The personal data
ResumeSocial positionResearchTransportation network performance modeling: network resilience, network vulnerability Travel behavior analysis: travel behavior and location choice behavior under natural hazards Transportation and environment: transportation system performance, air quality, and built environment Transportation adaptation to climate change: spatial econometric analysis in transportation, adaptation strategies Open CourseResearch projectThesisSelected publications: Lu, Q.-C*., 2018. Modeling network resilience of rail transit under operational incidents. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 117(11): 227-237. Lu, Q.-C.*, J. Zhang, A.B.M. S. Rahman,2018. Location choice behavior adapting to flood and cyclone hazards. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 27(3): 189-198. Jiang, R., Lu, Q.-C.*,Peng, Z.-R., 2018. A station-based rail transit network vulnerability measure considering land use dependency. Journal of Transport Geography, 66: 10-18. Lu, Q.-C.*, Zhang, J., Wu, L., Rahman, A.B.M. S., 2017. The interrelationship between travel behavior and life choices in adapting to flood disasters. Natural Hazards, 85(2): 1005-1022. Lu, Q.-C.*, Zhang, J., Wu, L., Rahman, A.B.M. S., 2016. Job and residential location changes responding to floods and cyclones: an analysis based on a cross-nested logit model. Climatic Change, 138(3): 453-469. Chen, X., Lu, Q.-C.*, Peng, Z.-R., Ash, J.E., 2015. Analysis of transportation network vulnerability under flooding disaster.Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board, No. 2532: 37-44. Lu, Q.-C.*, Peng, Z.-R., Zhang, J., 2015. Identification and prioritization of critical transportation infrastructure: A case study of coastal flooding. Journal of Transportation Engineering-ASCE, 141(3): 04014082. Lu, Q.-C.*, Peng, Z.-R., Zhang, L., Wang, Z., 2014. Economic analyses of sea-level rise adaptation strategies in transportation considering spatial autocorrelation. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 33(12): 87-94. Lu, Q.-C.*, Zhang, J., Peng, Z.-R., Rahman, A.B.M. S., 2014. Inter-city travel behaviour adaptation to extreme weather events. Journal of Transport Geography, 41(12): 148-153. Lu, Q.-C., Peng, Z.-R., Du, R., 2012. Economic analysis of sea-level rise impacts and adaptation strategies in transportation. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board, No. 2273: 54-61. Lu, Q.-C., Peng, Z.-R., 2011. Vulnerability analysis of transportation network under the scenarios of sea level rise. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board, No. 2263: 174-181. Book Chapters: Lu, Q.-C., Zhang, J., Wu, L., Rahman, A.B.M.S., ‘Adaptation Behavior under Natural Disasters’, (Editor: Junyi Zhang), in Life-Oriented Behavioral Research for Urban Policy (ISBN: 978-4-431-56470-6), 2017, Springer. Peng, Z.-R., Shen, S., Lu, Q.-C., Perch, S., ‘Transportation and Climate Change’, (Editor: Myer Kutz), in Handbook of Transportation Engineering, Second Edition, March, 2011. New York: McGraw-Hill. Technological AchievementsHonor RewardWork experience |