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ResumeSocial positionResearchSurface-water Hydrology, Reservoir Regulation, Dam Efffect Analysis, Water Resources Allocation, Streamflow Forecasting, Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change, Drought Early Warning. Open CourseResearch projectlCrisis diagnosis and mitigation mechanism for regional drought management under human activities, supported financially by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51379014), Director. lFlow requirement and reservoir regulation mechanism for virtuous maintaining Weihe river eco-hydrological connectivity, supported financially by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51009009), Director. lDiagnosis and early warning of drought crisis in irrigation area under multiple water supply resources, supported financially by the Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China (2014KJXX-54), Director. Thesis[1] Chongfeng Ren, Zhehao Li, Hongbo Zhang*. Integrated multi-objective stochastic fuzzy programming and AHP method for agricultural water and land optimization allocation under multiple uncertainties[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019,210(2019):12-24. [2] Chongfeng Ren, Jiantao Yang, Hongbo Zhang*. An inexact fractional programming model for irrigation water resources optimal allocation under multiple uncertainties[J]. PloS ONE, 2019, 14(6): e0217783. [3] Shuqi Zhang, Hongbo Zhang*, Jicheng Li, Jiaojiao Li. AGCT: a hybrid model for identifying abrupt and gradual change in hydrological time series[J], Environmental Earth Sciences, 2019, 78(15):433. [4] Chongfeng Ren, Hongbo Zhang*. An inexact optimization model for crop area multiple uncertainties[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16:2610. [5] T. Lan, K. R. Lin, Z. Y. Liu, Y. H. He, C. Y. Xu, H. B. Zhang and X. H. Chen. A clustering preprocessing framework (CPP) for the sub-annual calibration of a hydrological model considering climate-land surface variations[J]. Water Resources Research, 2018, 54, [6] Zhehao Li, Hongbo Zhang*, Vijay P. Singh, Ruihong Yu, Shuqi Zhang. A simple early warning system for flash floods in an ungauged basin and application to a flash flood event (26 July, 2017) in the Loess Plateau, China[J]. Water, 2019,11:426. [7] Yinghao Yu, Hongbo Zhang*, Vijay P. Singh. Forward Prediction of Runoff Data in Data-Scarce Basins with an Improved Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) Model. Water, 2018, 10(4), 388. [8] Hongyan Li *, Jiaqi Sun, Hongbo Zhang, Jianfeng Zhang, Kwnasue Jung, Joocheol Kim, Yunqing Xuan, Xiaojun Wang, Fengping Li. What large sample size is sufficient for hydrologic frequency analysis? — A rational argument for a 30-year hydrologic sample size in water resources management, Water, 2018,10(4),430. [9] Chongfeng Ren, Hongbo Zhang*. A fuzzy max-min decision bi-level fuzzy programming model for water resources optimization allocation under uncertainty[J]. Water, 2018, 10(4):488. [10] Shibao Lu, Yizi Shang*, Wei Li, Xiaohe Wu, Hongbo Zhang. Basic theories and methods of watershed ecological regulation and control system[J]. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 2018, 9(1): JWC2018051. [11] DongYong Sun, HongBo Zhang*, ZhiHui Guo. Complexity analysis of precipitation and runoff series based on approximate entropy and extreme-point symmetric mode decomposition[J]. Water, 2018, 10(10), 1388. [12] Hongbo Zhang, Vijay P. Singh, Dongyong Sun, Qijun Yu, Wei Cao. Has water-saving irrigation recovered groundwater in the Hebei Province plains of China? [J]. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 2017,33(4): 534-553. [13] Hongbo Zhang, Bin Wang, Tian Lan, Jianjun Shi & Shibao Lu. Change-point detection and variation assessment of the hydrologic regime of the Wenyu River. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 2016, 98(3-4): 358-375. [14] Hongbo Zhang, Qiang Huang, Qiang Zhang, Lei Gu, Keyu Chen, and Qijun Yu. Changes in the long-term hydrological regimes and the impacts of human activities in the main Wei River, China. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2016, 61(6): 1054-1068. [15] Hongbo Zhang, Wencheng Huang, Qiuyi Xi, Bin Wang, Tian Lan. Assessment on long-term fluctuations of runoff and its climate driving factors. Journal of Marine Science & Technology, 2016,24(2): 329-337. [16] Hongbo Zhang, Vijay P. Singh, Qiang Zhang, Lei Gu, Wenbo Sun. Variation in ecological flow regimes and their response to dams in the upper Yellow River basin [J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016,75(11):938. [17] Hongbo Zhang, Vijay P. Singh, Bin Wang, Yinghao Yu. CEREF: A hybrid data-driven model for forecasting annual streamflow in socio-hydrological system[J]. Journal of hydrology, 2016, 540, 246-256. [18] Zhu Z, Liu F, Zhang H, et al. Photocatalytic Degradation of 4-Chlorophenol over Ag/MFe2O4 (M= Co, Zn, Cu, and Ni) Prepared by a Modified Chemical Co-precipitation Method: A Comparative Study[J]. Rsc Advances, 2015, 5(68):55499-55512. [19] Huang S, Huang Q, Zhang H, et al. Spatio-temporal changes in precipitation, temperature and their possibly changing relationship: a case study in the Wei River Basin, China[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 2015, 36(3): 1160-1169. [20] Li, Peiyue; Qian, Hui; Wu, Jianhua; Liu, Hongwei; Lyu, Xinsheng; Zhang, Hongbo. Determining the optimal pumping duration of transient pumping tests for estimating hydraulic properties of leaky aquifers using global curve-fitting method: a simulation approach[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences,2014,71(1), 293-299. [21] Li, Peiyue; Qian, Hui; Wu, Jianhua; Chen, Jie; Zhang, Yiqian; Zhang, Hongbo. Occurrence and hydrogeo-chemistry of fluoride in alluvial aquifer of Weihe River, China[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences,2014,71(7),3133-3145. [22] Hongbo Zhang, Zhehao Li, Qiuyi Xi, Yinghao Yu. Modified over-whitening process and its application in Mann-Kendall trend tests[J]. Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering,2018, 37(6), 34-36. DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180605 [23] ZHANG Hongbo, YU Yinghao, NAN Zhengnian, LI Zhehao. TFPW-BS-Pettitt method for detection of multiple change-points in the mean of hydrological series[J] . Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2017, 36(7): 14-22. DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20170702 [25] Hongbo Zhang, Bin Wang, Chen Xin, Tian Lan. Effects of trend-free pre-whitening methods on trend detection in Mann-Kendall test of runoff series[J].Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2016,35(12):56-69. DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20161206 [26] Tian Lan, Hongbo Zhang*, Bin Wang, Hongmei Zhang. Forecasting of natural flows using improved multiple fuzzy mean generating function model and its verification[J]. Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2016, 35(11):52-63. DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20161107 [27] Bin Wang, Hongbo Zhang*, Chen Xin, Tian Lan. Application of Bayesian model averaging method to prediction of high-frequency components in runoff series[J]. Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2016, 35(5):75-83. DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20160509 [28] Hongbo Zhang, Tian Lan, Bin Wang, et al. Regional water resources allocation oriented to ET control in plain area[J]. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2016, 47(2):127-138. DOI: 10.13243/j.cnki.slxb.20150221 [29] Hongbo Zhang, Bin Wang, Tian Lan, Keyu Chen. A modified method for non-stationary hydrological time series forecasting based on empirical mode decomposition[J]. Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering 34(12):42-53. DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20151205 [30] Hongbo Zhang, Keyu Chen, Qijun Yu, Lei Gu. Unimpaired flow calculations in regions with great disturbance in groundwater[J]. Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering 34(11):95-105. DOI: 10.11660/slfdxb.20151111 Technological AchievementsHonor RewardWork experience |