雷如雄 教授



学位: 博士

毕业院校: 南京大学

邮件: ruxionglei@chd.edu.cn



办公地点: 资源学院103


  • 学院: 地球科学与资源学院
  • 性别:
  • 出生年月:
  • 职称: 教授
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历: 研究生
  • 毕业院校: 南京大学
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱: ruxionglei@chd.edu.cn
  • 通讯地址: 西安市雁塔北路126号
  • 邮编: 710054
  • 传真:
  • 办公地址: 资源学院103
  • 教育经历:


    2007/09–2012/06,南京大学, 矿床学专业,博士;

    2010/09– 2011/09University of Regina(加拿大),联合培养博士;


雷如雄,甘肃天水人,教授(破格),博士生导师自然资源部高层次科技创新人才工程青年科技人才,长安学者青年学术骨干,矿产系主任,资源勘查工程国家级一流专业责任教授。主要从事矿床学方面的研究和教学工作,聚焦中国西部战略性矿产成矿机制和成矿规律研究。近年来主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目子课题、青年基金、新疆维吾尔自治区重点研发项目和课题等科研项目7项,参与国家自然科学基金重大研究计划、国家重点研发项目、国家自然科学基金和中国地调局项目等研究项目8项。已发表学术论文60余篇,其中《Earth-Science Reviews》、GSA BulletinPrecambrian Research》、《Lithos》、Ore Geology Reviews》、Gondwana Research等国内外重要期刊发表第一/通讯作者论文29篇其中SCI论文24篇,论文被引次数超850。担任中国矿物岩石地球化学学会青年工作委员会委员,《Journal of Earth Science》、《China Geology》、《地球科学》、《地质通报》和《西北地质》青年编委。





China Geology》青年编委

Journal of Earth Science》青年编委









Precambrian Research》、Ore Geology Reviews》、Gondwana Research》、International Geology Reviews》、《Journal of Geochemical Exploration》、《ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA (English edition)》、《Geological JournalActa Geochimica《地质学报》、《矿物学报》、《地质通报》、《西北地质》和《地球科学与环境学报》等期刊审稿人。






    研究生课程:《矿床学进展》(博士生课程),《Advance in ore deposits geology and petrology(博士留学生课程)。















Xiang Li, Ru-Xiong Lei*, Matthew J. Brzozowski, Hui Ye*, Xiu-Fang Wang, Zhi-Hua Zhang, Chang-Zhi Wu. 2025. Depositional age and tectonic setting of the Dimunalike iron formation in southeast Tarim: Implications for the resurgence of Neoproterozoic iron formations. Precambrian Research, 417 (2025) 107665.

Shi-Bao Wu, Ru-Xiong Lei*, Matthew J. Brzozowski, Wei Wang, Xiang-Long Luo, Chang-Zhi Wu. 2024. Rubidium (Rb) enrichment processes in a highly evolved granitic system: Insights from the petrology and geochemistry of the Guobaoshan Rb deposit in eastern Tianshan, NW China. GSA Bulletin, 37702.

Hui Ye, Chang-Zhi Wu*, Weiqiang Li, Ru-Xiong Lei*, Xiaohui Sun, Weiduo Hao, Kurt O. Konhauser. 2024. Deposition and termination of Neoproterozoic iron formations (NIFs): New insights from NIFs in China. Earth-Science Reviews, 104861.

Zhen-Hua Wang, Ru-Xiong Lei*, Matthew J. Brzozowski, Chang-Zhi Wu. 2024. Magmatic–hydrothermal evolutionary processes in highly evolved granitic systems: Insights from zircons of the Baishitouquan pluton, NW China. GSA Bulletin, 37425.

Xu-Wen Jin, Ru-Xiong Lei*, Hong-Dian Yuan, Matthew J. Brzozowski, Chang-Zhi Wu. 2024. Rb enrichment processes in highly evolved granites: insights from mica and K-feldspar from the Baishitouquan pluton, Eastern Tianshan. Ore Geology Reviews, 2024, 106301.

Hong-Dian Yuan, Ru-Xiong Lei*, Matthew J. Brzozowski, Zhen-Hua Wang, Yong Tian, Wei Wang, Chang-Zhi Wu. 2024. Multi-stage magmatic–hydrothermal evolution of nepheline pegmatite: Insights from the mineralogy and geochronology of a zircon megacryst from the Yilanlike nepheline pegmatite, South Tianshan. Ore Geology Reviews, 2024, 106188.

Jun-Jie Hu, Ru-Xiong Lei*, Matthew J. Brzozowski, Chang-Zhi Wu. 2024. Textures and chemistry of columbite-group minerals record magmatic–hydrothermal processes in the Baishitouquan pluton in the Eastern Tianshan, NW China. Ore Geology Reviews, 2024, 106319.

Shi-Heng Bai, Ru-Xiong Lei*, Matthew J. Brzozowski, Zhenhua Wang, Wei Wang, Chang-Zhi Wu. 2024. Permian ridge subduction-related magmatism in the Chinese Altai: Insights from geochronology and geochemistry of the Jiangjunshan pluton. Journal of Earth Science, 2024, 0323.

Shi-Bao Wu, Ru-Xiong Lei*, Matthew J. Brzozowski, Wei Wang, Hai-bo Yuan, Chang-Zhi Wu. 2023. Early Neoproterozoic magmatism in the Central Tianshan Block, China: implications for its tectono-magmatic evolution and relationship to Rodinia. Precambrian Research, 397 (2023), 107203.

Ru-Xiong LeiChang-Zhi Wu*, Kai Zhang, Xiao-Fei Yang, Hui Ye. 2022. Depositional environment and genesis of the Paleoproterozoic Astingbulake banded iron formations from the Quruqtagh Block, Northeast Tarim Craton. Ore Geology Reviews, 2022.104946.

Shi-heng Bai, Ru-Xiong Lei*, Matthew J. Brzozowski, Liang-xue Hao, Kai Zhang, Chang-Zhi Wu*. Constraints on the timing of magmatism and rare-metal mineralization in the Fangzheng Rb deposit, Altai, NW China: Implications for the spatiotemporal controls on rare-metal mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews, 2023.105427.

Ru-Xiong Lei*, Kai Zhang, M.N. Muhtar, Chang-Zhi Wu*. 2021. Neoproterozoic non-glaciogenic iron formation: Insights from Fe isotope and elemental geochemistry of the Shalong iron formation from the Central Tianshan block, southern Altaids. Precambrian Research, 351 (2020), 105959.

Ru-Xiong Lei*, Matthew J. Brzozowski, Yong-gang Feng, Kai Zhang, M. N. Muhtar, Xianglong Luo, Chang-Zhi Wu*. 2021.Triassic crust–mantle interaction in the Eastern Tianshan, southern Altaids: Insights from microgranular enclaves and their host Tianhu granitoids. Lithos, 2020, 105879.

Ru-Xiong Lei*Chang-Zhi Wu*, M.N. Muhtar; M.J. Brzozowski, Tong-Yang, Zhao. 2020. The first Precambrian gold deposit in North Xinjiang, NW China: Geochronology, metallogenic character, and ore genesis of the Dajingou gold deposit, Ore Geology Reviews, 2020, 119(103208).

Jun Zhi, Ru-Xiong Lei*, Bo-Yang Chen, MN, Muhtar, Zhi-Jie Feng, Kai Zhang, Chang-Zhi Wu.2021. Zircon Genesis and Geochronology for the Zhangbaoshan Super-Large Rubidium Deposit in the Eastern Tianshan, NW China: Implication to Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution and Mineralization Processes. Front. Earth Sci. 9:682720. 

Ru-Xiong Lei*, Chang-zhi Wu, Yong-gang Feng, Ming‐Zhe Xia, Jian-gang Jiao. 2018. Formation age and geodynamic setting of the Neoproterozoic Shalong iron formation in the Central Tianshan, NW China: Constraints from zircon U–Pb dating, geochemistry, and Hf–Nd isotopes of the host rocks. Geological Journal. 53(2):345–361.

Ru-Xiong Lei*, Chang-zhi Wu, Yong-gang Feng, Jian-gang Jiao. 2018. In situ zircon U–Pb and Hf isotopes and tectonic implications of late Palaeoproterozoic host rocks from the Shuangfengling gold deposit, northern Tarim block, NW China. Geological Journal, 53(2):252–262. 

Ru-Xiong Lei*, Chang-Zhi Wu, Guang-rong Li. 2016. Neoproterozoic Banded Iron Formation in the Central Tianshan, NW China: The Shalong Example. ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA (English edition), 90(5):1543-1544. 

Ru-Xiong Lei, Chang-Zhi Wu, Guo-Xiang Chi, Lian-Xing Gu, Lian-Hui Dong, Xun Qu, Yao-Hui Jiang and Shao-Yong Jiang. 2013. The Neoproterozoic Hongliujing A-type granite from Central Tianshan (NW China): Implications for breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent in Central Asia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 74, 142–154. SCI

Ru-Xiong Lei, Changzhi Wu, Lian-Xing Gu, Zun-Zhong Zhang, Guo-Xiang Chi, Yao-Hui Jiang. 2011. Zircon U-Pb Chronology and Hf isotope of the Xingxingxia granodiorite from the Central Tianshan zone (NW China): Implications for the tectonic evolution of the southern Altaids. Gondwana Research, 20, 582–593. 

Ru-Xiong Lei, Chang-Zhi Wu, Guo-Xiang Chi, Lian-Hui Dong, Lian-Xing Gu, Yao-Hui Jiang. 2012. Petrogenesis of the Paleoproterozoic Xishankou pluton, the northern Tarim Block, NW China: Implications for the assembly of the Columbia supercontinent. International Geology Reviews, 54 (15), 1829–1842. 

雷如雄, 赵同阳, 李平, 董连慧, 李基宏, 吴昌志. 2019. 北阿尔金地区大平沟金矿H-O-S-Pb同位素地球化学—对于金矿成因的启示. 吉林大学学报(地科科学版), 49(6):1578-1590。

雷如雄吴昌志张遵忠顾连兴唐俊华黎广荣刘四海. 2013. 东天山雅满苏北岩体的年代学、地球化学及其构造意义岩石学报, 29(8): 2653-2664. 

Ru-Xiong Lei and Chang-Zhi Wu, 2013. The early Paleozoic magmatic arc of the Central Tianshan, NW China. Mineralogical Magazine, 77, 1580.

雷如雄吴昌志屈迅陈刚顾连兴吾尔娜孙洪涛刘国宁. 2014. 中天山天湖东铁钼矿含矿片麻状花岗岩的年代学、地球化学和锆石Hf 同位素对于中天山早古生代构造演化的启示吉林大学学报(地科科学版), 44(5): 1540-1552.

王鹏寅, 雷如雄*, 吴世保, 袁海波, 吴昌志. 2024. 东天山印支期闪长质岩墙岩石成因及构造意义岩石学报,40(8): 2389-2414.

历祥, 雷如雄*, 马华东, 刘四海, 吴昌志. 2023. 国民经济的定海神针——不可或缺的铁(Fe). 矿床地质, 2023, 42 (3):684~692 .

张凯, 雷如雄*, 孙晓辉, 吴昌志. 2023. 中天山沙垄铁建造矿石矿物原位微量元素特征及意义.吉林大学学报(地科科学版), 2023, 53(1): 88-105.

吴世保, 雷如雄*, 吴昌志. 2023. 北山白头山铷矿赋矿花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄、分异演化过程及成矿意义. 地质通报, 42(5):714-729.

Chang-Zhi Wu, Ru-Xiong Lei, M. Santosh, Guo-Xiang Chi, Lian-Xing Gu, Si-Wen Xie. 2016. Ordovician volcano–sedimentary iron deposits of the Eastern Tianshan area, Northwest China: the Tianhu example. International geology reviews. 58(11):1398-1416. SCI

Chang-Zhi Wu, Fei-Fan Zhao, Tao Yang, Ru-Xiong Lei, Hui Ye, Bing-Fei Gao, Weiqiang Li, 2022. Genesis of the Fulu Cryogenian iron formation in South China: Synglacial or interglacial?,Precambrian Research, 376, 106689.

Xiao-Hui Sun, Xiang Li, Ru-Xiong Lei, Matthew J. Brzozowski, Hua-Dong Ma, Wei Li, Li-Ming Xiong, Ming-Yi Xia, Chang-Zhi Wu*, 2023. Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution of the Tarim Craton, NW China: Constraints from geochronology and geochemistry of orthogneisses and granitic veins in the Xingdi region of the Quruqtagh Block, Precambrian Research, 2023,107247.

Hui Ye, Chang-Zhi Wu*, Matthew Brzozowski, Tao Yang, Xiao-Hui Sun, Ru-Xiong Lei, Weiqiang Li. 2023. Genesis of the Longwanggou iron deposit in the Yudongzi Complex, South China: implications for the redox state of seawater at the onset of the Great Oxidation Event. Ore Geology Reviews. 2023.105562.

M.N. Muhtar; Chang-Zhi Wu*; Matthew J. Brzozowski; M. Santosh; Rong-Song Tian; Guo-Ai Xie; Wan-Feng Zhang; Ru-Xiong Lei; Wen-Jiao Xiao.2023. Timing and spatial variation of deformation along the Kanggur–Huangshan Shear Zone in the Chinese Tianshan: Implications for regional differential uplift and mineralization. GSA BULLETIN,135 (5-6): 1429–1448.

Xiao-Hui Sun, Xiang Li, Ru-Xiong Lei, Xiao-Fei Yang, Jian-Zhong Chen, Chang-Zhi Wu, 2022. Geochronology and geochemistry of gneiss and migmatite from the Korla Complex in the Quruqtagh block, NW China: Implications for Proterozoic crustal evolution of the northeastern Tarim Craton, Ore Geology Reviews, 150, 105127.

Zhi-Jie Feng, Tao Yang, Xizhu Yao, Matthew J. Brzozowski, Ru-Xiong Lei, Chang-Zhi Wu, 2022.Ore forming and reworking processes in the Xitieshan Pb–Zn deposit, Qinghai Province, China: Constraints from in situ trace-element and S isotope compositions of sulfides, Ore Geology Reviews, 149, 105103.

Feng, Y., Ru-Xiong Lei, Ju, M., Song, G., & Xu, F. 2017. Origin and petrogenetic implications of garnet from Rb‐rich pegmatites in North Qinling Orogen, China. Geological Journal, 52, 215-237.

Muhtar, M.N.Wu, C.Z.*, Brzozowski, M.J., Zhang, W.F., Chen, B.Y., Lei, R.X., Xiao, W.J., Age and genesis of the Jinshan gold deposit in the Chines North Tianshan: a link to large-scale strike–slip shearing events. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2022, 104734.

Chen, B.Y., Wu, C.Z.*, Brzozowski, M.J., Lei, R.X., Muhtar, M.N., Li, T.G., Zhang, Y.K., and Chen, J., 2022. Geochronology and tectonic setting of the giant Guobaoshan Rb deposit, Central Tianshan, NW China. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2022.104636.

Wang, S.M, Wu, C.Z.*, Muhtar, M.N., Lei, R.X., Brzozowski, M.J*. Mobilization of ore-forming metals during post-magmatic hydrothermal overprinting of the Huangshandong Ni–Cu sulfide deposit, Eastern Tianshan, NW China. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2021.104315.

吴昌志*,贾力雷如雄,陈博洋,丰志杰,凤永刚,智俊,白世恒. 2021. 中亚造山带天河石花岗岩及相关铷矿床的主要特征与研究进展岩石学报37(9): 2604-2628.

贾力,吴昌志*,焦建刚,钱壮志,雷如雄. 2024. 大兴安岭南段北大山岩体的年代学与地球化学:岩石成因及成矿潜力的指示岩石学报40(3): 961-986.

金德时凤永刚雷如雄, 梁婷, 宋公社.陕西丹凤富铷伟晶岩中褐钇铌矿矿物学及地球化学特征.地质学报,202195.

凤永刚, 梁婷, 雷如雄, 鞠明辉, 张忠利, 高景刚, 周义,吴昌志. 稀有金属伟晶岩过度冷却与侵位之关系-基于野外地质观察及年代学的思考.地球科学与环境学, 2021, vol.43.

黄建华吴昌志 ; 雷如雄陈刚熊黎明秦切顾连兴,新疆且干布拉克超大型蛭石矿床的成因与成矿模式 , 矿床地质, 2012, (02): 359~368

孙洪涛王秋玲雷如雄陈世忠陈刚吴昌志闽中裂谷带梅仙铅锌矿区花岗斑岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄、成因及成矿效应 , 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 2014, (02): 527~539

 Muhtar, M.N., Wu, C.Z.*, Brzozowski, Lei, R.X., Feng, Z.J., Chen, B.Y., Jiang, Y.H. Sericite 40Ar/39Ar dating and S-Pb isotope composition of the Kanggur gold deposit: Implications for metallogenesis of late Paleozoic gold deposits in the Tianshan, Central Asian Orogenic Belt, Ore Geology Reviews.  doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104056.

 Muhtar, M.N., Wu, C.Z., Santosh, M., Lei, R.X., Gu, L.X., Wang, S.M., Gan, K., Late Paleozoic tectonic transition from subduction to post-collisional extension in Eastern Tianshan, Central Asian Orogenic Belt. GSA Bulletin, 2019,  doi.org/10.1130/B35432.1.

 Muhtar, M.N., Wu, C.Z., Santosh, M., Lei, R.X., Feng, Y., Yang, T., Ye, H., Gu, L. X. Peraluminous granitoid magmatism from isotopically depleted sources: The case of Jing'erquanbei pluton in Eastern Tianshan, Northwest China. Geological Journal. 2018; 1–16 . doi:10.1002/gj.3392

 Gao, B. F. Wu, C. Z., Yang, T., Santosh, M., Dong, L. H., Zhao, T. Y., Ye, H., Lei, R. X., and Li,  W. The Neoproterozoic “Blood falls” in Tarim Craton and their possible connection with Snowball Earth,  JGR: Earth Surface,2019, 124(1): 229-244

谢思文吴昌志 ; 顾连兴雷如雄杨涛党奔,黄山东铜镍矿的韧性变形特征和磁黄铁矿形成机制研究高校地质学报, 2017.3.31, (01): 39~52

高丙飞吴昌志 ; 李伟强杨涛叶辉雷如雄刘倩,冰川底部富铁溶液氧化沉淀:塔里木北缘新元古界库鲁克赛铁矿的成因矿床地质, 2018.2, 37(1): 1~26

Chang-zhi Wu ; Sihai Liu; Lian-xing Gu; Zunzhong Zhang; Ru-Xiong Lei, Formation mechanism of the lanthanide tetrad effect for a topaz- and amazonite-bearing leucogranite pluton in eastern Xinjiang, NW China, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2011.10.10, 42(5): 903~916

 Wu, Chang-Zhi ; Santosh, M.; Chen, Yan-Jing; Samson, Lain M.; Lei Ru-Xiong; Dong, Lian-Hui; Qu, Xun; Gu, Lian-Xing, Geochronology and geochemistry of Early Mesoproterozoic meta-diabase sills from Quruqtagh in the northeastern Tarim Craton: Implications for breakup of the Columbia supercontinent , Precambrian Research, 2014.2.01, 241: 29~43

 Wu Chang-Zhi,Xie Si-Wen, Gu Lian-Xing, Samson Iain M., Yang Tao, Lei Ru-Xiong, Zhu Zhi-Yong, Dang Ben. Shear zone-controlled post-magmatic ore formation in the Huangshandong Ni–Cu sulfide deposit, NW China.ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS. 2018. doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2017.02.015

 孟楚洁,吴昌志,秦欢,迟哲,杨姿,雷如雄,楼法生,解国爱.新余良山铁矿床磁铁矿原位地球化学特征及其对成矿作用的制约.高校地质学报. 2017. 23(2). 181-193

 曹晗吴昌志刘援军王伟清雷如雄纳米比亚达马拉造山带新元古界朝斯组条带状铁建造的特征及成因地质学刊. 2016. 40(4). 589-598

 刘四海吴昌志*,顾连兴张遵忠唐俊华黎广荣雷如雄汪传胜中天山白石头泉岩体年代学、岩石成因及构造意义岩石学报. 2008. 24(12). 2720-2730

 汪传胜,张遵忠,吴昌志,唐俊华,邵毅,刘四海,冯慧,雷如雄.东天山八大石早二叠世二长花岗岩中闪长质包体的特征、锆石定年及其地质意义.岩石矿物学杂志. 2009. 28(4). 299-315

 汪传胜,张遵忠,顾连兴,吴昌志,唐俊华,李中华,冯慧,雷如雄.东天山伊吾二叠纪花岗质杂岩体的锆石定年、地球化学及其构造意义.岩石学报. 2010. 26(4). 1045-1058













长安大学资源学院优秀教师(2017, 2018)  


2012/06 – ,长安大学,地球科学与资源学院矿产系,先后任讲师、副教授和教授;硕士生导师、博士生导师;副所长,系主任。