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ResumeSocial positionResearch1.Localization, planning and control of connected and autonomous Vehicles. 2.Vehicle-in-the-loop testing. Open CourseResearch projectThesis1. Zhen Wang, Xiangmo Zhao, Zhigang Xu. Modeling and Field Experiments on Autonomous Vehicle Lane Changing with Surrounding Human-driven Vehicles [J]. Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2020,2:1-13. (SCI, TOP, IF:8.552) 2. Xiangmo Zhao, Zhen Wang, Zhigang Xu. Field Experiments on Longitudinal Characteristics of Human Driver Behavior Following an Autonomous Vehicle [J]. Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies, 2020,114:205-224. (SCI, TOP, IF:6.077) 3. Zhen Wang*, Xiangmo Zhao, Zhigang Xu. Offline Mapping for Autonomous Vehicles with Low-cost Sensors [J]. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2020,82:1-11. (SCI, IF:2.663) 4. Zhen Wang, Xiangmo Zhao, Zhiwei Chen. A Dynamic Cooperative Lane-Changing Model for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles with Possible Accelerations of a Preceding Vehicle [J]. Expert Systems with Applications, In Press. (SCI, TOP, IF:5.452) 5. Zhen Wang, Xiaowei Shi, Xiaopeng Li. Review of Lane-Changing Maneuvers of Connected and Automated Vehicles: Models, Algorithms and Traffic Impact Analyses [J]. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 2019,99(4):589-599. (SCI, IF:0.742) 6. Zhigang Xu, Kaifan Zhang, Haigen Min, Zhen Wang. What Drives People to Accept Automated Vehicles? Findings from a Field Experiment [J]. Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies, 2018,95:320-334. (SCI, TOP, IF:6.077) 7. Zhen Wang, Xiaowei Shi*, Xiangmo Zhao, Xiaopeng Li. Modeling Decentralized Mandatory Lane Change for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: An Analytical Method [J]. Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies, (SCI, TOP, IF:6.077) Technological AchievementsHonor RewardWork experience |