


学位: 博士

毕业院校: 湖南大学

邮件: zhenwang_chd@chd.edu.cn

电话: 13633803604

出生年月: 1990-06-03

办公地点: 汽车学院


  • 学院: 汽车学院
  • 性别:
  • 出生年月: 1990-06-03
  • 职称:
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历: 研究生
  • 毕业院校: 湖南大学
  • 联系电话: 13633803604
  • 电子邮箱: zhenwang_chd@chd.edu.cn
  • 通讯地址: 西安市南二环中段长安大学南校区
  • 邮编:
  • 传真:
  • 办公地址: 汽车学院
  • 教育经历:

    1. 2014.9-2017.6湖南大学

    机械与运载工程学院 车辆工程

    硕士 导师:成艾国教授

    2. 2017.9-2021.6湖南大学

    机械与运载工程学院 机械工程

    博士 导师:孙光永教授




Composites Part B:Engineering》、《Thin-walled structures》等国际期刊审稿人

Polymers特刊Functional Fiber-Reinforced Composites”客座编辑


1. 轻质材料智能制造技术 (Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies for Lightweight Materials )


2. 轻质薄板先进连接技术 (Advanced Connecting Technologies for Lightweight Sheets)


3. 复材结构性能评估与优化 (Structural Performance Evaluation and Optimization for Composite )


4. 数据驱动的材料-工艺-结构一体化设计方法 (Data-driven“Material-Process-StructureIntegrated Design Method)



[1] 《汽车设计》,本科生专业课程

[2] 《系统仿真》,本科生联合培养课程



[8] 中国博士后科学基金第74批面上项目2023M740358, 2023.12-2025.12, 8万,主持

[7] 陕西省博士后一等科研资助项目2023BSHYDZZ124, 2023.09-2025.12, 8万,主持

[6] 陕西省自然科学基金青年项目2023-JC-QN-0430,2023.01-2024.12, 5万,主持

[5] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资助项目,3001022221072022.01-2023.12, 5万,主持

[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,520751572021.01-2024.12, 58万,参与

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,519752002020.01-2023.12, 60万,参与

[2] 湖南省研究生科研创新项目CX201902812019.07-2020.11, 1万,主持

[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,516051552017.01-2019.12, 20万,参与


[1]复合材料电池箱体结构轻量化技术,2024.07-2024.12, 30万,主持


[30]Wei Xie, Kai Song*, Ju Yang, Fengyu Wang, Linjie Dong, Shengjie Jin, Guohua Zhu, Zhen Wang*Structure Design on Thermoplastic Composites Considering Forming Effects. Polymers. 2024, 16(20): 2905 (SCI, 中科院三区)

[29]Guohua Zhu, Haoqian Ren, Zhen Wang*, Lulu Wei, Xuan Zhao. Low-velocity impact response and damage mechanism of cosine function cell-based lattice core sandwich panels. Thin-Walled Structures. 2024, 205: 112499 (SCI, 中科院一区)

[28]Guohua Zhu, Zhonghao Zhao, Zhen Wang, Lulu Wei, Xuan Zhao. Crashworthiness analysis and design optimization of square aluminum/CFRP hybrid structures under quasi-static axial loading. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2024, 67(3): 1-24. (SCI, 中科院二区)

[27] 吕若萱,  任浩乾, 牛心想, 曹悉奥, 梅轩王振*朱国华新型余弦函数基点阵材料变形吸能特性及结构梯度化设计. 复合材料学报. 2024. (EI)

[26] 马建, 朱国华, 赵轩, 王振, 孟德安. 中国汽车工程学术研究综述·2023》: 章节4.5— 汽车轻量化技术. 中国公路学报. 2023, 36(11):1-192.

[25] Zhen Wang, Haoqian Ren, Xi'ao Cao, Xuan Mei, Guohu Zhu*, Yisong Chen, et al.Compressive failure analysis of thin-walled thermosetting composite structures accounting for the preforming effects. Fibers and Polymers. 2023. (SCI, 中科院三区)

[24] 王振, 任浩乾, 曹悉奥, 梅轩,朱国华*陈轶嵩, 等. 碳纤维增强聚丙烯复合材料管件“成形-弯曲”耦合数值模型复合材料学报. 2023. (EI)

[23] 王振, 曹悉奥, 梅轩,朱国华*, 陈轶嵩, 等. 铝合金-碳纤维增强聚丙烯混合帽型梁热成形数值模拟. 复合材料学报. 2023. (EI)

[22] Guohu Zhu*, Dawei Wen, Lulu Wei, Zhen Wang, Xuan Zhao*.Mechanical performances of novel cosine function cell-based metallic lattice structures under quasi-static compressive loading. Composite Structures. 2023. (SCI, 中科院一区)

[21] Qiqi Li, Zhi Wei, Liang Zhou, Zhen Wang*, Wenzhe Li*, Eric Li, Zhicheng He. Axial crashworthiness design of double-hat beams with various cross-sections. Engineering Structures. 2023. (SCI, 中科院二区)

[20] Yisong Chen, Zhen Wang*, Guohua Zhu. Crashworthiness optimization of tapered UD-CFRP tube accounting for multiple loading pangles. The International Journal of Automotive Technology. 2023. (SCI,中科院四区)

[19] 王振, 梅轩, 曹悉奥, 朱国华, 等. 轴向和斜向加载下复合材料-金属-泡沫混杂管件的压溃吸能机制.复合材料学报. 2023. (EI)

[18] Guohua Zhu*, Zhonghao Zhao, Xi-Ao Cao, Lulu Wei, Zhen Wang, Xuan Zhao*. On crushing behavior of square aluminum/CFRP hybrid structures subjected to quasi-static loading. Thin-walled structures. 2023. (SCI,中科院二区)

[17] Zhen Wang*, Zhonghao Zhao, Yisong Chen, Yongqiang Wu, Kai Song, Guohua Zhu*.  Structure design of aluminum/CFRP hybrid stringer accounting for multiple impact loads. Composite Structures. 2023. (SCI,中科院一区, TOP)

[16] Zhen Wang*, Yisong Chen, Guohua Zhu*.  Thermo-stamping shear characteristics of thermoplastics based on X-ray micro-CT. Materials and Manufacturing Processes. 2022. (SCI收录,中科院二区)

[15] 朱国华, 竺森森, 胡珀, 王振, 赵轩. CFRP薄壁结构多尺度建模及耐撞性分析.复合材料学报. 2022. (EI)

[14] Zhen Wang, Junjie Luo, Zhihui Gong, Quantian Luo, Qing Li, Guangyong Sun*. On correlation of stamping process with fiber angle variation and structural performance of thermoplastic composites. Composites Part B, 2022.  (SCI收录, 中科院一区, TOP)

[13] Yisong Chen, Zhen Wang*, Guohua Zhu. Structural design of multimaterial columns accounting for multiple loads. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022.  (SCI收录, 中科院一区, TOP)

[12] Zhen Wang*, Kai Song. Application of Building Block Approach on Crashworthiness Design of Composite Vehicular Structures. Fibers and Polymers, 2022: 1-12.  (SCI收录, 中科院四区)

[11]Zhen Wang, Quantian LuoQing Li, Guangyong Sun*. Design optimization of bioinspired helicoidal CFRPP/GFRPP hybrid composites for multiple low-velocity impact loads. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,2022, 107064.  (SCI收录, 中科院一区,TOP, ESI高被引)

[10] Zhen Wang, Guohua Zhu. Development of the temperature-dependent constitutive model of glass fiber reinforced polypropylene composites. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2021: 1-11.  (SCI收录, 中科院二区)

[9] 王振朱国华*.Al-碳纤维增强聚丙烯混合帽型梁的热模压成形特性及三点弯曲特性.复合材料学报:2022. (EI)

[8] 王振朱国华吴永强宋凯. 铝合金/碳纤维混合前纵梁的轴向冲击吸能特性. 复合材料学报, 2021, 39(0): 1-12. (EI)

[7] Zhen Wang, HuiXie*, QuantianLuo, Qing Li, Guangyong Sun. Optimizaition for formability of plain woven carbon fiber fabrics. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021,106318. (SCI收录, 中科院一区, TOP)

[6] Zhen Wang, Wenwu Zhang, QuantianLuo, Gang Zheng, Qing Li, Guangyong Sun*. A novel failure criterion based upon forming limit curve for thermoplastic composites. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2020, 202: 108320. (SCI收录, 中科院一区, TOP)

[5] Zhen Wang, Xihong Jin, Qing Li, Guangyong Sun*.On crashworthiness design of hybrid metal-composite structures. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 171: 105380. (SCI收录,中科院一区, TOP, ESI热点, ESI高被引)

[4] Guangyong Sun, Zhen Wang, Hang Yu, Zhihui Gong*, Qing Li. Experimental and numerical investigation into the crashworthiness of metal-foam-composite hybrid structures. Composite Structures. 2019, 209: 535-547. (SCI收录, 中科院一区, TOP)

[3] Guangyong Sun, Hang Yu, Zhen Wang, Zhi Xiao*, Qing Li. Energy absorption mechanics and design optimization of CFRP/aluminium hybrid structures for transverse loading. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 150: 1767-783. (SCI收录,中科院一区, TOPESI高被引)

[2] Guangyong Sun*, Zhen Wang, Jiaying Hong, Kai Song, Qing Li. Experimental investigation of the quasi-static axial crushing behavior of filament-wound CFRP and aluminum/CFRP hybrid tubes. Composite Structures, 2018, 194: 208-225. (SCI收录, 中科院一区, TOP)

[1] 王振宋凯*朱国华成艾国. 单向碳纤维复合材料锥管轴向吸能特性研究. 振动与冲击, 2018, 37(7): 172-178. (EI)




[2] 2024年大学生创新训练计划项目-省级一般项目,指导教师 (1/1)

[1] 第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛铜奖,指导教师(2/2)


2014.7-2017.6  湖大艾盛汽车技术开发有限公司

2021.8-至今    长安大学 汽车学院