个人简介社会职务研究领域齿轮传动系统动力学;不确定性分析;齿面修形设计;功率分流系统设计优化等 开授课程科研项目 1.中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目,300102252111,斜齿轮传动系统修形稳健设计及其稳健性评估,主持
2.GF基础科研项目, CDKF.1.2020-4, 考虑制造误差分布的人字齿轮三维修形稳健优化设计技术研究, 240万元, 参与 论文[1]Guo F., Fang Z.D. Experimental and theoretical study of gear dynamical transmission characteristic considering measured manufacturing errors[J]. Shock and vibration, 2018, 2018(PT.11): 9645453.1-9645453.20. [2]Guo F., Fang Z.D. A new algorithm to solve meshing-in impact considering the measured pitch error and to investigate its influence on the dynamic characteristics of a gear system[J]. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2019, 20(3): 395-406. [3]Guo F., Fang Z.D. The statistical analysis of the dynamic performance of a gear system considering random manufacturing errors under different levels of machining precision[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-Body Dynamics, 2020, 234(1): 3-18. [4]Guo F., Fang Z.D. and Zhang X.J., et al. Influence of the eccentric error of star gear on the bifurcation properties of herringbone star gear transmission with floating sun gear[J]. Shock and vibration, 2018, 2018(PT.1): 6014570.1-6014570.32. [5]郭芳,方宗德,张西金. 考虑实测基节误差的修形齿轮啮入冲击计算[J]. 振动与冲击,2018,37(22):30-35+42. [6]郭芳,方宗德,张永振. 星轮偏心误差对浮动式星型齿轮传动动态特性的影响[J]. 振动与冲击,2018,37(03):98-104+118. 科技成果荣誉奖励工作经历(1) 2020-12 至 今, 长安大学, 工程机械学院 (2) 2012-04 至 2013-05, 航天六院 |