个人简介叶珍,女,副教授,硕士生导师。先后在西北工业大学电子信息工程、信号与信息处理、信息与通信工程专业获得学士、硕士、博士学位。曾受国家留学基金委资助,赴美国密西西比州立大学进行博士联合培养,师从James E. Folwer教授(美国国家自然科学基金评审成员)。自2015年6月入职长安大学,从事自动化专业的教学和科研工作。 在教学方面: (1)开授《数字图像处理》、《机器视觉》、《DSP原理及应用》、《城市轨道交通系统》、《轨道交通新技术》、《虚拟仪器技术》、《新生研讨课》、《毕业设计及择业专题讲座》等课程; (2)在长安大学第四届课堂教学创新大赛中,获校级二等奖; (3)指导学生参加全国大学生电子设计竞赛,获全国二等奖 1 项,省级 二等奖 1 项; (4)指导学生参加 TI 杯陕西省工科高校校际联赛,获一等奖 2 项,三等 奖 2 项; (5)指导学生申报大学生创新创业训练项目,已结题 6 项(包括省级一 等奖 1 项,国家级二等奖 1 项); (6)指导学生申报“创业先锋挑战赛”,获院级一等奖 1 项; (7)指导学生申请软件著作权 6 项; (8)指导学生申请发明专利 4 项; (9)指导学生发表论文 14 篇,其中期刊论文 8 篇,会议论文 6 篇; (10)指导学生获长安大学本科优秀毕业设计 2 次,荣获长安大学本科毕 业设计优秀指导教师 1 次;陕西省自动化专业本科优秀毕业设计 4 次; (11)主持长安大学教改项目1项; (12)获深度学习应用工程师资质。 在科研方面: (1)主持中央军委装备发展部国家级项目1项; (2)主持国家自然科学基金项目1项; (3)主持中央高校基础研究项目2项; (4)参与国家自然科学基金项目2项; (5)参与国家重点研发项目1项; (6)参与陕西省重点研发项目1项; (7)参与中央高校创新团队项目和中央高校基础研究项目共3项 (8)参与西安市科技局项目等多项; (9)公开发表学术论文40余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表的论文有30余篇被SCI或EI检索。 社会职务1.担任国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目与区域项目的评审工作。 2.担任教育部学位中心硕士研究生论文评审工作。 3.任职中国图形图象学会委员。 4.担任国内外高水平期刊的审稿工作,包括IEEE Transactions on Image Processing(TIP)期刊、IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS)期刊、 IEEE Journal OF Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Ssensing (JSTARS)、Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (JARS) 期刊、European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP)期刊、《电子与信息学报》、《重庆大学学报》、《计算机工程与科学》等。 5.多次出席国际、国内学术会议,曾担任ICDIP 2018及ICGIP2020国际会议分会主席。担任国际高水平会议的审稿工作,包括International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing(ICGIP)、Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing(WHISPERS)、International Conference on Image and Graphics Processing(ICIGP)、International Conference on Video, Signal and Image Processing (VSPI)IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA)、IEEE China Summit & International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP)等。 研究领域课题组主要研究领域:遥感图像处理、模式识别、计算机视觉、信号处理和机器学习。 具体包括:多模态遥感图像解译、嵌入式人工智能、时空信息智能认知等在智慧城市、智慧交通中的应用。
每年招收硕士研究生4-6名。 欢迎对图像处理、模式识别、计算机视觉,人工智能等领域感兴趣的学生保送、报考,复试前请与我联系,并发送简历于该邮箱yezhen525@126.com 本人能设身处地的为学生着想,以学生的发展为中心,解决学生在学业及职业生涯规划等方面的难题。将为招收的研究生提供科研硬件条件(服务器、工作站等)和基本助研补助,并根据科研成果进行奖励。 研究生招生方向: 学术型:控制科学与工程; 专业型:电子信息;交通运输 就业前景:课题组毕业学生就职于中电20所,中航631研究所,中兴通讯,OPPO,比亚迪,青岛鼎信通讯等科研院所及大型企业。 开授课程1.《数字图像处理》,32学时,2学分。 2.《机器视觉》,32学时,2学分。 3.《DSP原理及应用》,32学时。2学分。 4.《城市轨道交通系统》,32学时,2学分。 5.《轨道交通新技术》32学时,2学分。 6.《虚拟仪器技术》,32学时,2学分。 7.《新生研讨课》,16学时,2学分。 8.《毕业设计及择业专题讲座》,18学时,1学分。 科研项目近年来主持的代表性课题 [1] 中央军委装备发展部 XXX项目 多源遥感图像目标智能解译系统,2022.01-2024.12,主持人 [2] 国家自然科学基金(基于谱间-空间联合特征与决策融合技术的高光谱图像分类,41601344),2017.1-2019.12,主持人 [3] 中央高校基本科研业务费(多时相高分辨率遥感图像在城市道路交通规划中的应用研究,300102320107), 2020-2021, 主持人 [4]中央高校基本科研业务费(基于核局部保护的高光谱图像降维与分类研究,310832171006),2017-2018, 主持人 近年来参与的代表性课题 [1] 国家重点研发计划 子课题(交通网灾情全息感知的应急响应及协同指挥系统研发,2020YFC1512002),2020.11-2023.10,主要参与人员 [2] 国家自然科学基金(基于深度学习的高光谱分类方法研究,61601059),2017.1-2019.12,主要参与人员 [3] 陕西省重点研发计划(基于深度学习理论的高铁周边环境安全隐患遥感监测关键技术研究,2020GY-060),2020.1-2021.12,主要参与人员 [4] 西安市科技局项目(基于无人机高分遥感的轨道交通周边环境安全隐患监测关键技术研究,2020KJRC0126),2020.1-2021.12,主要参与人员 [5] 中央高校基本科研业务费(高光谱图像压缩理论及其关键技术研究,CHD2011JC170),2011.11-2013.11.主要参与人员 [6] 中央高校基本科研业务费(基于多源异构数据融合的危险品运输车安全预警方法研究,310832161001),2016.1-2017.12.主要参与人员 [7] 中央高校基本业务科研费 (高新技术),基于深度学习的城轨列车转向架PHM技术研究(300102328201),2018.1-2019.12. 主要参与人员 论文已发表论文如下: [1] Zhen Ye, Jie Wang, Tao Sun, et al. Cross-domain few-shot learning based on graph convolution contrast for hyperspectral image classification. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024, 62: 5504614. (SCI一区,IF8.2) [2] Zhen Ye, Zhan Cao, Huan Liu, et al. Self-supervised learning with multiscale densely connected network for hyperspectral image classification. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024, 62: 5522615. (SCI一区,IF=8.2) [3] Zhen Ye, Yu Zhang, Jinxin Zhang, et al. A multiscale incremental learning network for remote sensing scene classification. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024, 62: 5606015. (SCI一区,IF=8.2) [4] Yi Liu, Zhen Ye*, Yongqiang Xi, et al. Multiscale and multidirection feature extraction network for hyperspectral and LiDAR classification. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2024, 17: 9961-9973. (SCI二区,Top) [5] Zhen Ye, Zhen Li, Nan Wang, et al. HR and LiDAR Data Collaborative Semantic Segmentation Based on Adaptive Cross-Modal Fusion Network. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2024, 17: 12153-12168. (SCI一区,IF=8.2)[6] Zhen Ye, Jie Wang, Huan Liu, et al. Adaptive domain-adversarial few-shot learning for cross-domain hyperspectral image classification. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023, 61: 5532017. (SCI一区,IF=8.2) [7] Zhen Ye, Tao Sun, Zhan Cao, Lin Bai, James E. Fowler. Few-shot learning using residual channel attention and prototype domain adaptation for hyperspectral image classification. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2023, 20: 5510005. (SCI二区,IF=5.343) [8] Zhen Ye, Tao Sun, Shihao Shi, Lin Bai, and James E. Fowler. Local-global active learning based on a graph convolutional network for semi-supervised classification of hyperspectral imagery. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2023 (SCI二区, IF=5.343) [9] Zhen Ye, Cuiling Li, Qingxin Liu, Lin Bai, and James E. Fowler. Computationally lightweight hyperspectral image classification using a multiscale depthwise convolutional network with channel attention. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2023 (SCI二区, IF=5.343) [10] Zhen Ye, Cuiling Li, Qingxin Liu, Lin Bai, and James E. Fowler. Multiscale spatial-spectral feature extraction network for hyperspectral image classification. Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2022. (SCI二区,Top) [11] Zhen Ye, Saurabh Prasad, Wei Li, James E. Fowler, Mingyi He. Classification based on 3-D DWT and decision fusion for hyperspectral image analysis. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2014, 11(1): 173-177. (SCI: 000328698400036) [12] Zhen Ye, Lin Bai, Yongjian Nian. Decision fusion for hyperspectral image classification based on multiple features and locality-preserving analysis. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 2017, 50(1): 166-178. (SCI:000405204300014) [13] Zhen Ye, James E. Fowler, Lin Bai. Spatial-spectral hyperspectral classification using local binary patterns and Markov random fields. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2017, 11(3): 035002. (SCI:000406044100001) [14] Zhen Ye, Rui Dong, Lin Bai, Yongjian Nian. Adaptive collaborative graph for discriminant analysis of hyperspectral imagery. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 2020, 53(1): 91-103. (SCI:000521332400001) [15] Zhen Ye, Rui Dong, Lin Bai, Jincheng Xuan, Yongjian Nian. Hyperspectral image classification based on segmented local binary patterns. Sensing and Imaging, 2020, 21(15). (EI:20201108280474) [16] Zhen Ye, Shihao Shi, Tao Sun, Lin Bai. Local preserving graphs using intra-class competitive representation for dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral image. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2021,Vol.30,No.2,pp:139-158. (EI) [17] Zhen Ye, Shihao Shi, Zhan Cao, Lin Bai, Cuiling Li, Tao Sun, Yongqiang Xi, Graph-based dimensionality reduction for hyperspectral imagery: a review. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2021,vol.30,no.2, pp:91-112.(EI) [18] Zhen Ye, Yifu Jiang, Shihao Shi, Jiefei Yan, Lin Bai. Forest-fire recognition by sparse and collaborative subspace clustering. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2019, 7: 2883-2890. (EI) [19] Zhen Ye, Zhengjun Liu, Boyuan Jiang, Zhirun Zhu, Gang Huang. Application of comprehensive traffic flow monitoring in vehicle path planning system. 2020 12th International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing (ICGIP), 2020. (EI) [20] Zhen Ye, Jinchuan Ma, Yongming Zeng, Shihao Shi, Lin Bai. Robotic arm control in polar coordinate system using distance-speed curve. 2020 International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE), 2020. (EI) [21] Zhen Ye, Lian Tan, Lin Bai. Hyperspectral image classification based on spectral-Spatial feature extraction. 2017 International Workshop on Remote Sensing with Intelligent Processing (RSIP), 2017, 1-4. (EI:20173003986192) [22] Zhen Ye, Lin Bai, Lian Tan. Hyperspectral image classification based on Gabor feature and decision fusion. 2nd Internetional Conference on Image Vision and Computing (ICIVC), 2017,478-482. (EI:20173804169248) [23] Zhen Ye, Yuchan Yan, Lin Bai, Meng Hui. Feature extraction based on morphological attri15bute profiles for classification of hypersectral image. International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP),2018. (EI:20183605779323) [24] Zhen Ye, Mingyi He, Saurabh Prasad, James E. Fowler. A multiclassifier and decision fusion system for hyperspectral image classification. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Melbourne, Australia, June, 2013: 501-505. (EI: 20133416633888) [25] Zhen Ye, Saurabh Prasad, Wei Li, James E. Fowler, Mingyi He. Locality-preserving discriminant analysis and Gaussian mixture models of spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral imagery. The 4th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, Shanghai, China, June, 2012: 1-4. (EI: 20143518118130) [26] Zhen Ye, Mingyi He, James E. Fowler, Qian Du. Hyperspectral image classification based on spectra derivative features and locality preserving analysis. Proceedings of IEEE China Summit & International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP), Xi'an, China, July, 2014: 138-142. (EI:20152100870566) [27] Lin Bai, Qingxin Liu, Cuiling Li, Chunlin Zhu, Zhen Ye, Meng Xi and Xiuping Jia. Remote sensing image scene classification using multiscale feature fusion covariance network with octave convolution. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, VOL.60, 2022. [28] Lin Bai, Xiangyuan Lin, Zhen Ye, Dongling Xue, Cheng Yao, Meng Hui, Member, IEEE MsanlfNet: Semantic Segmentation Network with Multi-Scale Attention and Non-Local Filters for High Resolution Remote Sensing Images. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL),2022 (SCI ,IF=5.343) DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2022.3185641 [29] Lin Bai, Qingxin Liu, Cuiling Li, Chunlin Zhu, Zhen Ye and Meng Xi, A Lightweight and Multiscale Network for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL), vol. 19, pp. 1-5, 2022, Art no. 8012605, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2021.3078518. (SCI ,IF=5.343) [30] Cheng Yao, Lin Bai, Dongling Xue, Xiangyuan Lin and Zhen Ye “GFB-Net: A Global Context-Guided Feature Balance Network for Arbitrary Oriented SAR Ship Detection”. 2022 7th International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing(EI) [31] Lin Bai, Qingxin Liu, Cuiling Li, Zhen Ye, Meng Hui. A Lightweight and Fine-Grained Feature Fusion Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC), 17-19 Aug. 2021. (EI) [32] Lin Bai, Chunlin Zhu, Zhen Ye, Hui, M. (2020). Rolling Bearings Fault Diagnosis Method Based on EWT Approximate Entropy and FCM Clustering. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies for Rail Transportation (EITRT) 2019. EITRT 2019. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 639. (EI) [33] Bai Lin, Hui Meng, Ye Zhen, Yan Yuchan. Feature extraction based on morphological attribute profiles for classification of hyperspectral image. 297. 10.1117/12.2503277. (2018). (EI) [34] Lin Bai, Wei Xi, Yuchan Yan, Zhen Ye. (2018). Early fault diagnosis of bearing using empirical wavelet transform with energy entropy. 15. 10.1117/12.2502824. (EI) [35] Lin Bai, Qingxin Liu, Cuiling Li, Chunlin Zhu, Zhen Ye and Meng Xi. A lightweight and multiscale network for remote sensing image scene classification. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2021. (doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2021.3078518) [36] Zhongliang Wang, Mi He, Zhen Ye, Yongjian Nian, Borming Huang. Reconstruction of hyperspectral images from spectral compressed sensing based on a multi-type mixing model. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2020. (SCI) [37] Zhongliang Wang, Mi He, Zhen Ye, Yongjian Nian, Liang Qiao, Mingsheng Chen. Exploring error of linear mixed model for hyperspectral image reconstruction from spectral compressive sensing. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2019, 13(3): 0-036514. (SCI) [38] Yongjian Nian, Yu Liu, Zhen Ye. Pairwise KLT-based compression for multispectral images. Sensing and Imaging, 2016, 17(1): 1-15. (EI:20160501862028) [39] 叶珍,白璘,粘永健. Gabor特征与局部保护降维的高光谱图像分类,光学学报,2016, 36(10): 1028003. (EI:20164502988818) [40] 叶珍,何明一. PCA与移动窗小波变换的高光谱决策融合分类. 中国图象图形学报,2015,20(1): 0132-0139. (北大核心) [41] 叶珍,董睿,陈浩鑫,白璘.面向高光谱图像分类的自适应决策融合方法.中国图象图形学报,26(08):1952-1968. [42] 叶珍,白璘. 基于主成分分析与局部二值模式的高光谱图像分类. 激光与光电子学进展,2017,54(11): 111006. [43] 叶珍,白璘,何明一. 高光谱图像空谱特征提取综述与研究进展.中国图象图形学报,26(08):1737-1763. [44] 叶珍,白璘. 局部保护降维与高斯混合模型的高光谱图像分类. 工业仪表与自动化装置,2017,4. [45] 叶珍,白璘,刘玉,等. 混合PCA/ICA与JPEG2000结合的高光谱图像压缩. 计算机工程与科学,2016,38(05): 968-974. [46] 王忠良,何密,叶珍,粘永健. 线性混合光谱模型的高光谱压缩感知. 遥感学报,2020,24(3): 63-75. (EI) [47] 宴雨蝉,白璘,武奇生,叶珍. 基于多指标模糊综合评价的交通拥堵预测与评估. 计算机应用研究,2019,36(12): 1-7. [48] 张君昌,叶珍,李艳艳. 一种基于清浊音分离的动态阈值小波去噪方法.计算机工程与应用. (北大核心) [49] Lin Bai, Qingxin Liu, Cuiling Li, Zhen Ye and Meng Hui, A lightweight and fine-grained feature fusion netlork for remote sensing scene classification. ICSPCC, 2021, pp. 01-06, (doi: 10.1109/ICSPCC52875.2021.9564476) [50] Rui Yao, Meng Hui, Lin Bai, Zhen Ye, Qisheng Wu. Partial discharge detection technique using polar coordinate phase resolved pattern in rail transportation gas insulated substation. The 4th International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies for Rail Transportation (EITRT),2019.(EI) [51] Lin Bai, Wei Xi, Yuchan Yan, Zhen Ye. Early fault diagnosis of bearing using empirical wavelet transform with energy entropy. International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP),2018. (EI) [52] Wei Li, Saurabh Prasad, Zhen Ye, James E. Fowler, Minshan Cui. Locality-preserving discriminant analysis for hyperspectral image classification using local spatial information. In proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Munich, Germany, 2012: 4134-4137. (EI: 20130615991118) [53] Junchang Zhang, Yi Zhang, Zhen Ye. Adaptive Speech Enhancement Based on Classification of Voiced/Unvoiced Signal. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Signal Processing, Guilin, China, 2011: 310-314. (EI) 科技成果(部分)发明专利 1. 叶珍,梁毅康,白璘,曹雯,粘永健,靳程暄. 基于自适应协同图判别分析的高光谱图像降维方法及装置, 201911324896.8 2. 叶珍,李珍,刘怡,曹沾,曹智勇,白璘. 一种多源遥感图像处理方法及系统, 202310516741.4 3. 叶珍,梁毅康,席永强,白璘. 多源遥感图像空间高程光谱特征提取与分类的方法及系统, 2023101564015
(部分)软件著作权与实用新型 1. 叶珍,马进川,曾勇铭,白璘. 基于无人机技术与遥感图像识别的货物分拣、运输系统,HZH202105100001 2. 叶珍,陈浩鑫,秦海龙,汪浩,白璘. 基于深度学习的高光谱遥感图像地物分类,ZHZH202105080002 3. 叶珍,席永强,白璘,尹康迪,王圣智. 基于Res2Net的多源数据融合地物分类软件,2022SR0730608 4. 叶珍,孙涛,白璘,尹康迪,王圣智. 基于残差注意的少样本高光谱图像地物分类软件,2022SR0730607 5. 白璘,朱春霖,刘庆鑫,叶珍,惠萌,李翠玲. 基于Gabor滤波器和协方差池化的遥感场景分类方法. 荣誉奖励1. 2015年指导学生参加“全国大学生电子设计竞赛”,获得国家二等奖。 2. 2016年指导学生申报“大学生创新创业训练计划项目”,获得省级奖资助1项; 2018年指导学生申报“大学生创新创业训练计划项目”,获得省级奖资助1项; 2019年指导学生申报“大学生创新创业训练计划项目”,获得省级奖资助2项; 2020年指导学生申报“大学生创新创业训练计划项目”,获得省级奖资助1项。 3. 2019年获“优秀毕业设计指导教师”。 4. 2019年指导学生获长安大学本科优秀毕业设计。 5. 2019年获“优秀共产党员”。 6. 2021年指导学生参加TI杯陕西省工科高校校际联赛,获一等奖1项。 7. 指导学生申报“创业先锋挑战赛”,获院级一等奖 1 项 8. 2023年指导学生获长安大学本科优秀毕业设计。 9. 2023年指导学生参加 TI 杯陕西省工科高校校际联赛,获一等奖 1 项,三等奖2项。 10. 2023年获“长安大学第四届课堂教学创新大赛”校级二等奖。 工作经历2015年6月-2017年11月,长安大学,讲师; 2017年11月至今,长安大学,副教授。 |