李岩 教授



学位: 博士

毕业院校: 东南大学

邮件: lyan@chd.edu.cn

电话: 029-82334080


办公地点: 运输工程学院532


  • 学院: 运输工程学院
  • 性别:
  • 出生年月:
  • 职称: 教授
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历: 博士
  • 毕业院校: 东南大学
  • 联系电话: 029-82334080
  • 电子邮箱: lyan@chd.edu.cn
  • 通讯地址: 陕西省西安市南二环路中段长安大学
  • 邮编: 710064
  • 传真:
  • 办公地址: 运输工程学院532
  • 教育经历:

    2006/09 - 2011/06,东南大学,交通学院,获交通运输工程专业工学博士学位

    2008/09 - 2009/09Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University(弗吉尼亚理工)Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering(土木与环境工程学院)联合培养博士生

    002/09 - 200606,东南大学,交通学院,获交通工程专业工学学士学位



主要在智能交通系统、非常态交通信号控制、海量交通数据分析、面向人因特性的交通设计等领域开展了一系列理论与技术研究工作,主持并完成国家自然科学基金委、中国博士后科学基金会、陕西省科技厅等部门的科技攻关项目10余项,并参与美国科学院国家公路合作研究计划项目、国家重点研发项目、国家自然科学基金、省部级交通科研项目等多项课题。在非常态交叉口群的交通信号控制方法、智能交通信息采集与分析、面向人因特性的交通设计等方面取得了多项创新性学术成果。所提出的关键路径识别、过饱和控制策略、预信号系统设计、非机动车道设计、互通极限间距识别等技术与方法已在西安、南京、深圳、大同等地采用,并收到良好效果。申请人总结已有研究成果,出版专著1部、教材1部,取得专利3项,以第一或通讯作者在国内外核心期刊和顶级学术会议发表或录用高水平论文40余篇,共有30余篇论文被SCIEI收录。任交通运输工程学报、交通信息与安全等期刊的青年编委,在IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems及中国公路学报、交通运输工程学报等多个国内外顶级学术期刊担任审稿工作。







Ÿ   道路通行能力分析(2014, 2学分)

Ÿ   交通行为分析 (2014-2016, 2016, 2学分)

Ÿ   交通系统仿真(2015, 2学分)

Ÿ   交通信号控制(2016-2017, 2019-2024, 2学分, 全英文课)

Ÿ   交通信号控制(2015-2017研究生公共补修课)

Ÿ   城市交通控制系统理论与技术前沿(2024, 2学分, 工程博士课)


Ÿ   交通工程 (2012-2014, 2020, 2学分)

n  慕课链接:https://coursehome.zhihuishu.com/courseHome/1000003422#teachTeam

n  教材:https://item.jd.com/12605086.html

Ÿ   智能交通系统 (2014, 2学分)

Ÿ   交通信息技术与仿真 (2012-2016, 2学分)

Ÿ   交通系统分析 (2013-2017, 2学分)

Ÿ   交通系统仿真与评价(2018-2024, 2学分)(陕西省线上线下混合一流课程)

n  慕课链接:https://www.icourse163.org/course/CHD-1464037176

Ÿ   交通系统仿真与评价(2023-2024, 2024, 2学分双语课)

Ÿ   交通仿真(2018, 2学分)

Ÿ   轨道交通概论(2016, 2018, 2学分双语课)

Ÿ   运筹学与交通系统分析 (2019-2024, 3学分)

Ÿ   交通安全(2019-2022, 1学分, 2022-2023秋,2学分,双语课)

Ÿ   公共交通(2019,2学分,双语课)

Ÿ  交通综合设计课程设计(2024,4学分,双语课,劳动教育示范课)

Ÿ   交通运输系统导论(慕课)

n  慕课链接:https://coursehome.zhihuishu.com/courseHome/1000000198#teachTeam



2019-2023 朱才华(河南农业大学)

2020-2024 徐金华(南通大学)


2019 宗婷

2020 陈桂珍

2021 李昱燃

2022 罗义凯

2023 黄翔月

2024 张洪涛


2014-2017  张凯丽,胡文斌

2015-2018  张兴雨

2016-2019  周文辉,南斯睿,程慧婷

2017-2020  王丽丽,柯辉,张辛煜

2018-2021  张传栋,刘如乔

2019-2022  曾明哲,付泽坤,南彦洲,刘林建

2020-2023  曹悦,胡煦生,辛苡琳,史旋,张景辰

2021-2024  王泰州,周佳美,陈姜会,薛玉冰,刘子逸


2022 邵进,梁淑娟,韩韵兴,刘成昊,李佳

2023 魏笑笑,闫如玉,武翰廷,陈磊磊

2024 王哲,徐鹏飞,徐世瑶,林荣飞,庄泽明,马佳豪


2012 肖国祥,孙明明,张旭栋,王乐凡

2013 刘星良(校优),王冬,魏文龙,郭毅,齐晓圆,张娇,王剑楠,阿迪莱.苏里塘

2014 孙帅,吴明超,沈蒋乾,郁翔,杨行,李奕

2015 郑巽,冯嘉校,吴昊,周也方,虞王威,王蕾

2016 宫晓琳(校优),陈瑶,朱雪梅,施翰达,梁栋宇,

2017 毋帆,马德明,王晨,章嘉豪(全英文),吴键(全英文)

2019 屈锴(全英文),李宁(全英文),钟皓晖(全英文),刘飞,吴鹏涛,谢欣坚

2020 郭覃(全英文),贺洋(全英文),钟诚(全英文),李嘉璐(全英文),曹悦

2021 薛玉冰(全英文),王泰州,周佳美,陈姜会,刘子逸

2022 郝衍(全英文),邵进,梁淑娟(校优),韩韵兴

2023 黄鹤杉(全英文),吕程奥(全英文),王硕,魏笑笑(校优)

2024 郑舒羽(全英文)王哲(校优),徐鹏飞,陶晓鹏,陈晓凯(校优),杨鲁杰,Abdulrazak Edebe





















1.李岩, 过秀成. 过饱和状态下交叉口群交通运行分析与信号控制. 南京, 东南大学出版社. 2012.


2.李岩, 王永岗. 交通工程学. 北京, 人民交通出版社. 2019. (配课件,可联系出版社或发邮件至lyan@chd.edu.cn获取)



76.Li Yuran, Xu Jinhua, Liu Chenghao, Zhu Caihua, Li YanChain-effect of commuting pattern choice under different PM2.5 inhalation information publication degrees.Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 2025, 139: 104560. (SCI, Correspondence author)

75.Chen Guizhen, Tom Van Woensel, Xu Jinhua, Luo Yikai, Li Yan. Assessing movement-specific resilience of a signalized road network under lane-level cascading failure. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2024, 654: 130154. (SCI, Correspondence author) 

74.Zhu Caihua, Sun Xiaoli, Li Yan, Cui Mengying, Gao JieAssessing the effects of dockless bicycle-sharing on docked bicycle-sharing usage: Evidence from Xi’an, ChinaAlexandria Engineering Journal. 2024, 108: 952-960. (SCI)

73.罗义凯, 徐金华, 李昱燃, 刘成昊李岩. 基于时空关联和异构图卷积的车道级流量预测. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2024. (EI, 通信作者, 已录用)

72.Zhu Caihua, Sun Xiaoli, Li Yuran, Wang Zhenfeng, Li Yan.A hybrid neural network for urban rail transit short-term flow predictionJournal of Supercomputing. 2024, 80: 24297-24323. (SCI, Correspondence author)

71.李岩, 邵进,刘林建,梁淑娟,汪帆.考虑异质交通流冲突的非机动车道宽度设计.中国安全科学学报. 2024, 34(10): 80-87.CSCD

70.刘子逸, 张传栋,朱才华,李昱燃李岩.考虑自行车骑行者PM2.5吸入量的健康骑行速度识别方法.交通信息与安全. 2024, 42(1): 124-130.(CSCD, 通信作者)

69.李岩, 史旋,南斯睿,朱才华. 设置排阵式预信号的干线交通信号协调控制优化. 交通运输工程学报. 2024, 24(2): 243-253.(EI, 通信作者)

68.罗义凯, 辛苡琳, 徐金华, 陈桂珍, 李岩. 网络级道路交通运行状态的深度学习识别方法. 浙江大学学报(工学版). 2024. (EI, 通信作者, 已录用)

67.Xu Jinhua, Liu Chenghao, Shao Jin, Xue Yubing, Li Yan.Collaborative orchard pesticide spraying routing problem with multi-vehicles supported multi-UAVs. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 458: 142429. (SCI, Correspondence author)

66.Xu Jinhua, Li Yuran, Lu Wenbo, Wu Shuai, Li Yan.A heterogeneous traffic spatio-temporal graph convolution model for traffic prediction. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2024, 641: 129746. (SCI, Correspondence author)

65.Zong Ting, Li Yan, Qin Yanyan. Enhancing stability of traffic flow mixed with connected automated vehicles via enabling partial regular vehicles with vehicle-to-vehicle communication function. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2024, 641: 129750. (SCI, Correspondence author)

64.徐金华, 罗义凯, 李昱燃, 李岩. 基于时频分解与深度学习的轨道客流预测. 山东大学学报(工学版). 2024, 52(2): 60-68. CSCD, 通信作者)

63.李岩, 梁淑娟, 刘林建, 邵进, 汪帆. 考虑应激避让行为的自行车轨迹预测. 交通运输系统工程与信息. 2024, 24(2):149-156. EI

62.Li Yan, Xu Jinhua, Li Yuran, Xue Yubing, Yao Zhenxing. Estimation and prediction of freeway traffic congestion propagation using tagged vehicle positioning data. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics. 2024, 12(1): 2297143. (SCI)

61.Shao Jin, Liu Linjian, Sun Zhenwei, Liang Shujuan, Xu Jinhua, Li Yan. A Method for Predicting the Trajectory of Non-motorized Vehicles Considering Stressful Behaviors. TRB Annual Meeting 2024, 2024.1, Washington DC, Transportation Research Board. (Correspondence author)

60.李岩, 陈姜会, 曾明哲, 徐金华, 汪帆. 考虑天气影响的高速公路交织区交通运行状态识别. 交通运输系统工程与信息. 2023, 23(6):111-119. EI

59.李岩, 王泰州, 徐金华, 陈姜会, 汪帆. 面向动态交通分配的交通需求深度学习预测方法. 交通运输系统工程与信息. 2024, 24(1):115-123.EI

58.王泰州, 徐金华, 陈姜会, 李岩. 考虑站点分类的城市轨道短时客流预测方法.计算机工程与应用. 2023. CSCD, 已录用, 通信作者)

57.南彦洲, 柯辉, 朱才华, 姚振兴, 李岩. 面向驾驶员心电数据的交叉口驾驶风险评估方法. 中国安全科学学报, 2023, 33(2): 185-193. (CSCD, 通信作者)

56.李昱燃, 汪飞, 朱才华, 韩飞, 李岩. 污染天气居民通勤模式选择影响因素的链式效用研究. 吉林大学学报(工学版). 2023.EI,通信作者,已录用)

55.李岩, 李昱燃, 汪帆. 互联网+教育下案例贯穿式 《交通系统仿真与评价》教学改革与实践. 物流科技, 2023, 46(13): 179-181.

54.李岩, 李昱燃, 王永岗, 彭辉, 柏强. 新时代教育对外开放视域下交通运输专业来华留学生培养模式. 科教导刊(电子版), 2023(3): 13-15.

53.Han Fei, Wang Jian, Huang Lingli, Li Yan, He Liu. Modeling impacts of implementation policies of tradable credit schemes on traffic congestion in the context of travelers cognitive illusion. Sustainability, 2023, 15(15): 11643. (SCI)

52.Fang Xinyi, Lu Linjun, Li Yan, Hong Yilin. A Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response study for urban transport resilience under extreme rainfall-flood conditions. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 2023, 121: 103819. (SCI)

51.Xu Jinhua, Lu Wenbo, Li Yuran, Zhu Caihua, Li Yan. A multi-directional recurrent graph convolutional network model for reconstructing traffic spatiotemporal diagram. Transportation Letters, 2024,16(5): 405-415. (SCI, Correspondence author)

50.Zhu Caihua, Xue Yubing, Li Yuran, Yao Zhenxing, Li Yan. Assessment of particulate matter inhalation during the trip process with the considerations of exercise load. Science of the Total Environment. 2023, 866: 161277. (SCI, Correspondence author)

49.徐金华, 汪飞, 韩飞, 李岩. 一种多车辆协同植保无人机作业路径规划算法. 东北大学学报(自然科学版).2024, 45(2): 296-304. (EI, 通信作者)

48.陈桂珍, 程慧婷, 朱才华, 李昱燃, 李岩. 考虑驾驶员生理信息的城市交叉口风险状态评估. 吉林大学学报(工学版). 2024,54(5): 1277-1284.EI,通信作者)

47.Li Yan, Nan Sirui, Guo Yue, Zhu Caihua, Li Duo. Detection and analysis of transfer time in urban rail transit system using WIFI data. Transportation Letters, 2023, 15(7): 634-644. (SCI)

46.Yao Zhenxing, Yang Fei, Guo Yudong, Jin Peter Jing, Li Yan. Trip end identification based on spatial-temporal clustering algorithm using smartphone positioning data. Expert Systems with Applications. 2022, 197: 116734. SCI, Correspondence author

45.李岩, 曾明哲, 朱才华, 汪帆, 邓亚娟. 基于多点线圈联合数据的高速公路匝道影响范围识别. 交通运输系统工程与信息. 2022,22(3):53-62. (EI)

44.朱才华, 张辛煜, 曾明哲, 韩飞, 李岩. 不同出行方式颗粒物浓度特征及人体摄入量评估. 交通信息与安全.2022, 40(2): 108-115. (CSCD, 通信作者)

43.Zhu Caihua, Fu Zekun, Liu Linjian, Shi Xuan, Li Yan. Health risk assessment of PM2. 5 on walking trips. Scientific Reports. 2021, 11:19249. (SCI, Correspondence author)

42.朱才华,孙晓黎,李培坤,张景辰,李岩.融合车站分类和数据降噪的城市轨道交通短时客流预测. 铁道科学与工程学报. 2022, 19(8): 2182-2192EI,通信作者)

41.朱才华,李岩,孙晓黎,徐金华,付泽坤.考虑土地利用的城市公共自行车需求预测.华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2022,50(3):9-20.EI,通信作者)

40.徐金华, 李岩, 张玉婷. 一种挖掘交叉口事故严重程度影响因素关联特性的算法,安全与环境学报, 2022,22(3):1412-1420.CSCD

39.Wang Bo, Ye Mao, Zhu Zhenjun, Li Yan, Liang Qiangsheng, Zhang Jian. Short-Term Passenger Flow Prediction for Urban Rail Stations Using Learning Network Based on Optimal Passenger Flow Information Input Algorithm. IEEE Access.2020, 8: 170742-170753. (SCI)

38.Nan Sirui,Li Yan, Tu Ran, Li Tiezhu. Modelling Lane-Transgressing Behavior of E-bike Riders on Road Sections with Marked Bike Lanes: A Survival Analysis Approach. Traffic Injury Prevention. 2021, 22(2):153-157.(SCI)

37.朱才华, 孙晓黎, 李岩. 站点分类下的城市公共自行车交通需求预测. 吉林大学学报(工学版). 2021,51(2): 531-540.EI,通信作者)

36.Li Duo, Zhao Yifei, Li Yan. Time-series Representation and Clustering Approaches for Sharing Bike Usage Mining. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 177856-177863. (SCI, Correspondence author)

35.Wang Fan, Chen Hong, Zhu Caihua, Nan Sirui, Li Yan. Estimating Driving Fatigue at a Plateau Area with Frequent and Rapid Altitude Change. Sensors 2019, 19, 4982. (SCI, Correspondence author)

34.李岩, 南斯睿, 胡文斌, 汪帆, 陈宽民. 机非标线分隔道路电动自行车越线风险模型. 重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版). 2021, 40(2):13-20 (CSCD)

33.李岩, 汪帆, 陈宽民. 历史城区自行车绿道系统规划与设计--以西安市为例. 长安大学学报(社科版). 2020,22(2): 62-70.

32.Li Yan, Nan Sirui, Gong Xiaolin, Ma Rui. A geometric design method for intersections with pre-signal systems using a phase swap sorting strategy. PLoS ONE, 2019, 14(5): e0217741. (SCI)

31.Li Yan, Wang Fan, Ke Hui, Wang Lili, Xu Chengcheng. A drivers' physiology sensor-based driving risk prediction method for lane changing process using Hidden Markov Model. Sensors, 2019, 19, 2670. (SCI)

30.李岩, 南斯睿, 马静, 周文辉, 陈宽民. 降雨天气单点交叉口交通信号控制优化方法.交通运输工程学报, 2018, 18(05): 185-194. (EI)

29.李岩,张凯丽,南斯睿,陈宽民. 基于分布式出行信息的轨道交通出行特征辨识. 交通信息与安全, 2018, 36(1):96-102. (CSCD)

28.汪帆, 程慧婷, 刘建蓓, 李岩. 超高海拔区域驾驶人超车注视特性. 中国公路学报, 2018, 31(4): 10-17. (EI, 通讯作者)

27.Li Yan, Zhou Wenhui, Nan Sirui, Wang Fan, Chan Kuanmin. Re-design of the cross section of a bicycle lane considering electric bicycles. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersTransport, 2017, 170(5): 255266. (SCI)

26.李岩, 周文辉, 南斯睿, 陈宽民. 基于可靠度的单轨道交通施工区建设方案优化. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2017, 17(5): 250-256. (EI).

25.李岩, 胡文斌, 张兴雨, 南斯睿, 周文辉. 逆行非机动车骑行者的安全生理学特性. 中国安全科学学报, 2017, 27(9): 54-59. (CSCD).

24.汪帆, 李岩, 刘建蓓, 李元, 夏立品. 基于 GPS 车速数据驱动模型的高速公路极限匝道间距识别. 公路交通科技, 2016, 33(9): 127-135. (CSCD, 通讯作者)

23.王东炜, 李辉, 李岩, 严亚丹. 城市道路网络路段状态相关性及道路间距分析. 交通运输工程学报, 2017,17(1): 101-108. (EI).

22.李岩辉, 陈宽民, 马静, 李岩, 王玉萍. 考虑交通需求特征的有轨电车运营网络优化. 交通运输工程学报, 2017, 17(6): 64-75. (EI).

21.Li Yan, Cheng Huiting, Chen Hong, Ma Chaoqun. Optimization of the Cultivation Mode for Full-time Professional Master of Engineering Disciplines in China. International Journal of Education and Research, 2016, 4 (12): 277-286.

20.Zhang Chunbo, Guo Xiucheng, Wang Yonggang, Li Yan, Zhang Ning. What leads to severe mountainous freeway crashes in southeast of China?. Technical Gazette, 2016, 23 (6): 1747-1753. (SCI)

19.Li Yan, Wang Fan, Tao Siran, Wu Hanhui, Chen Kuanmin. Determining the width of bicycle facility under multi-level heterogeneous traffic flow environment. The 14th World Conference on Transport Research. 2016, Shanghai, China.

18.Li Yan, Li Ke, Tao Siran, Wan Xia, Chen Kuanmin. Optimization of the design of pre-signal system using improved Cellular Automaton. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. vol. 2014, Article ID 926371, 11 pages, 2014 (SCI)

17.Li Pengfei, Li Yan, Guo Xiucheng. A Red-light Running Prevention System Based on Artificial Neural Network and Vehicle Trajectory Data. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. vol. 2014, Article ID 892132, 11 pages, 2014  (SCI, Correspondence author)

16.余丽洁, 李岩, 陈宽民. 基于谱聚类的城市轨道站点分类方法, 交通信息与安全, 2014, 32(1): 122-125.(CSCD, 通讯作者)

15.Bie Yiming, Liu Zhiyuan, Li Yan, Pei Yulong. Development of a New Platoon Dispersion Model Considering Turning Vehicles in Urban Road Environment. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 2014, Article ID 279570, 8 pages, 2014. (SCI)

14.Li Yan, Yu Lijie, Tao Siran, Chen Kuanmin. Multi-objective optimization of traffic signal timing at over-saturated intersection. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2013, Article ID 182643, 9 pages, 2013. (SCI)

13.Li, Yan, Chen, Kuanmin, Guo, Xiucheng. Impact of stretching-segment on saturated flow rate of signalized intersection using Cellular Automation, Journal of Central South University, 2013, 20(10): 2887-2896. (SCI)

12.Li Yan, Zhao Zhihong, Li Pengfei, Huang Shensen, Chen, Kuanmin. Review of traffic signal control under over-saturated conditions. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2013, 13(4): 116-126. (EI)

11.Li Yan, Guo Xiucheng, Tao Siran, Yang Jie. NSGA-II based traffic signal control optimization algorithm for over-saturated intersection group. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2013, 29(2): 211-216. (EI)

10.李岩, 杨洁, 过秀成, 严亚丹. 基于小波变换的关联交叉口群关键路径识别方法, 中国公路学报, 2012, 25(1): 135-140.(EI)

9.李岩, 杨洁, 过秀成, 刘迎, 何尚璐. 基于小波变换和频谱分析的交叉口群路径分级方法. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 42(1): 168-172. (EI)

8.Li Pengfei, Guo Xiucheng, Li Yan. An ATMS data-driven method for signalized arterial coordination. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition). 2012, 28(2): 229-235. (EI)

7.Yan Yadan, Guo Xiucheng, Li Yan, Kong Zhe, He Ming. Bus Transit Travel Time Reliability Evaluation based on automatic vehicle location Data. Jounal of Southeast University(English Edtion), 2012, 28(1): 100-105. (EI)

6.杨洁, 李岩, 过秀成. 基于动态时间弯曲距离的城市干道交通流量信息分析方法. 长安大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 35(S1): 49-53. (CSCD)

5.杨洁, 过秀成, 李岩, 何尚璐, 刘迎. 城市信号控制交叉口群路径关联度模型, 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2012, 12(1): 55-62. (CSCD)

4.Li Yan, Xiucheng Guo, Jie Yang, Ying Liu, Shanglu He. Mechanism Analysis and Implementation Framework for Over-saturated Intersection Group. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 2011, 11(4), 28-34.(EI)

3.Guo Xiucheng, Li Yan, and Yang Jie. Proactive traffic responsive control based on state-space neural network and extended Kalman filter. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)201026(3), 466-470. (EI)

2.Li Yan, Jia Hou, Xiucheng Guo, Jie Yang, Pengfei Li, A Route Priority Analysis Method for Intersection Group. Transportation Research Board the 91st Annual Meeting (2012) and Transportation Research Record.

1.Li, Yan, Yang Jie, Guo Xiucheng, Montasir Abbas. Urban Traffic Signal Control Network Partitioning using Self-organizing Maps. TRB 90th Annual Meeting, 2011.1, Washington DC, Transportation Research Board.






















2017/09-2018/09,University of California at Davis(加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校)Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering(土木与环境工程学院)访问学者


