王洋 博士生导师



学位: 博士

毕业院校: 中国科学技术大学

邮件: ywang120@chd.edu.cn


出生年月: 1993-01-20

办公地点: 信息学院651


  • 学院: 信息工程学院
  • 性别:
  • 出生年月: 1993-01-20
  • 职称: 博士生导师
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历: 研究生
  • 毕业院校: 中国科学技术大学
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱: ywang120@chd.edu.cn
  • 通讯地址: 陕西省西安市未央区长安大学渭水校区信息工程学院651
  • 邮编: 710018
  • 传真:
  • 办公地址: 信息学院651
  • 教育经历:

    2023.12-至今 长安大学 副教授 博士生导师;

    2021.07-2023.07 中国科学技术大学 博士后;

    2016.09-2021.06 中国科学技术大学 硕博连读;

    2012.06-2016.09 长安大学 本科;


王洋,博士,副教授,博士生导师,长安大学青英计划A类人才,主要从事计算机视觉领域的研究,国际顶级学术会议CVPR、ECCV、AAAI、ACM MM、ICIP和国际知名期期刊TIP、TNNLS、ITS、TMM、TIV、TAI、TOMM等发表30余篇学术论文,担任CVPR、ECCV、ICCV、IJCAI、TNNLS、TIP、TMM等期刊会议的审稿人,与华为,北京智能网联研究院等机构保持深度合作。





Recent News ! ! ! 

2024.09 2024首届车路云一体化无人驾驶挑战赛,全国一等奖!

2024.09  One regular paper accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS)(Q1, Impact Factor 9.55)!

2024.08 One regular paper accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems(Q1, Impact Factor 9.7)!

2024.07 One regular paper accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing(Q1, Impact Factor9.2)!

2024.06 One conference paper accepted by the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing(CCF-C)!

2024.05 One regular paper accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles(Q1, Impact Factor 12.8)!

2024.04 One conference paper accepted by the 35th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2024) !

2024.04 The Ninth NTIRE 2024 Efficient Super-Resolution Challenge(图像超分领域世界顶级竞赛), 全球亚军!

2024.02 One regular paper accepted by the Expert Systems with Application (Q1, Impact Factor 7.3)!

2024.01 中国智能网联汽车算法挑战赛,目标检测赛道,全国一等奖!

2024.01 中国智能网联汽车算法挑战赛,轨迹补全赛道,全国应用奖!

2024.01 One regular paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (Q1, Impact Factor 7.6)!


1. 世界交通运输大会青年委员;





2. 充裕的深度学习算力资源;

3. 大厂实习与内推机会;

4. 全额资助参加国际和国内学术会议;










1. 基于特征恒常性的降质图像识别方法研究(30W),基金委纵向课题(62206262),项目负责人

2. 长安大学“青英计划—A类”科研启动经费(50W),校级课题,项目负责人

3. 基于特征反演的降质图像识别方法研究(9W),校级课题,项目负责人

4. 基于解耦和聚合卷积的真实图像超分方法研究(91.3W),华为公司横向课题,项目核心骨干(2/6)



[13]. Nan Yang, Yang Wang(共一), Zhanwen Liu, Meng Li, Yisheng An, Xiangmo Zhao. SMamba: Sparse Mamba for Event-based Object Detection.(Under Review);

[12]. Long Peng, Yang Wang*(通讯作者),  Xin Di, PeizheXia, Xueyang Fu, Yang Cao, Zheng-Jun Zha. Boosting Image De-raining Via Central-Surrounding Synergistic Convolution. (Under Review);

[11]. Long Peng, Wenbo Li, Renjing Pei, Jingjing Ren, Xueyang Fu, Yang Wang*(通讯作者), Yang Cao, Zheng-Jun Zha.Towards Realistic Data Generation for Real-World Super-Resolution, 2024. (Under Review);

[10]. Ganchao Tan, Zengyu Wan, Yang Wang, Yang Cao, and Zheng-Jun Zha.Tackling Event-based Lip-Reading by Exploring Multi-grained Spatio-Temporal Clues. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems(TNNLS), 2024. To appear;

[9]. Zengyu Wan, Yang Wang, Zhai Wei, Ganchao Tan, Yang Cao, Zheng-Jun Zha. Event-based Optical Flow via Transforming into Motion-dependent View. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing(TIP). https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10612786/authors#authors.

[8]. Zhanwen Liu, Nan Yang, Yang Wang*(通讯作者), Yuke Li, Xiangmo Zhao, Fei-Yue Wang. Enhancing Traffic Object Detection in Variable Illumination with RGB-Event Fusion. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS), 2024. To appear;

[7]. Zhibo Du, Long Peng, Yang Wang*(通讯作者), Yang Cao, Zheng-Jun Zha. FC3DNET: A Fully Connected Encoder-Decoder For Efficient Demoireing.  IEEE International Conference on Image Processing(CCF-C). 2024. https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.14912.

[6].  Long Peng, Wenbo Li, Renjing Pei, Jingjing Ren, Yang Wang*通讯作者), Yang Cao, Zheng-Jun Zha. Towards Realistic Data Generation for Real-World Super-Resolution. https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.07255, 2024;

[5].  Long Peng, Yang Cao, Yuejin Sun, Yang Wang*(通讯作者). Lightweight Adaptive Feature De-drifting for Compressed Image Classification. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2024.(SCI中科院一区);

[4]. Zhanwen Liu , Yuhang Li, Yang Wang*(通讯作者), Bolin Gao , Yisheng An, Xiangmo Zhao. Boosting Visual Recognition in Real-World Degradations via Unsupervised Feature Enhancement Module With Deep Channel Prior. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (TIV), 2024.(SCI中科院一区);

 [3]. Long Peng , Yang Cao , Renjing Pei , Wenbo Li , Jiaming Guo , Xueyang Fu , Yang Wang*(通讯作者), Zheng-Jun Zha.  Efficient Real-world Image Super-Resolution Via Adaptive Directional Gradient Convolution. https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.07023,  Transactions on Image Processing(TIP) 2024,  (Under Review);

[2]. Zhanwen Liu , Chao Li , Nan Yang , Yang Wang*(通讯作者), Jiaqi Ma , Guangliang Cheng and Xiangmo Zhao. MSTF: Multiscale Transformer for Incomplete Trajectory Prediction. 35th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2024);

[1]. Chao Li, Zhanwen Liu, Shan Lin, Yang Wang, Xiangmo Zhao. Intention-convolution and hybrid-attention network for vehicle trajectory prediction. Expert Systems with Applications, 2024.(SCI中科院一区);   

2017~2023 (部分)

[10].   Long Peng, Yang Wang*(通讯作者)Yuejin Sun, Yang. Cao, Zheng-jun Zha, Jing Zhang, Feng Wu. Adaptive Feature De-drifting for Compressed Image Classification. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia(TMM), 2024.(SCI中科院一区);

[9].     Zhanwen Liu, Juanru Cheng, Jin Fan, Shan Lin, Yang Wang*(通讯作者), Xiangmo Zhao. Multi-Modal Fusion Based on Depth Adaptive Mechanism for 3D Object Detection. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2023.(SCI中科院一区);

[8].     Saizhe Ding, Jinze Chen, Yang Wang(通讯作者), Yu Kang, Weiguo Song, Jie Cheng, Yang Cao. E-MLB: Multilevel Benchmark for Event-Based Camera Denoising. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2023.SCI, 中科院一区);

[7].     Yang Wang, Yang Cao, Jing Zhang, Zhengjun Zha. Progressive Retinex: Mutually Reinforced Illumination-Noise Perception Network for Low Light Image Enhancement. ACM Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2019. (EICCF-A);

[6].     Yang Wang, Long Peng, Li, Li, Yang Cao, Zheng-Jun Zha. Decoupling-and-Aggregating for Image Exposure Correction. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR ), 2023.EI, CCF-A类);

[5].     Yang Wang, Yang Cao, Zheng-Jun Zha, Jing Zhang, Zhiwei Xiong. Deep Degradation Prior for Low-Quality Image Classification. EEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2020. (EICCF-AOral(口头报告),5% acceptance rate);

[4].  Zengyu WanYang Wang(共一), Ganchao Tan, Yang Cao, and Zheng-Jun Zha. S2N: Suppression-Strengthen Network for Event-Based Recognition Under Variant Illuminations. The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022. (EI, CCF-B)

[3].  Jinze Chen, Yang Wang(共一),Yang Cao, Feng Wu Zheng-Jun Zha ProgressiveMotionSeg: Mutually Reinforced Framework for Event-Based Motion Segmentation. Accepted by The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2022. (EICCF-A )

[2].  Weiqi ZouYang Wang(共一)Xueyang Fu Yang Cao. Dreaming to Prune Image Deraining Networks. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022.(EI, CCF-A );

[1].  Ganchao TanYang Wang( 共一)Han Han, Yang Cao, Feng Wu, Zheng-Jun Zha. Multi-grained Spatio-Temporal Features Perceived Network for Event-based Lip-Reading. Accepted by IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022(EI, CCF-A );


2024.01 中国智能网联汽车算法挑战赛,目标检测赛道,全国一等奖!

2024.01 中国智能网联汽车算法挑战赛,轨迹补全赛道,全国应用奖!

2024.04 The Ninth NTIRE 2024 Efficient Super-Resolution Challenge(图像超分领域世界顶级竞赛), 全球亚军!


2024.01 中国智能网联汽车算法挑战赛,目标检测赛道,全国一等奖!

2024.01 中国智能网联汽车算法挑战赛,轨迹补全赛道,全国应用奖!

2024.04 The Ninth NTIRE 2024 Efficient Super-Resolution Challenge(图像超分领域世界顶级竞赛), 全球亚军!


2023.12-至今 长安大学 副教授 博士生导师;

2021.07-2023.07 中国科学技术大学 博士后;