个人简介师艳子,长安大学,汽车学院,讲师。 2022年06月获西安电子科技大学工学博士学位,2022年09月至今在长安大学汽车学院任教。 研究方向为图像智能处理及其在自动驾驶、城市遥感中的应用。 相关成果发表在IEEE TIP、IEEE TGRS、IEEE GRSL等期刊上,其中2篇为ESI高被引论文。 主持陕西省博士后科研项目一等资助、中国博士后科学基金面上资助、中央高校基金、横向科研项目等。 社会职务研究领域图像智能处理(目标检测、质量增强、语义分割)及其在自动驾驶、智慧交通领域的应用 开授课程本科课程: 1. 《专业英语》; 2. 《汽车服务工程管理》; 3. 《智能车辆概述(双语)》。 研究生课程: 1.《应用人工智能》 科研项目1. 中央高校基金,2023年-2024年,在研,主持 2. 陕西省博士后科研项目一等资助,2023年-2025年,在研,主持 3. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,2023年-2025年,在研,主持 4. 横向项目,2023年-2024年,在研,主持 5. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划一般项目(青年),2024-2025,在研,主持 论文论文链接:https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=zh-CN&user=nz_bqusAAAAJ 2024年: Yanzi Shi*, Yaping Yin, Xiangyu Song, Hua Cui, Dan Zhu, Huansheng Song. A Non-overlapping Sampling Approach with Peak Data Utilization for Hyperspectral Classification[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2024.(中科院三区SCI) 2023年: Yanzi Shi, Hua Cui, Yaping Yin, Huansheng Song, Yunsong Li, Paolo Gamba. Transfer Learning with Nonlinear Spectral Synthesis for Hyperspectral Target Detection [J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023. (中科院一区SCI) Hua Cui, Zhiqiang, Yanzi Shi*. Single Image Rain Removal Algorithm Based on U-Net and Vision Transformer[C]//Journal of Physics: Conference Series. IOP Publishing, 2023, 2589(1): 012008. (EI) 2022年: Jiahui Qu, Yanzi Shi, WeiyingXie, Yunsong Li, XianyunWu, Qian Du. MSSL: Hyperspectral and Panchromatic Images Fusion via Multiresolution Spatial-Spectral Feature Learning Networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.60, pp. 1-13, 2022. (中科院一区SCI,ESI高被引) Yanzi Shi, Jiahui Qu, Xiangyu Song, Yunsong Li, Huansheng Song, Anna Vizziello, Paolo Gamba. Parallelized Nonlinear Target Detection for Asbestos Identification in Large-Scale Remote Sensing Data[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 19, pp. 1-5, 2022. (中科院二区SCI) Yunsong Li, Yanzi Shi*, Keyan Wang, Jiaojiao Li, Bobo Xi, Paolo Gamba. Target Detection With Unconstrained Linear Mixture Model and Hierarchical Denoising Autoencoder in Hyperspectral Imagery[J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 31, pp. 1418-1432, 2022. (中科院一区SCI,ESI高被引) Yanzi Shi, Jiaojiao Li, Yunsong Li, Paolo Gamba. Hyperspectral Target Detection Using a Bilinear Sparse Binary Hypothesis Model[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 60, pp. 1-13, 2022. (中科院一区SCI) 2021年: Yanzi Shi, Jiaojiao Li, Yunsong Li, Qian Du. Sensor-Independent Hyperspectral Target Detection With Semisupervised Domain Adaptive Few-Shot Learning[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 59, no. 8, pp. 6894- 6906, Aug. 2021. (中科院一区SCI) Yanzi Shi, Jiaojiao Li, Yuxuan Zheng, Bobo Xi, Yunsong Li. Hyperspectral Target Detection with RoI Feature Transformation and Multiscale Spectral Attention[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 5071-5084, June 2021. (中科院一区SCI) ~至2020年: Yanzi Shi, Jie Lei, YapingYin, Kailang Cao, Yunsong Li, Chein-I Chang. Discriminative Feature Learning with Distance Constrained Stacked Sparse Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Target Detection[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 1462-1466, Sep. 2019. (中科院二区SCI) Yanzi Shi, Jiaojiao Li, Yaping Yin, Bobo Xi, Yunsong Li. Hyperspectral Target Detection with Macro-Micro Feature Extracted by 3D Residual Autoencoder[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 4907-4919, Dec. 2019. (中科院三区SCI) WeiyingXie, Yanzi Shi, Yunsong Li, Xiuping Jia, Jie Lei. High-quality spectralspatial reconstruction using saliency detection and deep feature enhancement[J]. Pattern Recognition, vol. 88, pp. 139-152, Apr. 2019. (中科院一区SCI) 师艳子, 李云松, 郑毓轩. 国内外卫星遥感数据源综述[J]. 卫星与网络, 2018 (4): 14. 科技成果荣誉奖励工作经历1. 2022年09月-至今,长安大学,汽车学院,讲师 2. 2022年10月-至今,长安大学,交通运输工程流动站,博士后 |