个人简介工学博士,副教授,硕士生导师。 主要研究兴趣是人工智能、智能感知与决策。 先后获华北电力大学学士(2002),西安交通大学硕士(2005)和博士(2010)学位。 主持并完成国家自然科学基金项目1项、陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目1项、中国博士后科学基金项目2项。 在《Expert Systems with Applications》、《Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence》、《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》、《Structural Health Monitoring-An International Journal》、《Smart Materials and Structures》、《Neurocomputing》等期刊发表SCI论文8篇,在《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》、《西安交通大学学报》、《湖南大学学报(自然科学版)》等期刊和高水平国际会议发表EI论文10余篇。 社会职务研究领域人工智能、智能感知与决策 开授课程本科生:《人工智能导论》、《人工智能技术》; 研究生:《统计机器学习》、《深度学习》。 科研项目1、国家自然科学基金项目,61201406,先进储备池神经计算方法及其在时间模式识别中的应用,2013.01-2015.12; 2、中国博士后科学基金项目,2013M531998,自动泊车关键技术,2013.05-2014.05. 3、中国博士后科学基金项目,2019M653516,基于分布式光纤传感器的桥梁表面裂缝检测新方法,2019.05-2021.05. 4、桥梁工程结构动力学国家重点实验室开放基金,基于机器视觉的结构振动测量系统的研究与开发,2020.08-2021.12。 论文[1] Qingsong Song, Jiashu Tian, Hybrid graph convolutional and deep convolutional networks for enhanced pavement crack detection[J], Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2025, Vol. 145, article no. 110227. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2025.110227[2] Qingsong Song, Liming Liu, Na Lu, Yan Zhang, Ravie Chandren Muniyandi, Yisheng An, A three-stage pavement image crack detection framework with positive sample augmentation[J], Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2024, Vol. 129, article no. 107624. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2023.107624[3] Qingsong Song, Wei Yao, Haojiang Tian, Yidan Guo, Ravie Chandren Muniyandi, Yisheng An, Two-stage framework with improved U-Net based on self-supervised contrastive learning for pavement crack segmentation[J], Expert Systems with Applications, 2024, Vol. 238, Part F, article no. 122406. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2023.122406[4] Qingsong Song, Jinrui Wu, Haolin Wang, Yisheng An, Guangwu Tang, Computer vision-based illumination-robust and multi-point simultaneous structural displacement measuring method[J],Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, Vol. 170, article no. 108822. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2022.108822[5] Qingsong Song, Guoping Yan, Guangwu Tang, Farhad Ansari, Robust principal component analysis and support vector machine for detection of microcracks with distributed optical fiber sensors[J], Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, vol.146, article no.107019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2020.107019[6] Qingsong Song, Yu Chen, Elias Abdoli Oskoui, Zheng Fang, Todd Taylor, Guangwu Tang, Xiangmo Zhao, Farhad Ansari, Micro-crack detection method of steel beam surface using stacked autoencoders on massive full-scale sensing strains[J], Structural Health Monitoring-An International Journal, 2020, vol.19, issue 4, pp. 1175–1187. https://doi.org/10.1177/1475921719879965[7] Qingsong Song, Chao Zhang, Guangwu Tang, Farhad Ansari, Deep learning method for detection of structural microcracks by brillouin scattering based distributed optical fiber sensors[J], Smart Materials and Structures, 2020, vol.29, num.7, article no. 075008. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-665X/ab874e[8] Qingsong Song, Elias Abdoli Oskoui, Todd Taylor,Farhad Ansari, Visual saliency–based image binarization approach for detection of surface microcracks by distributed optical fiber sensors[J], Structural Health Monitoring-An International Journal, 2019, vol.18, Issue 5-6, pp. 1590–1601. https://doi.org/10.1177/1475921718797323[9] Qingsong Song, Zuren Feng, Effects of connectivity structure of complex echo state network on its prediction performance for nonlinear time series[J]. Neurocomputing, 2010, 73(10-12), 2177-2185. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2010.01.015[10]宋青松, 王兴莉, 张超, 等. 用于交通标志检测的窗口大小聚类残差SSD模型[J],湖南大学学报(自然科学版),2019, vol.46, no.10,pp.133-140.[11]宋青松, 张超, 田正鑫, 等. 基于多尺度卷积神经网络的交通标志识别[J]. 湖南大学学报(自然科学版),2018, vol.45, no.8,pp.131-137.[12]宋青松, 张超, 陈禹, 等. 组合全卷积神经网络和条件随机场的道路分割[J], 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, vol.58, no.8, pp.725-731.[13]宋青松, 田正鑫, 孙文磊, 等. 用于孤立数字语音识别的一种组合降维方法[J], 西安交通大学学报, 2016, vol.50, no.6, pp. 42-46.[14]宋青松,冯祖仁. 构建复杂回响状态网络的新方法[J], 西安交通大学学报, 2009, vol.43, no.4, pp. 1-4.科技成果荣誉奖励工作经历2010.9--至今 在长安大学信息工程学院任教; 2016.10--2017.10 在美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥校区工学院无损检测实验室从事访问学者研究; 2011.05--2014.09 在陕西汽车集团有限责任公司博士后科研工作站从事博士后合作研究; |