


学位: 博士

毕业院校: 德国柏林工业大学

邮件: bobin@chd.edu.cn


出生年月: 1992-10-29

办公地点: 地学大厦


  • 学院: 地质工程与测绘学院
  • 性别:
  • 出生年月: 1992-10-29
  • 职称:
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历: 博士研究生
  • 毕业院校: 德国柏林工业大学
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱: bobin@chd.edu.cn
  • 通讯地址:
  • 邮编: 710054
  • 传真:
  • 办公地址: 地学大厦
  • 教育经历:





长安大学地质工程与测绘学院专任教师,硕士生导师,博士毕业于德国柏林工业大学,并在德国地学研究中心GFZ任科研助理。入选国家海外博后引才计划,主持国家自然科学基金、国家博士后面上、陕西省博后资助等国家和省部级项目4项,担任《Remote Sensing》客座编辑。发表学术论文30余篇,其中包括以第一作者/通讯作者在《Journal of Geodesy》、《GPS Solutions》、《Satellite Navigation》等高质量期刊发表论文10余篇。主要研究方向为GNSS卫星导航定位(Satellite Geodesy),包括大气建模、精密定位、钟差估计技术,及手机导航、组合导航等。担任JoGGPSSSANAScientific Reports等期刊审稿人。






1.      国家海外博后专项,教育部,2024.06-2027.06,主持

2.      北斗/GNSS全频率PPP-RTK模糊度固定质量控制技术研究,国家自然科学基金委,424040272025.01-2027.12,主持

3.      北斗/GNSS+LEO卫星集群实时模糊度固定技术研究,中国博士后科学基金76批面上,2024M7627662025.01-2026.12,主持

4.      北斗卫星通导一体化多源增强可信定位研究,陕西省博士后资助,2025.01-2026.12,主持

5.      PPP-RTK广域增强服务大气建模算法,中央高校基础研究培育项目,3001022641052024.01-2025.12,主持


Cui, B., Li, P., Wang, J., Ge, M., Schuh, H. (2021) Calibrating receiver-type-dependent wide-lane uncalibrated phase delay biases for PPP integer ambiguity resolution. Journal of Geodesy 95, 82. (中科院一区)

Cui, B., Wang, J., Li, P., Ge, M., Schuh, H. (2022) Modeling wide-area tropospheric delay corrections for fast PPP ambiguity resolution. GPS Solutions 26, 56. (中科院一区)

Cui, B., Jiang, X., Wang, J., Li, P., Ge, M., Schuh, H. (2023) A new real-time large-area hierarchical augmentation positioning mode. GPS Solutions, 27, 134. (中科院一区)

Cui, B., Wang, J., Li, P., Hu, J., Zuo, X., Tang, L.(2024) Modified ionosphere delay fitting model with atmosphere uncertainty grids for wide-area real-time positioning. Geo-spatial Information Science (中科院一区)

Hu, J., Cui, B.*, Li, P., Bisnath, S. (2023) Exploring the role of PPP–RTK network configuration: a balance of server budget and user performance. GPS Solut 27, 184 (2023) (中科院一区)

Li, P., Cui, B.*, Hu, J., Zhang., X., Ge, M.; Schuh, H. (2022) PPP-RTK considering the ionosphere uncertainty with cross-validation. Satellite Navigation, 3, 10. (中科院一区)

Huang, G., Cui, B.*, Zhang, Q., Fu, W., Li, P. (2018) An Improved Predicted Model for BDS Ultra-Rapid Satellite Clock Offsets. Remote Sensing. 10(1):60.

Huang, G., Cui, B.*, Zhang, Q., Li, P., Xie, W. (2019) Switching and performance variations of on-orbit BDS satellite clocks. Advances in Space Research. 63(5), 1681-1696.

Huang, G., Cui, B.*, Zhang, Q., Fu, W., Li. P., Lin, Y.. (2018) Real-Time Clock Offset Prediction Model with Periodic and Neural Network Corrections. Journal of Astronautics, 39(1): 83-88.

 Huang, G., Cui, B., Xu, Y., Zhang, Q. (2019) Characteristics and performance evaluation of Galileo on-orbit satellites atomic clocks during 2014–2017. Advances in Space Research. 63(9). 2899-2911.

Xie, W., Wang, K., Fu, W., Cui, B., Yang, X., (2024) Regional multi-station real-time time transfer using an undifferenced multi-GNSS network solution. GPS Solut 28, 198. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10291-024-01744-1

Zuo, X., Li, P., Cui, B., Ge, M., Schuh, H. (2024) A computational efficient approach for multi-GNSS real-time precise clock estimation with undifferenced ambiguity resolution. J Geod 98, 73. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-024-01881-y

Xie, W., Wang, K., Fu, W., Xie, S., Cui, B., Li, M. (2024) Real-Time Estimation of BDS-3 Satellite Clock Offset with Ambiguity Resolution Using B1C/B2a Signals. Remote Sens., 16, 1666. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16101666

Wu, M., Wang, L., Xie, W., Yue, F., Cui, B. (2024) Performance Evaluation and Application Field Analysis of Precise Point Positioning Based on Different Real-Time Augmentation Information. Remote Sens., 16, 1349. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16081349

Tang, L., Wang, J., Cui, B., Zhu, H., Ge, M., Schuh, H. (2023) Multi-GNSS precise point positioning with predicted orbits and clocks. GPS Solutions 27, 162.

Xie, W., Huang, G., Fu, W., Shu, B., Cui, B., Li, M., Yue, F. (2022) A quality control method based on improved IQR for estimating multi-GNSS real-time satellite clock offset. Measurement 201.

Xie, W., Huang, G., Fu, W., Li, P., Cui, B. (2021). An efficient clock offset datum switching compensation method for BDS real-time satellite clock offset estimation. Advances in Space Research, 68(4), 1802-1813.

Xie, W., Huang, G., Wang, L., Li, P., Cui, B., Wang, H., & Cao, Y. (2021). Long-term performance detection and evaluation of GLONASS onboard satellite clocks. Measurement, 175.

Xie, W.; Huang, G.; Cui, B.; Li, P.; Cao, Y.; Wang, H.; Chen, Z.; Shao, B. Characteristics and Performance Evaluation of QZSS Onboard Satellite Clocks. Sensors 2019, 19, 5147.

Fu, W.; Huang, G.; Yang, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Cui, B.; Ge, M.; Schuh, H. Multi-GNSS Combined Precise Point Positioning Using Additional Observations with Opposite Weight for Real-Time Quality Control. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 311.


  • Cui, B.B., GNSS augmentation services for large area PPP RTK,Veröffentlichungen der DGK, Ausschuss Geodäsie der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften(德国大地测量局), München 2024, ISSN 0065-5325, ISBN 978‑3‑7696‑5351-9




