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ResumeQinglong Wang received the M.S. degree in cryptography from Xi'dian University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, in 2002, and the Ph.D. degree in information security from Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, in 2009. He was a visiting scholar from 2013-2014 on Cincinnati University. He is currently an Associate Professor with Chang'an University, Xi'an. His research interests include privacy protection, machine learning and Blockchain technology. Social positionResearch1. Privacy Protection 2. Machine Learning 3. Blockchain Open Course1. Undergratude courses (1) Discrete mathematics (2) IoT information security 2. Graduate courses (1) The foundation of number theory (2) Cryptography Research projectThesis[1] Q. Wang, M. Ou, Y. Yang and Z. Duan, Conditional Privacy-Preserving Anonymous Authentication Scheme With Forward Security in Vehicle-to-Grid Networks, in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 217592-217602, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3040112. [2] Qinglong W., Zhiqiang T., Na F., Zongtao D. (2020) A Privacy Preserving Data Collecting Scheme in VANET. Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing – GPC 2020. Nov 13-15, Xi'an China, pp: 45-58. 3] Rui Qiao, QingLong Wang, Zongtao Duan, Na Fan. Security Analysis of Efficient Anonymous Authentication With Conditional Privacy Preserving Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. Technological AchievementsHonor RewardWork experience |