潘应久 讲师



学位: 工学博士

毕业院校: 东南大学

邮件: panyingjiu@chd.edu.cn



办公地点: 长安大学渭水校区汽车学院


  • 学院: 汽车学院
  • 性别:
  • 出生年月:
  • 职称: 讲师
  • 学位: 工学博士
  • 学历: 博士研究生
  • 毕业院校: 东南大学
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱: panyingjiu@chd.edu.cn
  • 通讯地址: 陕西省西安市未央区长安大学渭水校区汽车学院
  • 邮编: 710064
  • 传真:
  • 办公地址: 长安大学渭水校区汽车学院
  • 教育经历:

    2017.11-2019.11     普渡大学     土木工程系 UNMI交通实验室    联合培养博士

    2016.09-2020.06     东南大学     交通学院  交通运输工程专业   工学博士

    2013.09-2016.06     长安大学     公路学院  交通运输规划与管理专业   工学硕士

    2009.09-2013.06     长安大学     电控学院  自动化(交通信息与控制)专业   工学学士


潘应久,男,1990年生,山东章丘人,东南大学与美国普渡大学(Purdue University)联合培养博士,现为长安大学汽车学院智能车辆工程系副主任,硕士研究生导师。








在《Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies》《Energy》《Journal of Cleaner Production》《Journal of Transport Geography》《Transportation Research Record》《Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems》《Science of The Total Environment》《Atmospheric Pollution Research》《Journal of Advanced Transportation》《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》《长安大学学报(自然科学版)》等国内外期刊及TRB国际会议发表学术论文10余篇,ESI高被引论文1篇,申请并公开国家发明专利3项。


SCI期刊《Sustainable Energy & Fuels》审稿人;

SCI期刊《IEEE Access》审稿人;

SCI期刊《Advances in Mechanical Engineering》审稿人;

SCI期刊《Transportation Research Record》审稿人;

国际会议 Transportation Research BoardTRB)审稿人。






























[1].Pan, Y. Fang, W., Zhang, W. Development of an energy consumption prediction model for battery electric vehicles in real-world driving: a combined approach of short-trip segment division and deep learning. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 400, 136742.

[2]. Pan, Y. Fang, W., Ge, Z., Li, C., Wang C., and Guo B. A hybrid on-line approach for predicting the energy consumption of electric buses based on vehicle dynamics and system identification. Energy, 2024, 290: 130205.

[3]. Pan, Y., Zhang, W., Niu, S. Emission modeling for new-energy buses in real-world driving with a deep learning-based approach. Atmospheric Pollution Research, Vol. 12 (10) 2021, 101195.

[4]. Pan, Y., S. Chen, S. Niu, Y. Ma, and K. Tang. Investigating the impacts of built environment on traffic states incorporating spatial heterogeneity. Journal of Transport Geography, 83C, 2020, 102663.

[5]. Pan, Y., Qiao, F., Tang, K., Chen, S., and Ukkusuri, S. V. Understanding and estimating the carbon dioxide emissions for urban buses at different road locations: A comparison between new-energy buses and conventional diesel buses. Science of The Total Environment, 703, 2020, 135533.

[6]. Pan, Y., S. Chen, T. Li, S. Niu, and K. Tang. Exploring spatial variation of the bus stop influence zone with multi-source data: A case study in Zhenjiang, China. Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 76, 2019, pp. 166–177.

[7]. Pan, Y., S. Chen, F. Qiao, S. V. Ukkusuri, and K. Tang. Estimation of real-driving emissions for buses fueled with liquefied natural gas based on gradient boosted regression trees. Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 660, 2019, pp. 741–750.

[8]. Pan, Y., S. Chen, F. Qiao, B. Zhang, and S. Li. Characteristics analysis and modeling of emissions for bus with liquefied natural gas fuel system in real world driving, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board2018, Vol. 2672, 46–56.


[10]. Pan, Y., S. Chen, F. Qiao, B. Zhang, and S. Li. Characteristics analysis and modeling of emissions for LNG bus in real world driving. Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting2018

[11]. Pan, Y., F. Qiao, K. Tang, S. Chen, and S. V. Ukkusuri. Carbon dioxide emissions estimation for urban buses at different road locations: A comparison between new-energy buses and conventional diesel buses. Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting2020

[12]. Li, Y., Zhang, S., Pan, Y.(通讯作者), Zhou, B., & Peng, Y. (2023). Exploring the Stability and Capacity Characteristics of Mixed Traffic Flow with Autonomous and Human‐Driven Vehicles considering Aggressive Driving. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2023(1), 2578690.

[13]. Li, Y., Zhang, W., Zhang, S., Pan, Y., Zhou, B., Jiao, S., & Wang, J. An improved eco-driving strategy for mixed platoons of autonomous and human-driven vehicles. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 641, 129733.

[14]. 李运;张生瑞;周备;潘应久;白云. 基于车辆轨迹数据的混合车队生态驾驶策略. 长安大学学报(自然科学版),2024(已录用)

[15]. Y. Ma, Tang, K., S. Chen, Khattak, A. J., and Pan, Y. On-line Aggressive Driving Identification Based on In-Vehicle Kinematic Parameters under Naturalistic Driving Conditions. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2020, Vol. 114, 554–71.

[16]. Tang, K., Chen, S. and Khattak, A. J., and Pan, Y. Deep architecture for citywide travel time estimation incorporating contextual information. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019.

[17]. Tang, K., Ma, Y., Chen, S., Khattak, A. J., and Pan, Y. On-line Aggressive Driving Identification Based on In-Vehicle Kinematic Parameters under Naturalistic Driving Conditions. Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting2019.

[18]. Tang, K., Chen, S., Ma, Y., Pan, Y., and Khattak, A. J. Spatial-temporal Traffic State Collaborative Forecast in Urban Road Network Based on Dynamic Factor Model. Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting2020.

[19]. Ma, Y., Zhu, Q., Meng, H., Pan, Y., and Chen, S. Reckless Driving Behavior Recognition Using Facial Expression Data from a Naturalistic Driving Study. Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting, 2020.

[20]. Ma, Y., Yan, Q., Dong, X., Zhang, C., and Pan, Y. Exploring the Impact of Sleep Patterns on Driving Behaviors of Heavy-duty Truck Drivers. Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting2020.





2020年7月 至今   长安大学汽车学院/讲师/硕士生导师

2020年10月—2023年11月 长安大学汽车学院 博士后