.8,中国长沙(大会作报告);

3) 徐鹏飞,武隽,丁彬元. “风车作用下大跨度桥梁构件可靠度修正”,第18届全国结构风工程学术会议暨第四届全国风工程研究生论坛,2017.8,中国长沙(大会作报告);

4J. Wu, L. J. Wu, Q. Xiao et al. Promoted six-lane cellular automaton traffic load model for long-span bridges , Transportation research board, 2016, 1. Washington D.C. USAPresentation

5) J. Wu. “Integration of micro-scaled traffic model into bridge lifetime analysis”,International Chinese Transportation Professionals Association, 2016, 1.Washington D.C. USAPresentation

6J. Wu, Q. Xiao, L. J. Wu, H.J. Liu. “Performance of long-span high-pier continuous rigid frame bridge under high-fidelity micro-simulation of traffic flow”,the 2nd International symposium on life-cycle performance of bridges and structures. 2015.12Presentation

7) J. Wu, F. Yang, W.S. Han. “ vehicle load effect assessment of long-span bridges using cellular automaton traffic model”, Transportation research board, 2015, 1. Washington D.C. USAPresentation

8J. Wu, 大跨桥梁车辆荷载的微观仿真”,5届(2014)海峡两岸四地高校师生土木工程监测与控制研讨会,2014.8. 陕西西安(大会作报告)

9S.R. Chen, J. Wu, J. W. van de Lindt and R. Nelson (2011). Lifetime performance of long-span bridges-from methodology to application, NSF CMMI Research and Innovation Conference 2011, Atlanta, Jan 4-7 2011.

10) S.R. Chen and J. Wu (2010). Scenario-based service load for fatigue analysis of long-span bridges, Proceeding of ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2010, Los Angeles, August 8-11, 2010.

11) J. Wu and S.R. Chen (2010). Dynamic performance of long-span bridges in extreme events, Proceeding of ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2010, Los Angeles, August 8-11, 2010.

12) F. Chen, S.R. Chen, J.H. Liu and J. Wu (2009). Site-specific Wind Data Acquisition and Analysis with Geospatial Mobile Testing Technology, 11th American Conference on Wind Engineering, Puerto Rico, June 22-26 2009.

14) J. Wu and S.R. Chen (2009). An innovative approach to estimate long-span bridges safety under extreme events, NSF CMMI Research and Innovation Conference, June 22-25 2009, Hawaii

15) J. Wu and S.R. Chen (2009). Traffic Flow Simulation on Bridge with Cellular Automaton Technique, 88th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan 13-17, 2009.

16) J. Wu and S. R. Chen (2008). "Traffic flow simulation based on cellular automaton model for interaction analysis between long-span bridge and traffic", Inaugural International Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute (EM08), ASCE, May 18-21, 2008 (accepted)

17) S. R. Chen, J. Wu (2008). "Performance enhancement of long-span bridge and moving trucks under wind using Tuned Mass Dampers", Inaugural International Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute (EM08), ASCE, May 18-21, 2008 (accepted)(EM08), ASCE, May 18-21, 2008 (accepted)

18) S.R. Chen, J. Wu (2008). "Control of long-span bridge and moving trucks under windusing tuned mass dampers (08-2900)", 87th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan 13-17, 2008

19) J. Wu and S.R. Chen (2008). "Traffic flow simulation based on cellular automaton model for interaction analsis between long-span bridge and traffic", Inaugural International Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute (EM08), ASCE, May 18-21, 2008

20) S.R. Chen, J. Wu (2008). "Performance enhancement of long-span bridge and moving trucks under wind using Tuned Mass Dampers", Inaugural International conderence of the Engineering Mechanics Institute (EM08), ASCE, May 18-21, 2008




1) 2019年“中交公规院杯”世界大学生桥梁设计大赛三等奖,指导教师

2) 2016年河北省科学技术进步二等奖

3) 2016年度中国公路学报优秀论文及二等奖,《基于长期监测的特重车交通荷载特性及动态过桥分析》,第三作者。

4) 2015年公路学院微课比赛三等奖。

5) 2013年优秀毕业设计指导教师

6) 2012 Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE 2012年最佳审稿人(美国土木工程师协会ASCE

7) Graduate student travel grants by NSF CMMI Research and Innovation Conference美国国家科学基金会工程领域研讨会的学生资助(2009

8) Award of Helene M Overly Memorial Graduate Scholarship by Women’s Transportation Seminar Colorado Chapter 2008年度美国女子交通研讨会科罗拉多州分会Helene M Overly 研究生奖学金 (美国科罗拉多州唯一一名获奖者)


2014/11 -今,长安大学,公路学院,副教授

2011/04 - 2014-11,长安大学,公路学院,讲师

2010/12 - 2011/04,美国科罗拉多州立大学,土木与环境工程学院,博士后

2007/01 - 2010/12,美国科罗拉多州立大学,土木与环境工程学院,助研

2004/07 - 2007/01,长安大学,桥梁工程系,助研