周美梅 讲师





邮件: mmzhou@chd.edu.cn


出生年月: 1987-10-28



  • 学院: 水利与环境学院
  • 性别:
  • 出生年月: 1987-10-28
  • 职称: 讲师
  • 学位:
  • 学历:
  • 毕业院校:
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱: mmzhou@chd.edu.cn
  • 通讯地址:
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  • 教育经历:

    2010/92015/6    同济大学   环境科学与工程学院    环境科学   博士

    2012/4-2015/6       清华大学  化学系   物理与胶体化学   联合培养博士

    2006/92010/7   太原理工大学  环境科学与工程学院  环境工程   学士











  1. 陕西省自然科学基金青年项目,2017JQ5008,聚多巴胺为粘结界面的基于静电纺丝和嵌段共聚物的复合分离膜研究,2017/01-2018/125万元,在研,主持

  2. 中央高校基本科研业务经费专项资金项目,310829161017,聚合物负载金属有机框架物膜的制备及其吸附水中酚类环境内分泌干扰物的研究,2016/01-2017/125万元,在研,主持

  3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,41702367,活化木质素炭基材料THM@L对水体中砷的去除机理研究,,2018/01-2020/1222万元,在研,参与

  4. 陕西省自然科学基金青年项目,2017JQ2042,天然木质素基吸附材料制备体系构建及对废水中As的吸附机理研究,2017/01-2018/123万元,在研,参与

  5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,51208368,电纺纳米纤维膜固定化酶及其催化转化典型PPCPs的反应机制,2013/01-2015/1225万元,已结题,参与

  6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,51203117,电纺丝负载金属有机框架功能晶体膜的制备及其吸附偶氮染料污染物的研究,2013/01-2015/1225万元,已结题,参与

  7. 科技部国家国际科技合作计划项目,2010DFG91870,造纸污水复合深度处理与应用技术研究与示范,2012/06-2015/06100万元,已结题,参与

  8. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,51108328,典型金属氧化物纳米颗粒在水中的凝聚规律,2012/01-2014/1224万元,已结题,参与


1. 周美梅*,向婉婷,王鹏博,等.电纺BiOCl@UiO-66-NH_2@TSPAN纳米纤维可见光催化还原Cr(Ⅵ)[J].中国环境科学,2024,44(03):1366-1375.

2. 蔡博华,邹伟,朱雪梅,周美梅*等.PVA/SiO_2@BiOBr纳米纤维的制备及其光催化性能[J].工业水处理,2022,42(06):140-145.

3.   Meimei Zhou*, Wei Zou , Xuemei Zhu, Huachen Ma, Pengbo Wang, Jiaxin Shang, Pingping Luo*. In situ growth of UIO-66-NH2 on thermally stabilized electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers for visible-light driven Cr (VI) photocatalytic reduction[J]. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2022, 307: 122836.

Jiaxin Shang, Wei Zou, Pengbo Wang, Aowen Li, Meimei Zhou∗, Pingping Luo∗, and Jiahui Li. Preparation and characterization  of hollow zinc oxide nanofibers and investigation of its photocatalytic properties[J]. Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, 2021, 16(1): 64-71.

5.  Aowen Li, Meimei Zhou*, Pingping Luo*, Jiaxin Shang, Pengbo Wang and Luxue Lyu. Deposition of MOFs on polydopamine-modified electrospun polyvinyl alcohol/silica nanofibers mats for chloramphenicol adsorption in water[J]. Nano, 2020, 15(04): 2050046. 

6. Pingping Luo, Yutong Sun*, Shuangtao Wang*, Simeng Wang, Jiqiang Lyu*, Meimei Zhou*, Kenichi Nakagami, Kaoru Takara, Daniel Nover. Historical assessment and future sustainability challenges of Egyptian water resources management[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 263: 121154.

7. Meimei Zhou, Weizhen Tang, Pingping Luo, Jiqiang Lyu, Aixia Chen, Longkai Qiao, Daniel Nover. Preparation of ureido-functionalized PVA/silica mesoporous fibre membranes via electrospinning for adsorption of Pb2+ and Cu2+ in wastewater. Water Science and Technology, 2017, 76(9): 252-2534.

8. Meimei Zhou, Yi-nan Wu, Baozhen Wu, Xianpeng Yin, Ning Gao, Fengting Li, Guangtao Li, Block Copolymer-Templated Approach to Nanopatterned Metal–Organic Framework Films, Chemistry-an Asian Journal, 2017, 12(16): 2044-2047.

9. Meimei Zhou, Pingping Luo, Aowen Li, Yi-nan Wu, Jiqiang Lyu, Fengting Li, Guangtao Li, Fabrication of Silica Membrane through Surface-Induced Condensation on Porous Block Copolymer.Chemistryselct, 2018, 3(33): 9694-9699

10.  Meimei Zhou, Yi-nan Wu, Pingping Luo, Jiqiang Lyu, Dengrui Mu, Aowen Li, Fengting Li, Guangtao Li. Fabrication of free-standing membranes with tunable pore structures based on the combination of electrospinning and self-assembly of block copolymer, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 49568 - 49575.

11. Meimei Zhou, Jian Li, Meng Zhang, Hui Wang, Yue Lan, Yi-Nan Wu, Fengting Li*, Guangtao Li*, A Polydopamine Layer as Nucleation Center of MOF Deposition on“Inert”Polymer Surfaces to Fabricate Hierarchically Structured Porous Films, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51(13): 2706-2709.

12. Meimei Zhou, Yi-Nan Wu, Junlian Qiao*, Jing Zhang*, Amanda McDonald, Guangtao Li, Fengting Li, The removal of bisphenol A from aqueous solutions by MIL-53(Al) and mesostructured MIL-53(Al), Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2013, 405: 157-163.

13. Wei Zhu, Xianbao Zha, Pingping Luo, Shuangtao Wang, Zhe Cao, Jiqiang Lyu, Meimei Zhou, Bin He, Daniel Nover. A quantitative analysis of research trends in flood hazard assessment[J]. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2023, 37(1): 413-428.

14. Zhou Wang, Pingping Luo, Xianbao Zha, Chengyi Xu, Shuxin Kang, Meimei Zhou, Daniel Nover, Yihe Wang. Overview assessment of risk evaluation and treatment technologies for heavy metal pollution of water and soil[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022: 134043.

15. Wei Zhu, Shuangtao Wang, Pingping Luo, Xianbao Zha, Zhe Cao, Jiqiang Lyu, Meimei Zhou, Bin He, Daniel Nover. A quantitative analysis of the influence of temperature change on the extreme precipitation[J]. Atmosphere, 2022, 13(4): 612.

16. Pingping Luo, Yong Mu, Shuangtao Wang, Wei Zhu, Binaya Kumar Mishra, Aidi Huo, Meimei Zhou, Jiqiang Lyu, Maochuan Hu, Weili Duan, Bin He, Daniel Nover. Exploring sustainable solutions for the water environment in Chinese and Southeast Asian cities[J]. Ambio, 2021: 1-20.

17.  Pingping Luo, Chengyi Xu, Shuxin Kang, Aidi Huo, Jiqiang Lyu, Meimei Zhou, Daniel Nover. Heavy metals in water and surface sediments of the Fenghe River Basin, China: Assessment and source analysis[J]. Water Science and Technology, 2021, 84(10-11): 3072-3090.

18. Xianbao Zha, Pingping Luo, Wei Zhu, Shuangtao Wang, Jiqiang Lyu, Meimei Zhou, Aidi Huo, Zhenhong Wang. A bibliometric analysis of the research on Sponge City: Current situation and future development direction[J]. Ecohydrology, 2021, 14(7): e2328.

19. 罗平平, 武阳, 王双涛,张媛, 朱伟, 吕继强, 周美梅, 霍艾迪. 沣河流域水质的时空对比分析[J]. 水资源与水工程学报, 2021, 32(5):35-41. 

20. Dengrui Mu, Pingping Luo, Jiqiang Lyu, Meimei Zhou, Aidi Huo, Weili Duan, Daniel Nover, Bin He, Xiaoli Zhao Impact of temporal rainfall patterns on flash floods in Hue City, Vietnam[J]. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 2021, 14(1): e12668.

21. Lihui Huang, Yaqi Qiao, Shunxi Deng, Meimei Zhou, Weiping Zhao, Yang Yue. Airborne phthalates in indoor environment: Partition state and influential built environmental conditions[J]. Chemosphere, 2020, 254: 126782.

22. Yuan Zhang, Pingping Luo, Shuangfeng Zhao, Shuxin Kang, Pengbo Wang, Meimei Zhou, Jiqiang Lyu. Control and remediation methods for eutrophic lakes in the past 30 years[J]. Water Science and Technology, 2020, 81(6): 1099-1113.

23. Jiqiang Lyu, Shuhong Mo, Pingping Luo, Meimei Zhou, Bing Shen, Daniel Nover. A quantitative assessment of hydrological responses to climate change and human activities at spatiotemporal within a typical catchment on the Loess Plateau, China[J]. Quaternary International, 2019, 527: 1-11.

24.  Jiqiang Lyu, Pingping Luo, Shuhong Mo, Meimei Zhou, Bing Shen, Lei Fan, Daniel Nover. Towards sustainable water regulation based on a distributed hydrological model for a heavily polluted urban river, northwest China[J]. Hydrology Research, 2019, 50(3): 961-973.

25. Pingping Luo, Meimei Zhou, Hongzhang Deng, Jiqiang Lyu, Wenqiang Cao, Kaoru Takara, Daniel Nover, S. Geoffrey Schladow. Impact of forest maintenance on water shortages: Hydrologic modeling and effects of climate change[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 615: 1355-1363.

26. Baozhen Wu, Meimei Zhou, Wanlin Zhang, Yun Liang, Fengting Li* and Guangtao Li*, Combined use of breath figures process and microphase separation of PS-b-P4VP to produce stable porous nanomaterials, RSC Advances, 2017, 7(40): 24914-24924.

27. Yi-Nan Wu, Meimei Zhou, Shu Li, Zehua Li, Jie Li, Baozhen Wu, Guangtao Li*, Fengting Li*, Magnetic Metal-Organic Frameworks:γ-Fe2O3@MOFs via Confined in Situ Pyrolysis Method for Drug Delivery,Small,2014,10(14): 2927-2936.

28. Yi-nan Wu, Meimei Zhou, Bingru Zhang, Baozhen Wu, Jie Li, Junlian Qiao, Xiaohong Guan, Fengting Li*, Amino Acid Assisted Templating Synthesis of Hierarchical Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 for Efficient Arsenate Removal, Nanoscale, 2014,6(2): 1105-1112.

29. Hongzhang Deng, Lihong Chai, Pingping Luo, Meimei Zhou, Daniel Nover, Xiaohong Zhao, Toxic effects of NH4+-N on embryonic development of Bufo gargarizans and Rana chensinensis, Chemosphere, 2017, 182: 617-623.

30. Zeqing Guo, Nanxi Miao, Jianping Zhou,* Yuxi Lei, Qadeer Ul Hassan and Meimei Zhou, Novel magnetic semiconductor Na 2 Fe 2 Ti 6 O 16: synthesis, double absorption and strong adsorptive ability. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5(33): 17589-17600.

31. Meng Zhang, Xianpeng Yin, Tian Tian, Yun Liang, Weina Li, Yue Lan, Jian Li, Meimei Zhou, Yong Ju*, Guangtao Li*, AIE-induced fluorescent vesicles containing amphiphilic binding pockets and the FRET triggered by host-guest chemistry, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51(50): 10210-10213.

32. Jiecheng Cui, Ning Gao, Jian Li, Chen Wang, Hui Wang, Meimei Zhou, Meng Zhang, Guangtao Li*, Poly(ionicliquid)-based monodisperse microgels as a unique platform for producing functional materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, 3(3): 623-631.

33. Meijing Wang, Yi-nan Wu, Jingyi Shen, Meimei Zhou, Fengting Li, Bingru Zhang*, Preparation, characterization and electrochemical measurement of porous carbon derived from poly (furfuryl alcohol)/polyvinyl pyrrol Idone electrospun nanofibers, RSC Advances, 2014, 4(108): 63162-63170.

34. Tao Zhu, Dan Xu, Yiguang Wu, Jian Li, Meimei Zhou, Tian Tian, Yin Jiang, Fengting Li* and Guangtao Li*. Surface molecularly imprinted electrospun affinity membranes with multimodal pore structures for efficient separation of proteins. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2013, 1(46): 6449-6458.




2015年-至今 长安大学环境科学与工程学院  讲师