个人简介白璘,男,1981年8月,博士,副教授,硕士生导师/国际留学生硕士导师,自动化专业责任教授。中国图象图形学会遥感图像专业学会,美国电气电子工程师学会地球科学与遥感学会会员(IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society),省科技厅项目评审专家。长期在控制科学与工程学科从事模式识别与智能信息处理交叉学科方向的科学研究与工程实践工作。 课题组面向空天信息处理,智慧城市,应急管理等领域的重大需求,聚焦学科前沿,形成无人系统(无人机、无人车)环境感知、无人机视觉定位、机载/星载目标检测跟踪与识别、边缘智能计算等方向。近年来,获陕西省科学技术二等奖1项,主持国家自然科学基金1项,陕西省重点研发计划项目1项,西安市科技局项目1项。作为主要参与人参与中央军委装备发展部项目1项,科技部重点研发计划1项,国家自然科学基金项目4项,陕西省自然科学基金2项。主持中央高校一般项目2项,高新技术1项,参与团队项目2项,获陕西省科技奖1项。主持横向课题6项,参与交通部重大专项1项,省交通厅项目3项。在中外高水平期刊/会议上公开发表学术论文60余篇,其中被SCI,EI检索50余篇,高被引1篇,出版教材2部,获得专利及软件著作权授权20余项。 获国家教学成果二等奖1项(排名第三),省教学成果特等奖1项(排名第三)。主持教育部产学研协同育人项目1项,陕西省高教学会疫情防控专题项目1项,长安大学教学改革项目2项。指导研究生参加互联网+创新创业大赛获陕西省银奖1项,挑战杯获陕西省二等奖一项; 指导学生参加全国大学生电子设计竞赛获国家二等奖1项,陕西省一等奖2项。 社会职务1. 长期担任国内外高水平期刊审稿工作,包括Remote Sensing of Environment、ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing、IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology、IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing、IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing、pattern recognition、电子与信息学报等。 研究领域课题组主要研究领域 模式识别、计算机视觉、信号处理和机器学习(深度学习)方法研究。课题组面向空天信息处理,智慧城市,应急管理等领域重大需求,聚焦学科前沿,形成无人系统(无人机、无人车)环境感知、无人机视觉定位、机载/星载目标检测跟踪与识别、边缘计算(嵌入式AI)等方向。 每年招收硕士研究生3-4名,欢迎对人工智能、信号处理、计算机视觉,深度学习等领域感兴趣的学生保送、报考。优先录取讲诚信、热爱科研、动手能力强的学生。 课题组拥有多套Pixhawk小型无人机、SLAM轮式机器人、Livox激光雷达、微软TOF深度相机、FPGA、树莓派、NVIDIA JETSON 系列嵌入式AI 计算机、华为昇腾Atlas 200i DK、Orange Pi AIpro边缘计算平台等相关实验设备,可为学生提供较好的科研软硬件条件(多台RTX4090深度学习服务器、超算云服务器等)。 课题组部分成果展示 https://space.bilibili.com/576172937/video 课题组拥有共同价值观,努力营造自由的学术环境,让同学的品质得到提升,能力得以彰显。 核心理念:让学生变得更好。 本课题组接收校内高年级本科生实习。 欢迎申请人邮件联系并随信附上个人简历。 联系方式:linbai@chd.edu.cn 研究生招生方向: 学术型:控制科学与工程(学科方向 模式识别与智能系统); 专业型:电子信息 就业前景:课题组毕业学生就职于山西省交科院,中电20所,中航631研究所,中航工业电源,法士特,比亚迪智能驾驶研究部,青岛鼎信通讯股份有限公司等科研院所,大型企业。 开授课程面向本科生开授课程: 嵌入式操作系统;运动控制系统;单片机与微机原理;数据结构与算法 面向研究生开设课程:工业互联网技术应用实践 研究生招生方向:学术型 控制科学与工程(学科方向 模式识别与智能系统); 专业性型:电子信息 本课题组接收校内高年级本科生实习。 课题组部分成果展示 https://space.bilibili.com/576172937/video 科研项目近年主持及参与的代表性课题 国家级项目
论文2024 1. J. Shen, L. Bai, Y. Zhang, M. Chowdhuray Momi, S. Quan and Z. Ye, ELLK-Net: An Efficient Lightweight Large Kernel Network for SAR Ship Detection, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 62, pp. 1-14, 2024, Art no. 5221514, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3451399. (SCI IF=8.2 Top) 2. Z. Ye, Y. Zhang, J. Zhang, W. Li and L. Bai, A Multiscale Incremental Learning Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 62, pp. 1-15, 2024, Art no. 5606015,doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3353737. (SCI IF=8.2 Top) 3. Zhen Ye , Zhan Cao , Huan Liu , Haipeng Liu , Wei Li , Lin Bai , Xiaobo Li, Self-Supervised Learning with Multiscale Densely-Connected Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (SCI IF=8.2 Top), DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3424394 4. Haijuan Wang, Lin Bai, Danni Xue, Moslema Chowdhuray Momi, Zhen Ye and Siwen Quan, FRCFNet: Feature Reassembly and Context Information Fusion Network for Road Extraction, in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,vol. 21, pp. 1-5, 2024, Art no. 2502805. (SCI IF=4.8) 5. Zhen Ye, Yi Liu, Yongqiang Xi, Huan Liu, Wei Li, Lin Bai, Multi-Scale and Multi-Direction Feature Extraction Network for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Classification in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 17, pp. 9961-9973, 2024.(SCI IF=5.5 Top ) 6. Danni Xue, Lin Bai and Yunqi Zhang,MulaNet:High resolution satellite image road extraction network based on multi dimensional attention mechanism,in ICICV2024,July 15-17, 2024 ,Suzhou, China (EI) 7. Wenqing Zhou, Bo Ji and Lin Bai,Multiscale Gated Fusion Fully Convolutional Network for Classification of Disjoint High Spatial-Spectral Resolution Images,in ICICV2024,July 15-17, 2024 ,Suzhou, China (EI) 2023 1. L. Bai, C. Yao, Z. Ye, D. Xue, X. Lin and M. Hui, Feature Enhancement Pyramid and Shallow Feature Reconstruction Network for SAR Ship Detection, in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 16, pp. 1042-1056, 2023.(SCI IF=5.5 Top ESI 高被引) 2. Zhen Ye, Tao Sun, Shihao Shi, Lin Bai, and James E. Fowler, Fellow, IEEE,“Local-Global Active Learning Based on a Graph Convolutional Network for Semi-Supervised Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery” in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters/ 10.1109/LGRS.2023.3244758 (SCI IF=5.343)
3. Lin Bai, Cheng Yao, Zhen Ye, Dongling Xue, Xiangyuan Lin and Meng Hui, “A Novel Anchor-Free Detector Using Global Context-Guide Feature Balance Pyramid and United Attention for SAR Ship Detection”in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, (SCI IF=5.343) / 10.1109/LGRS.2023.3252590
4. Zhen Ye,cuiling Li, Qingxin Liu, Lin Bai, and James E. Fowler, Fellow, IEEE,“Computationally Lightweight Hyperspectral Image Classification Using a Multiscale Depthwise Convolutional Network with Channel Attention” in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters/ (SCI IF=5.343) /10.1109/LGRS.2023.3285208 5. Zhen Ye, Tao Sun, Zhan Cao, Lin Bai, and James E. Fowler,"Few-Shot Learning Using Residual Channel Attention and Prototype Domain Adaptation for Hyperspectral Image Classification" in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 20, pp. 1-5, 2023, Art no. 5510005, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2023.3320406. (SCI IF=5.343) 6. Zhen Ye, Jie Wang, and Lin Bai. 2023. ‘Multi-Scale Spatial-Spectral Feature Extraction Based on Dilated Convolution for Hyperspectral Image Classification’ In Proceedings of the 2023 6th International Conference on Image and Graphics Processing (ICIGP '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 97–103. https://doi.org/10.1145/3582649.3582681(EI)
7. Haijuan Wang, Lin Bai, Bo Ji, Jiaming Shen, Zhen Ye, Ying Jin and Fei Ye,‘Gated Fusion and Dual Attention Network for Road Extraction from Satellite Imagery’ in 2023 8th International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing.(ICIVC 2023),July 27-29, 2023 in Dalian, China. (EI)
8. Bo Ji, Lin Bai, Haijuan Wang, Jiaming Shen, Guoqiang Chen, Ying Jin, 'FCA-Net:A Fast Inference and Channel Attention Based Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification,' in 2023 The 16th International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE 2023), Xi’an,China. (EI) 9. Jiaming Shen, Lin Bai, Haijuan Wang, Bo Ji, Wengming Chen, Gongcai Zhang. 'Lightweight Anchor-Free Detector Using Cross-Dimensional Interactive Feature Balance for SAR Ship Detection.' In the 5th International Conference on Video, Signal and Image Processing (VSIP 2023) will be held in Harbin, China. (EI) A 2022 1. Lin Bai Member, IEEE;Qingxin Liu;Cuiling Li;Zhen Ye;Meng Hui;Xiuping Jia Fellow, IEEE. “Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Using Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Covariance Network with Octave Convolution,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 60, pp. 1-14, 2022, Art no. 5620214, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2022.3160492. (SCI IF=8.2 Top) 2. Lin Bai, Member, IEEE, Xiangyuan Lin, Zhen Ye, Dongling Xue, Cheng Yao, Meng Hui, Member, IEEE MsanlfNet: Semantic Segmentation Network with Multi-Scale Attention and Non-Local Filters for High Resolution Remote Sensing Images, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2022 (SCI IF=5.343) DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2022.3185641 3. Lin. Bai, Q. Liu, C. Li, C. Zhu, Z. Ye and M. Xi, A Lightweight and Multiscale Network for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification, in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters , vol. 19, pp. 1-5, 2022, Art no. 8012605, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2021.3078518. (SCI IF=5.343) 4. Zhen Ye, Cuiling Li, Qingxin Liu, Lin Bai, Member, IEEE, and James E. Fowler, Fellow, IEEE “Multiscale Spatial-Spectral Feature Extraction Network for Hyperspectral Image Classifification,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2022.3179446.(SCI IF=5.5 Top) 5. Meng Hui, Jiahuang Zhang, Herbert Ho-Ching Iu, Rui ,Lin Bai, A novel intermittent sliding mode control approach to finite-time synchronization of complex-valued neural networks, Neurocomputing,Volume 513,2022, Pages 181-193 (SCI IF=6) 6. Hui, M, Yan, J, Zhang, J, Iu, HH-C, Yao, R, Bai, L. Exponential synchronization of inertial neural network with mixed delays via intermittent pinning control. Int J Robust Nonlinear Control. 2022; 32( 1): 358– 372. doi:10.1002/rnc.5817 (SCI IF=3.9) 7. Cheng Yao, Lin Bai, Dongling Xue, Xiangyuan Lin and Zhen Ye “GFB-Net: A Global Context-Guided Feature Balance Network for Arbitrary Oriented SAR Ship Detection”,2022 7th International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing(EI) 8. Zhen Ye, Kangdi Yin and Lin Bai“Garbage Classification Model Integrating Attention Mechanism”,2022 14th International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing (ICGIP 2022) | Nanjing, China ,October 21-23, 2022 (EI) 9. Dongling Xue, Lin Bai, Cheng Yao and Xiangyuan Lin “An Efficient Convolution Network with Adaptive receptive field feature for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Change Detection,” 2022 4th International Conference on Video, Signal and Image Processing (VSIP 2022), November 25-27, 2022 (EI) 10. Quan, S., Ju, Y., Cheng, Y., Hui, M., and Bai, L., “1-point sample consensus on correspondence set for 3D point cloud registration”, in Thirteenth International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing (ICGIP 2021), 2022, vol. 12083. doi:10.1117/12.2623196.(EI) 2021 1. Lin Bai; Qingxin Liu; Cuiling Li ; Zhen Ye; Meng Hui “A Lightweight and Fine-Grained Feature Fusion Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification,”2021 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC), 17-19 Aug. 2021. (EI) 2. Zhen Ye, Shihao Shi, Zhan Cao, Lin Bai, Cuiling Li, Tao Sun, Yongqiang Xi. Graph-Based Dimensionality Reduction for Hyperspectral Imagery: A Review[J]. JOURNAL OF BEIJING INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 30(2): 91-112. (EI) 3. 叶珍,董睿,陈浩鑫,白璘. 2021. 高光谱图像分类的自适应决策融合方法. 中国图象图形学报,26(08):1952-1968 4. 叶珍,白璘,何明一 高光谱图像空谱特征提取综述[J]. 中国图象图形学报. 2021,26 (08) 5. Zhen Ye, Shihao Shi, Tao Sun, Lin Bai. Local Preserving Graphs Using Intra-Class Competitive Representation for Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Image[J]. JOURNAL OF BEIJING INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 30(2): 139-158. (EI) 2020 1. Zhen Ye, Rui Dong, Lin Bai & Yongjian Nian. “Adaptive collaborative graph for discriminant analysis of hyperspectral imagery,” European Journal of Remote Sensing, 53:1, 91-103 (2020). (SCI IF=4) 2. Ye, Z., Dong, R., Bai, L. et al. “Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Segmented Local Binary Patterns,” Sens Imaging 21, 15 (2020). (SCI ) 3. 赵亚斌, 白璘, 武奇生,等. 基于MPSO-RVM的短期交通流预测方法研究[J]. 计算机应用研究, 2020(S01):3. 4. Z. Ye, J. Ma, Y. Zeng, S. Shi and L. Bai, Robotic Arm Control in Polar Coordinate System Using Distance-Speed Curve, 2020 7th International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE), Changsha, China, 2020, pp. 2169-2174, doi: 10.1109/ICISCE50968.2020.00425. (EI) 2019 1. Bai, L., Zhu, C., Ye, Z., Hui, M. (2020). Rolling Bearings Fault Diagnosis Method Based on EWT Approximate Entropy and FCM Clustering. In: Qin, Y., Jia, L., Liu, B., Liu, Z., Diao, L., An, M. (eds) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies for Rail Transportation (EITRT) 2019. EITRT 2019. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 639. (EI) 2. 赵亚斌, 白璘, 武奇生. 基于4G无线网络的公路边坡监测传感系统设计[J]. 工业仪表与自动化装置, 2019(5):5. 3. 晏雨婵, 武奇生, 白璘,等. 采用MPSO优化SVR的短时交通流预测方法[J]. 计算机技术与发展, 2019, 29(4):6 4. 晏雨婵, 白璘, 武奇生,等. 基于多指标模糊综合评价的交通拥堵预测与评估[J]. 计算机应用研究, 2019, 36(12):5. 5. 刘汉,罗向龙,白璘.基于激光雷达的移动机器人实时自动最优路线算法研究[J].激光杂志,2019,40(06):93-97.DOI:10.14016/j.cnki.jgzz.2019.06.093. 6. Ye, Z. , Jiang, Y. , Shi, S. , Yan, J. and Bai, L. (2019) Forest-Fire Recognition by Sparse and Collaborative Subspace Clustering. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 7, 2883-2890. doi: 10.4236/jamp.2019.711197. 2018 1. W. Xi, L. Bai, M. Hui and Q. Wu, A novel rolling bearing fault detect method based on empirical wavelet transform, 2018 13th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), 2018, pp. 2764-2768 (EI) 2. L. Bai and W. Xi, Early Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Bearing based Empirical Wavelet Transform and Spectral Kurtosis, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (ICPHM), 2018, pp. 1-6, (EI) 3. Bai, Lin & Hui, Meng & Ye, Zhen & Yan, Yuchan. Feature extraction based on morphological attribute profiles for classification of hyperspectral image. 297. 10.1117/12.2503277. (2018). (EI) 4. Yao, Rui, Meng Hui, Jun Li, Lin Bai, and Qisheng Wu. 2018. A New Discharge Pattern for the Characterization and Identification of Insulation Defects in GIS. Energies 2018,11, no. 4: 971. https://doi.org/10.3390/en11040971 (SCI IF=3.252) 5. bai, lin & xi, wei & YAN, Yuchan & Ye, Zhen. (2018). Early fault diagnosis of bearing using empirical wavelet transform with energy entropy. 15. 10.1117/12.2502824. (EI) 6. Ye, Z., Yan, Y., Bai, L., and Hui, M., “Feature extraction based on morphological attribute profiles for classification of hyperspectral image”, in Tenth International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP2018), 2018, vol. 10806. doi:10.1117/12.2503277.20.00425. (EI) 2017 1. Zhen Ye, Lin Bai & Yongjian Nian. “Decision fusion for hyperspectral image classification based on multiple features and locality-preserving analysis,” European Journal of Remote Sensing, 50:1, 166-178 (2017). (SCI IF=4) 2. Zhen Ye, James E. Fowler, and Lin Bai Spatial–spectral hyperspectral classification using local binary patterns and Markov random fields, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 11(3), 035002 (2017). (SCI IF=1.7) 3. 叶珍,白璘基于主成分分析与局部二值模式的高光谱图像分类[J]. 激光与光电子学进展, 201754(11): 111006—1. 4. 叶珍, 白璘. 局部保护降维与高斯混合模型的高光谱图像分类[J]. 工业仪表与自动化装置, 2017(4):3-6. 5. Ye, Zhen & Bai, Lin & Tan, Lian. “Hyperspectral image classification based on Gabor features and decision fusion,”478-482. 10.1109/ICIVC.2017.7984602. (2017). (EI) 6. Ye, Zhen , L. Tan , and L. Bai . Hyperspectral image classification based on spectral-spatial feature extraction. 2017 International Workshop on Remote Sensing with Intelligent Processing (RSIP) IEEE, 2017. (EI) 7. B. Yao, M. Hui, L. Bai and Q. Wu, Two-Dimension Coherent Multipath DOA Estimation without Spatial Smoothing in Massive MIMO Systems, GLOBECOM 2017. 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2017, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2017.8254891. (EI) 2016 1. 叶珍,白璘,粘永健. Gabor特征与局部保护降维的高光谱图像分类,光学学报,2016, 36(10): 1028003. 2. 叶珍,白璘,刘玉,等,混合PCA/ICA与JPEG2000结合的高光谱图像压缩. 计算机工程与科学,2016,38(05): 968-974. 3. 白璘,刘盼芝,惠萌,利用小波核噪声分离进行高光谱影像SVM分类.武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2016,41(5):624-629.(EI) 2015 1. 白璘,惠萌. 基于改进噪声分离变换的特征提取与分类. 计算机工程与科学,第37卷第7期,1344-1348页,2015 2. Bai Lin, Hu Defa, Hui, Meng, Li Yanbo. RVM Classification of hyperspectral images based on wavelet kernel non-negative matrix fractorization. Telkomnika. 2015, 13(3):976-984. (EI) 3. Lin Bai,RVM Classification of hyperspectral images based on wavelet kernel non-negative matrixfractorization,Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control),2015,13(3):976-984。(EI) 2014 1. Lin Bai(#),Yanbo Li,Meng Hui,Face Recognition Based on Wavelet Kernel Non-Negative Matrix Factorization,CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES,2014,14(3):37-45。(EI) 2. Bai Lin(#),Hui Meng,SVM classification of hyperspectral images based on wavelet kernel non-negative matrix factorization,Computer Modelling and New Technologies,2014,18(7):140-146。(EI) 2013 1. Bai Lin(#),Gao Tao,Du Kai,Using non-negative matrix factorization with projected gradient for hyperspectral images feature extraction,Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), 2013 8th IEEE Conference on,2013.6.19-2013.6.21(EI) 2. 白璘(#),高涛,基于独立成分分析的高光谱图像有损压缩方法,计算机工程,2013,(03):245-249+253 2012 1. 白璘,刘盼芝,李光,一种基于Contourlet变换的高光谱图像压缩算法,计算机科学,2012,(S3):395-397+427 2. 高涛,马祥,白璘.采用自适应加权扩展LBP的单样本人脸识别[J].光电子.激光,2012,23(04):782-790.DOI:10.16136/j.joel.2012.04.028. 2011 1. 白璘(#),何明一,戴玉超,采用自适应波段分组的高光谱图像压缩算法,计算机科学,2011,(06):275-278 2010 1. He Mingyi, Bai Lin, Dai Yuchao, Zhang Jing. Band regrouping based lossless compression of hyperspectral images, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing , 2010, no 4 (SCI IF=1.7)
荣誉奖励教学获奖 1《构建知行合一卓越工程人才培养体系创新驱动》,获 国家教学成果奖, 二等奖, 2018年(排名第三) 2《创新驱动构建实践教学体系培养卓越工程人才》,陕西省教学成果奖,特等, 2015.12,排名第三 3 2022年获长安大学本科优秀班主任(所带班级获长安大学标兵班集体,五四红旗团支部,全班平均成绩年级第一,班长排名专业第一,推免至中国科学院自动化所直接攻读博士学位。) 科研获奖 1“高光谱遥感图像特征获取数据压缩融合和智能识别理论与方法”项目获陕西省科学技术奖,二等 奖,2011年 2 第十八届中国科协年会全国科技工作者创新创业大赛陕西赛区铜奖(基于物联网的隧道照明智能控制系统),2016 指导研究生获奖
工作经历2011.7-2015.11,长安大学电控学院,讲师; 2015.11-至今, 长安大学电控学院,副教授,硕士生导师 |