个人简介龚思远,男,博士,长安大学信息工程学院教授,博士生导师,陕西高校“优秀青年人才支持计划”入选者。计算机科学与技术系副主任,计算机系与计算机专业实验室党支部书记,交通信息工程及控制学科(国家重点学科)责任教授,国家重点研发专项“高速公路智能车路协同系统集成应用”项目技术办公室主任。 曾任美国普渡大学-美国交通部智能网联交通研究中心副研究员。博士毕业于美国伊利诺伊理工学院,其博士论文获2018年海外华人交通协会(COTA)最佳博士论文奖;本科和硕士毕业于吉林大学。 主要研究方向包括智能网联车多主体协同控制、网联人驾车辆驾驶辅助系统开发与人因分析、车路协同下先进交通流控制与网络建模等。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项、青年基金项目1项,国家重点研发计划子课题2项,美国交通部智能网联交通研究中心研究项目2项,其他各类纵横向项目十余项。发表学术论文40余篇,其中TR-Part B/C、T-ITS、AAP等中科院1区顶级期刊17篇,一作/通讯作者15篇;相关成果受邀参加交通领域国际顶级会议ISTTT并做大会报告。参编我国首个自动驾驶公路技术规范《公路工程设施支持自动驾驶技术指南》(JTG/T 2430—2023)。 目前担任中国汽车工程学会汽车智能交通分会青年学术专家组委员,中科院2区期刊Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics -- Guest Editor,国际期刊《Digital Transportation and Safety》副主编 与核心期刊《交通运输工程与信息学报》编委,Transportation Research Board Emerging Technologies in Network Modeling Subcommittee & Transportation Research Board Traffic Flow Theory in CAV traffic flow Subcommittee委员。 欢迎对智能网联车(网联化无人驾驶车辆)、驾驶辅助系统开发、智能网联交通系统、车路协同系统、计算机科学技术在交通及车辆场景的应用实践等方向感兴趣的同学,报考本人的博士及硕士研究生。 社会职务⚫Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics -- Guest Editor (中科院2区期刊) ⚫中国汽车工程学会汽车智能交通分会--青年学术专家组成员 ⚫《Digital Transportation and Safety》副主编 ⚫《交通运输工程与信息学报》编委 ⚫《中国公路学报》--车路协同管控与服务专栏(34卷第7期)组稿负责人 ⚫Transportation Research Board Emerging Technologies in Network Modeling Subcommittee: Committee member–美国交通研究委员会先进交通网络建模分委会委员 ⚫The Communication Chair of 20th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2020)-第20届COTA国际交通年会—通讯组主任 ⚫Member of Technical Panel for the International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure Development: Innovations and Advances—SIDIA2019 年会国际专家组成员 ⚫著名期刊审稿人 ➢Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. ➢Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. ➢Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. ➢IEEE Industry Electronic. ➢IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Transaction. ➢IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. ➢IET Intelligent Transportation Systems. ➢Networks and Spatial Economics ➢European Journal of Operational Research ➢Applied Energy. ➢Transportmetrica A: Transport Science ➢Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems ➢Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics ➢Advances in Mechanical Engineering. ⚫重要会议审稿人 ➢The 25th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT25) ➢The 24th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT24) ➢2024 Transportation Research Board 103rd Annual Meeting. ➢2023 Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual Meeting. ➢2022 Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting. ➢2021 Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting. ➢2020 Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting. ➢2019 Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting. ➢2020 IEEE 23st International Conference of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) ➢2019 IEEE 22st International Conference of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) ➢2018 IEEE 21st International Conference of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) ➢2018 Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting. ➢2017 Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting. ➢Proceedings of the 18th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2018). ➢Proceedings of the 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2017). ➢Proceedings of the 16th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2016). 研究领域本人主要从事车联网与智能汽车环境下的智能网联车运行控制与优化、车联网环境下的交通网络建模、车路协同“物理-信息”耦合与先进交通流理论等相关研究。研究内容涉及交通流理论、控制论、统计与概率建模及优化理论等学科领域。其科研专长主要包括: (1). 智能网联车运行控制与优化 该方向为本人的主要研究方向,主要涉及:智能网联汽车协同队列控制、智能车辆分布式计算、车联网与智能汽车系统通信拓扑实时优化等。上述研究充分利用了车联网与车路协同系统的全要素高可信感知环境,为智能网联车提供超视距协同控制能力,并优化了车联网环境下智能车队列稳定性、通行能力、乘客舒适性及燃油经济性。所研发的“智能车辆协同式队列控制系统”,在山东齐鲁交通智能网联高速公路测试基地的建设过程中,得到了实际示范应用。 图1. 智能车辆与人驾车辆混合交通流协同控制理论(Transportation Research Part B)
图3. 智能车辆协同式队列控制系统实际应用示范(齐鲁交通智能网联高速公路测试基地)
图4. 在交通网络建模与交通流理论方向部分研究成果 开授课程主讲课程
科研项目主持科研项目 1.考虑路段综合运行效能的智能网联车柔性专用道管控方法,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024.01-2027.12,49万; 2.基于随机模型预测控制的智能网联车与人驾车辆混合队列协同控制理论研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2020.01-2022.12,20 万; 3.高速公路智能车路协同系统集成应用--专题 4.2:自动驾驶专用车道智能网联货车编队多场景协同换道与应急疏散,国家重点研发计划,2020.01-2022.12,200 万; 4.IVIS 测试评估场景布设及优化方法研究--专题二:交通场景模块化自动重构平台,国家重点研发计划,2019.01-2021.12,120 万; 5.考虑智能车辆协同与可控能力的多模式混合队列管控方法,陕西省重点研发计划,2024.01-2025.12,10万; 6.车路协同混合交通流下的网联车跟驰诱导技术研究,陕西省科技计划项目,2020.01-2021.12,3万; 7.适应自动驾驶公路设施技术规范(制定),交通运输部公路工程行业标准制修订项目(分项),2019.07-2020.12,5 万; 8.柔性自动驾驶专用道管控方法,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目-高新技术研究培育项目,2023.01-2025.12,15万; 9.基于智能网联车可变限速的混合交通流控制方法,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目-优秀博士人才基金,2020.01-2021.12,8 万; 10.基于车联网的智能网联车混合队列控制技术研发与测试,中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目-重点科研平台水平提升项目,2019.01-2019.12,30 万; 11.Development of dynamic network traffic simulator for mixed traffic flow under connected and autonomous vehicles technologies,美国交通部,2017.08-2019.08,Co-PI(共同项目负责人),15.27 万美元; 12.Non-connected vehicle detection using connected vehicles, 美国交通部,2017.08-2019.08,Co-PI(共同项目负责人),15.15 万美元; 参与科研项目1.考虑通信延时的重型货车队列纵向控制策略优化与测试,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020.01-2022.12,排名第三; 2.全息交通状态重构与车辆群体协同控制测试验证,国家重点研发计划,2019.01-2021.12,排名第十; 3.齐鲁交通智能网联高速公路测试基地总体集成技术研究及示范应用项目,齐鲁交通信息集团有限公司,2019.06-2020.12,排名第五; 4.基于物联网的高速公路交通管控关键技术研究及仿真测试,中国公路工程咨询集团有限公司,2019.06-2020.12,排名第四; 5.Coordinated Real-Time Traffic Management Based on Dynamic Information Propagation and Aggregation under Connected Vehicle Systems,美国国家科学基金(NSF), 2016.082021.08,排名第二; 6.Integrated Online Coordinated Routing and Decentralized Control for Connected Vehicle Systems,美国国家科学基金(NSF), 2014.08-2018.08,排名第三; 7.The Driverless City,伊利诺伊理工大学 NAYAR 奖,2015.09-2016.09,排名第二 论文部分期刊论文26.龚思远*,郑国辉,曾露,马玉倩,王忻歆 & 吴霞.迈向智能网联的可变限速控制研究综述:技术演进、工程应用和未来展望.交通运输工程与信息学报1-46.doi:10.19961/j.cnki.1672-4747.2024.07.009. 25.Wenjing Zhao., Siyuan Gong*, Dezong Zhao, Fenglin Liu, N. N. Sze, Mohammed Quddus, Helai Huang, and Xiangmo Zhao. (2024). Impacts of information quantity and display formats on driving behaviors in a connected vehicle environment. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 203, 107621. 顶级期刊. 中科院一区. 24.Wenjing Zhao., Siyuan Gong*, Dezong Zhao, Fenglin Liu, N. N. Sze, Mohammed Quddus, and Helai Huang. (2024). A Spatial-State-Based Omni-Directional Collision Warning System for Intelligent Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 顶级期刊. 中科院一区. 23.Kang Sun., Siyuan Gong*, Yang Zhou, Zhibin Chen, Xiangmo Zhao, and Xia Wu. (2024). A multi-vehicle cooperative control scheme in mitigating traffic oscillation with smooth tracking-objective switching for a single-vehicle lane change scenario. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies, 159, 104487. 顶级期刊. 中科院一区. 22.Wenjing Zhao., Siyuan Gong*, Dezong Zhao, Fenglin Liu, N. N. Sze, Mohammed Quddus, and Helai Huang. (2024). Developing a new integrated advanced driver assistance system in a connected vehicle environment. Expert Systems with Applications, 238, 121733. 顶级期刊. 中科院一区. 21.Wenjing Zhao., Siyuan Gong*, Dezong Zhao, Fenglin Liu, N. N. Sze, Mohammed Quddus, and Helai Huang. (2023). Effects of collision warning characteristics on driving behaviors and safety in connected vehicle environments. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 186, 107053. 顶级期刊. 中科院一区. 20. 龚思远*, 赵璐, 武亚龙, 孙康, 赵祥模, 徐志刚.(2022).考虑车车与车路通讯并存的路侧单元优化布设方法. 中国公路学报(10), 226-243. doi:10.19721/j.cnki.1001-7372.2022.10.020. 顶级期刊. 19.Siyuan Gong*, Anye Zhou, and Srinivas Peeta.(2019). Cooperative adaptive cruise control for a platoon of connected and autonomous vehicles considering dynamic information flow topology. Transportation Research Record, 2673(10), 185-198. 行业著名期刊 18.Siyuan Gong and Lili Du*. (2018). Cooperative Platoon Control for a Mixed Traffic Flow Including Human Drive Vehicles and Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 116, 25–61. 顶级期刊. 中科院一区. 17.Siyuan Gong, Jinglai Shen, and Lili Du*. (2016). Constrained Optimization and Distributed Computation Based Car Following Control of a Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Platoon. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 94, 314-334. 顶级期刊. 中科院一区. 16.Siyuan Gong and Lili Du*. (2016). Optimal Location of Advance Warning for Mandatory Lane Change near a Two-lane Highway Off-ramp. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 84, 1-30. 顶级期刊. 中科院一区. 15.Shanzheng Xue, Siyuan Gong*, and Xinyi Li. (2024). A Comparative Study of IEEE 802.11 bd and IEEE 802.11 p on the Data Dissemination Properties in Dynamic Traffic Scenarios. Applied Sciences, 14(5), 2099. 14.Yanyan Qin, Lulu Xie, Siyuan Gong*, Fan Ding, and Honghui Tang (2024). An optimal lane configuration management scheme for a mixed traffic freeway with connected vehicle platoons. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 634, 129444 13.Kang Sun, Xiangmo Zhao, Siyuan Gong*, Xia Wu. (2023). A Cooperative Lane Change Control Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles by Considering Preceding Vehicle Switching. Applied Sciences, 13(4), 2193. 12.Yuhao Liu, Zhibin Chen*, Siyuan Gong, Han Liu. (2023). Reducing congestion and emissions via roadside unit deployment under mixed traffic flow. International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, 10(1), 1. 11.Tianyi Chen., Siyuan Gong, Meng Wang, Xin Wang, Yang Zhou*, and Bin Ran. (2023). Stochastic capacity analysis for a distributed connected automated vehicle virtual car-following control strategy. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 152, 104176. 顶级期刊. 中科院一区. 10.Shuai Su, Jiangfeng She, Di Wang, Siyuan Gong, and Yang Zhou*. (2023). A stabilized virtual coupling scheme for a train set with heterogeneous braking dynamics capability. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 146, 103947.顶级期刊. 中科院一区. 7. Haotian Shi, Yang Zhou*, Xin Wang, Sicheng Fu, Siyuan Gong, and Bin Ran. (2022). A deep reinforcement learning‐based distributed connected automated vehicle control under communication failure. Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 37(15), 2033-2051. 顶级期刊. 中科院一区. 8. Yuqin Zhang, Bin Tian, Zhigang Xu*, Siyuan Gong, Ying Gao, Zhichao Cui, and Xiguang Chen. (2022). A local traffic characteristic based dynamic gains tuning algorithm for cooperative adaptive cruise control considering wireless communication delay. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 142, 103766. 顶级期刊. 中科院一区. 7. Tianyi Chen, Meng Wang, Siyuan Gong, Yang Zhou*, Bin Ran. (2021). Connected and automated vehicle distributed control for on-ramp merging scenario: A virtual rotation approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 133, 103451. 顶级期刊. 中科院一区. 6. Lei Lin, Siyuan Gong, Srinivas Peeta*, Xia Wu. (2021). LSTM-based Human-Driven Vehicle Trajectory Prediction in a Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Environment. Transportation research record , 2675 (6), 380-390. 行业著名期刊 5. Anye Zhou, Siyuan Gong, Chaojie Wang, Srinivas, Peeta*. (2020). Smooth Switching Control Based CACC by Considering Dynamic Information Flow Topology. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2674(4):444-458. 行业著名期刊 4. Jian Wang, Siyuan Gong, Srinivas Peeta*, Lili Lu. (2019). A modified model predictive control with first-order approximation approach for platoon of connected and autonomous vehicles: an approach to address real time deployable issue. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological., 128, 271-301. 顶级期刊. 中科院一区. 3. Chaojie Wang, Siyuan Gong, Anye Zhou, Tao Li, Srinivas Peeta*. (2020). Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control for Connected Autonomous Vehicles by Factoring CommunicationRelated Constraints. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 113, 124-145.. 顶级期刊. 中科院一区. 2. Lili Du* and Siyuan Gong. (2016). Stochastic Poisson Game for an Online Decentralized and Coordinated Parking Mechanism. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 87, 44- 63. 顶级期刊. 中科院一区. 1. Lili Du*, Siyuan Gong, Lu Wang, and Xiang-Yang Li. (2016). Information-traffic Coupled Cell Transmission Model for Information Spreading Dynamics over Vehicular Ad Hoc Network on Road Segments. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 73, 30-48. 顶级期刊. 中科院一区. 部分会议论文:23.Xinxin Wang, Siyuan Gong*, Lu Zeng, Yukun Ding and Jiakai Yin.(2024). A Deep Reinforcement Learning based Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control for Connected and Autonomous Vehicle by Considering Preceding Vehicle Properties. IEEE SMC 2024, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, Oct 05-10, 2024 22.Yuqian Ma, Wenjing Wang, Siyuan Gong*, Xia Wu, and Wenjing Zhao . (2024). Zone-Based Lane-Change Guidance Strategy for Dedicated Lane with a Downstream Incident. In CICTP 2024 , Shenzhen,China, July 23-26,2024. (CICTP 2024 Best Paper Award) 21.Jiakai Yin, Kang Sun, Siyuan Gong*, Xia Wu, Hongda Chang, Lu Zeng and Wenjing Zhao (2024). An LSTM-Based Lane-Change Classification Inference Method Based on Coupling Relationship of Drivers’ Car-Following and Lane-Change Behaviors. In CICTP 2024 , Shenzhen,China, July 23-26,2024. 20.Lu Zeng, Siyuan Gong*,Wenjing Zhao,Fenglin Liu, Fan Zhang, Xinxin Wang, and Guohui Zheng. Impact Investigation of the Car-Following Guidance System on Microscopic Car-Following Behavior by Using Field Test Data Sets. In CICTP 2024 , Shenzhen,China, July 23-26,2024. 19.Hongda Chang, Yukun Ding, Siyuan Gong*, Xia Wu, Jiakai Yin, and Wenjing Zhao (2024). The Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Performance Co-Simulation Test Considering Variations in Data Accuracy and Information Delays. In CICTP 2024 , Shenzhen,China, July 23-26,2024. 18.Xinxin Wang, Lu Zeng, Siyuan Gong*, Yaqi You,and Yuqian Ma.(2024).A Deep Reinforcement Learning-based CAV Longitudinal Controller with Heterogeneous Topologies and Investigation of Their Combinations.WTC2024, Qingdao,China, June 26-29, 2024. (WTC 2024 推荐论文奖) 17.Siyuan Gong*, Fenglin Liu, Yalong Wu, Wenjing Zhao, and Lu Zeng. (2023). Construction and Field Tests of a Connected Vehicle based Driving Assistance System.Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual Meeting, Washington, January 8–12, 2023. 16.Yukun Ding, Siyuan Gong*, Xiangmo Zhao, and Xinxin Wang (2023). Multi-Process Pool-Based Platoon Control Simulation Platform and Comparative Simulation Study for Platoon Controllers with Multi-Source Uncertainties. In CICTP 2023, Beijing, China, July 14-17, 2023. (CICTP 2023 Best Poster Award) 15.Yihan Sun, Xia Wu, Siyuan Gong*, and Rui Yang. (2023). A Reinforcement Learning-Based Adaptive Forward Collision Warning System by Considering Drivers’ Reaction Time in Real Time. In CICTP 2023, Beijing, China, July 14-17, 2023. 14.Congli Zhang, Siyuan Gong*, Xia Wu, Wenjing Wang, & Xu Cai. (2023). High-Efficient Microscopic Traffic Simulation Platform for Mixed Traffic Flow on Multi-Lane Straight Highway and Its Application on Diverging Area. In CICTP 2023, Beijing, China, July 14-17, 2023. 13.Kang Sun., Siyuan Gong*, Xiangmo Zhao, and Xia Wu. (2022). Multivehicle Cooperative Lane Change Control Strategy for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles by Considering Traffic Flow Efficiency. Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting, Washington, January 9–13, 2022. 12.Lu Zhao, Siyuan Gong*, Yalong Wu, and Kang Sun. (2022). Optimal Layout Scheme of Road-side Unit by Considering the Coexisting of V2I and V2V Communications. Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting, Washington, January 9–13, 2022. 11.Xia Wu, Xiangmo Zhao, Siyuan Gong*, Congli Zhang, and Yihan Sun. (2022). Dynamic Traffic Flow Control Method on a Two-lane Highway by Leveraging Controllability of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in a Mixed Flow. Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting, Washington, January 9–13, 2022. 10.Fenglin Liu, Yalong Wu, Wenjing Zhao, Siyuan Gong*, Xi Zhang, Jiawei Lu, and Yingying Pan. (2022). Construction and field tests of a connected vehicle based car-following guidance system. In CICTP 2022, Changsha, China. July 8-11, 2022. 9.Xia Wu, Xiangmo Zhao, Siyuan Gong*.(2020). Dynamic Traffic Flow Control Method on a Two-lane Highway by Leveraging Controllability of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in a Mixed Flow. The 11th International Conference on Green Intelligent Transportation Systems and Safety, GITSS 2020, Beijing, China. Oct 16-17,2020. 8.Chaojie Wang, Siyuan Gong, Anye Zhou, Tao Li, Srinivas Peeta*. (2018). Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control for Connected Autonomous Vehicles by Factoring Communication-Related Constraints. 23rd International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, ISTTT 23, Lausanne, Switzerland. July 23-26, 2019. 7.Lin Lei, Siyuan Gong, Tao Li, Srinivas Peeta*. (2018). Deep learning-based human-driven vehicle trajectory prediction and its application for platoon control of connected and autonomous vehicles. The Autonomous Vehicles Symposium 2018, San Francisco, USA. July 812, 2018. 6.Siyuan Gong, Jinglai Shen, and Lili Du*. (2017). Constrained Optimization and Distributed Computation Based Car Following Control of a Connected and Autonomous. Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, Washington, January 8-12, 2017. 5.Lili Du*, Siyuan Gong. (2017). Discrete Information Spreading Dynamics over Vehicular Ad Hoc Network on One-way Road Segments. Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. January 8-12, 2017. 4.Lili Du*, Siyuan Gong.(2016). Stochastic Poisson Game for an Online Decentralized and Coordinated Parking Mechanism. Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. January 10-14, 2016. 3.Siyuan Gong, Lili Du*. (2015). A Mathematical Model to Locate Optimal Lane Changing Zone at a Highway Off-ramp. 2015 INFORMS Annual Meeting,Philadelphia, PA. November 1-4, 2015. 2.Hongfei Jia, Tianyu Ma, Sujuan Wang, and Siyuan Gong*. (2013). Research on the Transfer Volume Forecasting Method Based on Time-phase for Integrated Passenger Transport Hub. In ICTIS 2013: Improving Multimodal Transportation Systems-Information, Safety, and Integration, 967-973. ASCE. 1. Hongfei Jia, Siyuan Gong*, Dong Yang, and Yanling Li. (2012). Research of Driver’s Carfollowing Behavior with Car-following Suggestion. COTA International Conference of Transportation Professional, CICTP 2012, Beijing, China. August 3-6, 2012. 科技成果8.Siyuan Gong,Kang Sun,Xiangmo Zhao et. al. SMOOTH COOPERATTVE LANE CHANGE CONTROL, METHOD FOR MULT-CONNECTED AND AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE (CAV).美国,18/055,160.2024-11-29 7.龚思远,孙康,赵璐等.一种考虑车车与车路通讯并存的路侧单元优化布设方法,发明专利,中国,CN202111501915.7,2024-08-09,已授权 6.龚思远,丁毓琨,赵祥模等. 混合队列人驾车辆跟驰行为预测方法和装置,发明专利,中国,ZL202310422466.X,2024-04-19,已授权 5.龚思远,赵祥模,孙康等. 双车道智能网联车协同换道方法、装置、设备及存储介质,发明专利,中国,CN202011196917.5,2021-12-10,已授权 4.赵祥模,龚思远,孙康等. 多线路公交站台泊位分配及车辆速度引导方法及其系统,发明专利,中国,CN202010652716.5,2020-11-06,已授权 3.Xiangmo Zhao, Kang Sun, Siyuan Gong, et. al. Method For Berth Allocation of a Multiline Bus Station and Speed Guidance of Buses,美国,17134455, 2020-12-28,已授权 2.孙康,龚思远,邓晓峰等. 驾驶员档案信息数据库系统,软件著作权,中国,2019SR0532877,2020-05-28,已授权 1.孙康,龚思远,吴霞等. 无线环境监测控制系统,软件著作权,中国,2020SR0877123, 2020-08-05,已授权 荣誉奖励部分人才计划、科研与社会任职类获奖
工作经历个人工作经历 2024.12至今 中国 长安大学 信息工程学院 计算机科学与技术系 教授 博士生导师 2020.04至今 中国 长安大学 信息工程学院 计算机系与计算机专业实验室党支部 书记 2019.11至今 中国 长安大学 信息工程学院 硕士生导师 国际学生博士生导师 方向:交通运输工程,计算机科学与技术 2019.09至今 中国 长安大学 信息工程学院 计算机科学与技术系 副主任 2018.08-2024.12 中国 长安大学 信息工程学院 计算机科学与技术系 副教授(直接聘用) 2017.08-2018.08 美国 普渡大学 美国交通部智能网联交通研究中心 副研究员 在读研究生及研究方向