个人简介谭细娟,女,理学博士,讲师,毕业于西北大学化学与材料科学学院。现于长安大学成矿作用及其动力学实验室工作,研究兴趣为微量、痕量元素及同位素分析方法研究,涉及分析技术包括SN-ICP-MS、LA-ICP-MS、tof-SIMS等。负责硕士及博士研究生“Analytical geochemistry”、“Modern analytical techniques”、“Organic Geochemistry”全英文课讲授。主持省部级项目1项,国家自然科学基金1项,参与多项国家科技项目,发表多篇SCI源期刊学术论文。 社会职务研究领域研究兴趣为基于无机质谱ICP-MS、LA-(MC)-ICP-MS、tof-SIMS等的微量、痕量元素及同位素分析方法研究。 开授课程负责硕士及博士研究生“Analytical geochemistry”、“Modern analytical techniques”、“Organic Geochemistry”全英文课程讲授,本科生“现代测试分析方法”、“宝石现代测试技术”课程讲授。 科研项目
论文1. Xijuan Tan*, Yunxiu Ren, Ting Liang, Denghong Wang. Study of ultrasound-assisted low-pressure closed acid digestion method for trace element determination in rock samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Molecules. 2025; 30(2):342. 2. Xijuan Tan*, Zhuming Wang. Trace elements determination in human scalp hair by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and its application to health status assessment. European Journal of Applied Sciences, 2024, 12(6), 609–620. 3. Xijuan Tan*, Yonggang Feng,Ruili Zhou, Denghong Wang, Ting Liang, Yan Wang. Accurate boron determination in tourmaline by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry: An insight into the boron–mannitol complex-based wet acid digestion method. Molecules, 2024; 29(11): 2701. 4. Xijuan Tan*, Honghao Tian, Lin Lu, Dongyang Xiong, Ting Liang, A non-matrix-matched calibration method for in situ major and trace element analysis of scheelite by nanosecond LA-ICP-MS. Molecules, 2024, 29(1): 51. 5. Xijuan Tan, Joachim Koch, Detlef Günther, Bodo Hattendorf, Lithium isotope determination in spodumene by fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS with non-matrix-matched calibration: Insights into ICP operating conditions and data evaluation. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 2024, 48(1), 43-55. 6. Xijuan Tan*, Ruili Zhou, Yonggang Feng, Ting Liang. In-depth method investigation for determination of boron in silicate samples using an improved boron–mannitol complex digestion method by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Molecules, 2023, 28(1): 441. 7. Yilizhati Jumahong, Xijuan Tan*, Ting Liang, Yi Zhou, Determination of heavy metals and rare earth elements in bottom ash of waste incineration by ICP-MS with high-pressure closed digestion method. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2022, 42(10): 3168-3173 (in Chinese). 8. Dongyang Xiong, Longfei Guo, Chenxi Liu, Long Wang, Yanrong Liu, Xijuan Tan*, Analytical effect of stabilizer volume and shape on zircon U–Pb dating by nanosecond LA-ICP-QMS. Journal of Analytical Science and Technology, 2022, 13(1): 13. 9. Minwu Liu, Xijuan Tan*, Uncertainty of the results of electron probe microanalysis using a spectrometer with wavelength dispersion in the study of geological samples. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 77(10): 1333-1339. 10. Xijuan Tan, Chao Guo, Yonggang Feng, Yi Zhou, Ting Liang, Effect of gas flow rates in laser ablation system on accuracy and precision of zircon U-Pb dating analysis by LA-ICP-MS. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2022, 41(4): 554-563 (in Chinese). 11. Xijuan Tan, Joachim Koch, Detlef Günther, Eric Reusser, Bodo Hattendorf, In situ element analysis of spodumenes by fs-LA-ICPMS with non-matrix-matched calibration: Signal beat and accuracy. Chemical Geology, 2021, 583: 120463. 12. Xijuan Tan*, Minwu Liu, Ke He, Study of long-term determination accuracy for REEs in geological samples by inductively coupled plasma quadrupole mass spectrometry. Molecules, 2021, 26, 290. 13. Xijuan Tan*, Zhuming Wang, General high-pressure closed acidic decomposition method of rock samples for trace element determination using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 75(10): 1295-1303. 14. Xijuan Tan*, Zhuming Wang, Minwu Liu, Ke He, Determination of trace metals in garlic bulbs (Allium sativum L.): A variety discrimination by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 2020, 87(1): 194-199. 15. Xijuan Tan, Ting Liang, Ze Zhang, et al., Quantification accuracy study of lithium in spodumene between ICP-MS and ICP-AES, Acta Geologica Sinica, 2019, 93(6): 1543-1549 (in Chinese). 16. Xijuan Tan*, Hong Liu, Zhuming Wang, Minwu Liu,Safety assessment of arsenic in cosmetic face-creams by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer, American Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2019, 7(1): 35-41. 17. Xijuan Tan*, Zhuming Wang, Zhenliang Wang, A facile acidic cosmetic digestion strategy for lead and cadmium determination by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer.Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 2018, 85(4): 606-611. 18. Mingxia Shen, Xijuan Tan, Zhenghua Song, Quantitative monitoring of cefradine in human urine using a luminol/sulfobutylether–β-cyclodextrin chemiluminescence system. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 2018, 85(2): 327-334. 19. Xijuan Tan*, Zhenghua Song, Zhenliang Wang, Characterization of the interaction between bovine serum albumin and doxycycline by chemiluminescence and molecular docking, Instrumentation Science & Technology, 2016, 44 (3): 294-307 20. Xijuan Tan*, Zhenghua Song, Zhenliang Wang, A highly sensitive flow injection chemiluminescence method for picomolar doxycycline determination in bio-fluids, Journal of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Research, 2015, 2(9): 789-798. 科技成果荣誉奖励长安大学年度优秀教职工荣誉称号,2016年 工作经历1.2014/04-至今,长安大学,地球科学与资源学院,讲师 2. 2018/09-2019/08,苏黎世联邦理工大学,博士后,导师:Detlef Günther |