个人简介姚博彬,内蒙古赤峰市人,中共党员,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,主要从事智能交通、无线感知理论以及基于机器学的多维数据处理等方面的研究与应用工作。主持和参与包括国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划在内的各类纵向科研项目和横向项目共计20余项,合作出版教材2部,发表学术论文30余篇,申请发明专利及软件著作权6项。现为国际计算机协会会员(ACM Member)、国际电气和电子工程师协会会员(IEEE Member)、中国公路学会会员,担任十余种国际高水平期刊和国际高水平会议的特邀审稿人。 教育经历
近期学术活动 无 社会职务国际计算机协会会员(ACM Member) 国际电气和电子工程师协会会员(IEEE Member) 中国公路学会会员 国际高水平学术期刊同行评审 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications IEEE Transactions on Communications IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems IEEE Signal Processing Letters IEEE Communications Letters IEEE Access Signal Processing IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 国际高水平会议同行评审 IEEE: ICC, GLOBECOM, WCNC, ICASSP, ICNC WCSP, CHINACOM 国际高水平会议技术委员会委员(TPC Member) IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’2020-WC Symposium) International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP’2019) IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’2019-WC Symposium) IEEE 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS'2019) IEEE 7th International Conference on Smart Computing and Communications (ICSCC'2019) 研究领域近期,主要从事以下几个方面的科研工作 1、无线传感网络理论与应用 2、智能网联化感知与控制技术 3、基于机器学习的多维数据模式识别 4、人工智能驱动的交通信息化 欢迎对智能交通、无线传感网络、多维数据处理及人工智能等交叉研究领域感兴趣、具有钻研探索精神和团队合作精神的同学报考! 开授课程
论文近年发表的期刊论文 [13] 王薇, 张明, 姚博彬等. 结合子空间旋转技术的非圆信号快速DOA估计[J]. 通信学报, 2020, 41(11): 198-205. [12] 王薇, 殷勤业, 姚博彬等. 结合快速傅里叶变换和线性调频变换的快速波达方向估计[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2019, 53(12): 131-138+160. [11] Xiaoping Li, Yunhe Cao, Bobin Yao and Feng Liu. “Robust Generalized Chinese-Remainder-Theorem-Based DOA Estimation for A Coprime Array”, IEEE Access, Vol. 6, pp. 60361-60368, 2018. [10] Bobin Yao*, Zhi Dong and Weiyu Liu. “Effective Joint DOA-DOD Estimation for the Coexistence of Uncorrelated and Coherent Signals in Massive Multi-Input Multi-Output Array Systems”, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Vol. 2018, no. 64, pp. 1-14, 2018. [9] Bobin Yao*, Zhi Dong, Weile Zhang, Wei Wang and Qisheng Wu. “Degree-of-Freedom Strengthened Cascade Array for DOD-DOA Estimation in MIMO Array Systems”, Sensors, Vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 1557-1576, 2018. [8] Wen Cao, Meng Hui, Lin Bai, and Bobin Yao, “Compact Conditional Joint Decision and Estimation for Joint Tracking and Identification With Performance Evaluation”, IEEE Access, Vol. 6, pp. 4395-4404, 2018. [7] Bobin Yao*Weile Zhang, Qisheng Wu, “Weighted Subspace Fitting for Two-Dimension DOA Estimation in Massive MIMO Systems”, IEEE Access,, Vol. 5, pp. 14020-14027, 2017. [6] Bobin Yao*, Wenjie Wang, Wei Han, Qinye Yin, “Distributed Angle Estimation by Multiple Frequencies Synthetic Array in Wireless Sensor Localization System”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol.13, No.2, pp. 876-887, 2014. [5] Xiaoping Li, Wenjie Wang, Bobin Yao, Qinye Yin, “Computationally efficient robust Chinese remainder theorem for frequency estimation from undersampled waveforms”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013. [4] Wei Han, Qinye Yin, Lin Bai, Bobin Yao, Ang Feng, “Joint transceiver design for iterative FDE”, IEEE Transcations on Signal Processing, Vol. 61, No. 13, pp. 3389-3405, 2013. [3] Bin Yang, Wenjie Wang, Bobin Yao, Qinye Yin, “Destination assisted secret wireless communication with cooperative helpers”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 20, No. 11, pp. 1032-1035, 2013. [2] Bobin Yao*, Wenjie Wang, Qinye Yin, “DOD and DOA Estimation in Bistatic non-Uniform Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Radar Systems”, IEEE Communications Letters,Vol. 16, No. 11, pp. 1796-1799, Nov. 2012. [1] WenjieWang, Bobin Yao*, Qinye Yin, “AOD Estimation in WSN Localization System with Synthetic Aperture Technique”, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, Vol. 55, No. 10, pp. 2216-2225, Sept. 2012. 近年发表的会议论文 [16] 杨雨霖, 武奇生, 姚博彬等. 基于轻量化YOLOv4的交通标志检测方法[C], 2022世界交通运输大会(WTC2022)论文集, 2022:7. [15] Haijing Zhang, Bobin Yao*, “Underdetermined Direction-of-Arrival Estimation for Wideband Signals Based on SsF Scheme”, in Proc. of International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP'2019), Xi'an China, October 23-25, 2019. [14] Haijing Zhang, Bobin Yao*, “Short-term Traffic Flow Prediction based on the Differential Data Graph and Deep Learning”, in Proc. of International Conference on Signal, Information and Data Processing (ICSIDP'2019), Chongqing, China, December 11-12, 2019. [13] Zhi Dong, Bobin Yao*, “Cooperative Positioning and Warning System via V2I Communications for Intelligent Vehicles”, in Proc. of 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB'2019), Washington, DC, January, 2019. [12] Ruosi Su, Weile Zhang and Bobin Yao, “Frame Arrival Detection for Low SNE Frequency Selective Fading Channels”, in Proc. of IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC'2018), BeiJing, China, August 16-18, 2018. [11] Yu Wang, Bobin Yao*, and Qisheng Wu, “Computationally Efficient Two-Dimensional DOA Estimation for Massive MIMO Uplink”, in Proc. of International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP'2018). BeiJing, China, August 13-15, 2018. [10] Bobin Yao*, Meng Hui, Lin Bai, and Qisheng Wu, “Two Dimension Coherent Multipath DOA Estimation Without Spatial Smoothing in Massive MIMO Systems”, in Proc. of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBCOM’2017). Singapore, Decemeber 4-8, 2017. [9] Wei Guo, Weile Zhang, Pengcheng Mu, Feifei Gao and Bobin Yao, “Angle-Domain Doppler Pre-Compensation for High-Mobility OFDM Uplink with a Massive ULA”, in Proc. of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBCOM’2017). Singapore, Decemeber 4-8, 2017. [8] Yuxiao Jiang, Bobin Yao* and Qisheng Wu, “Two-New MODE-based Algoithms for 2D DOA Estimation in Large Scale Antenna Array Systems”, in Proc. of IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communication in China (ICCC'2017). Qingdao, China, October 22-24, 2017. [7]Weile Zhang, Feifei Gao, and Bobin Yao,“Blind CFO Estimation for Multiuser OFDM Uplink with Large Number of Receive Antennas”, In Proc. of 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP’2016). ShangHai, China, March 20-25, 2016. [6]Bo Wang, Pengcheng Mu, Chao Wang, Weile Zhang, Hui-Ming Wang and Bobin Yao, “Combing Dirty-paper Coding and Artificial Noise for Secrecy”, In Proc. of 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'2016). ShangHai, China, March 20-25, 2016. [5] Feilong Wu, Wenjie Wang, Bobin Yao and Qinye Yin, “Effective Eavesdropping in the Artificial Noise Aided Security Scheme”, in Proc. of IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communication in China (ICCC'2013). Xi'an, China, August 12-14, 2013. [4] Bobin Yao*, Wenjie Wang, Feilong Wu, and Qinye Yin, “Multi-Frequency Tuning Technique for Distributed Sensor Localization”,in Proc. of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP’2013) . Vancouver, Canada, 2013: 3915-3918. [3] Bobin Yao*, Wenjie Wang, and Qinye Yin, “Angle of Departure Aided Sensor Localization Technique under Multipath Environment”, in Proc. of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBCOM’2012). Anaheim, California, USA, Decemeber 3-7, 2012: 304-308. [2] Wei Han, Qinye Yin, Lin Bai, Bobin Yao, and Ang Feng, “Joint transceiver design for iterative FDE”, in Proc. of 2012 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBCOM’2012). Anaheim, California, USA, Decemeber 3-7, 2012: 3831-3837. [1] Bobin Yao*, Wenjie Wang, and Qinye Yin, “Joint AOD and CFO estimation in wireless sensor networks localization system”, in Proc. of 2011 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC’2011). Cancun, Mexico. 2011: 2054-2058. 教材与著作 武奇生, 姚博彬,高荣 等. 《物联网技术与应用(第二版)》, 北京:机械工业出版社, 2016. 武奇生, 姚博彬,高荣 等. 《物联网技术与应用(第三版)》, 北京:机械工业出版社, 2023. 科技成果1、横向课题《联网高速公路流量和通行费及通行卡调配的相关研究》 该研究课题已经成功通过验收。其中所采用的节假日交通流预测方法利用已有的历史交通流数据成功地预测了2016年10月1日至7日之间的江苏省全路网交通流量的小时分布情况,预测准确度达到94%以上;依据交通流量变化所提出的通行卡调配方案已为江苏省联网中心的全路网通行卡调配提供参考。 2、横向课题《苏嘉杭高速公路相城至吴中段货车限行后评估》 该研究课题针对苏嘉杭高速公路限货政策的执行给出了评价,特别针对苏嘉杭高速公路的事故数据进行了大数据分析,找出了部分路段的事故黑点,给苏嘉杭高速公路的运营管理提供了数据支撑。 3、纵向课题《河南省高速公路充换电站规划、规范及标准研究》 该研究课题针对河南省高速公路充换电站基础设施的规划展开研究,1)构建河南省高速公路充换电站选址规划模型;2)制定了河南省高速公路充换电设施标准规范研究;3)提出了河南省高速公路充换电站运营管理模式;4)开发了面向运营管理的充电站仿真平台及手机App。 荣誉奖励教学成果奖励(作为指导教师) 7)2019年10月 获得全国大学生电子设计竞赛陕西赛区本科组一等奖 6)2016年03月 获得长安大学第九届“创青春”大学生创业大赛银奖; 5)2015年11月 获得第十四届“挑战杯”中航工业全国大学生课外学术科技作品二等奖; 4)2015年09月 获得首届中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛陕西赛区银奖; 3)2015年07月 获得陕西省第二届研究生电子设计竞赛团体三等奖; 2)2015年07月 获得陕西省第八届自动化专业本科优秀毕业设计论文大赛特等奖; 1)2014年11月 获得TI杯大学生电子设计竞赛陕西赛区三等奖。 工会活动奖励 6)2021年12月 被评为电子与控制工程学院2020-2021年度工会活动积极分子; 5)2019年10月 获得陕西省高校教职工羽毛球团体赛二等奖; 4)2018年12月 被评为电子与控制工程学院2017-2018年度工会活动积极分子; 3)2017年10月 获得陕西省高校教职工羽毛球团体赛三等奖; 2)2016年12月 被评为电子与控制工程学院2015-2016年度工会活动积极分子; 1)2014年12月 被评为电子与控制工程学院2013-2014年度工会活动积极分子。 其他奖励 4)2022年10月 被评为长安大学2021-2022学年优秀班主任 3)2022年5月 被评为长安大学2022年优秀教师 2)2021年6月 被评为长安大学优秀共产党员 1)2018年11月 被评为长安大学2017-2018学年优秀班主任 工作经历2014.07—2018.11 长安大学电子与控制工程学院 讲师 2018.12—至今 长安大学电子与控制工程学院 副教授 硕士研究生导师 |