个人简介社会职务1、《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》审稿专家; 2、《交通运输工程学报》审稿专家; 3、《哈尔滨工业大学学报》审稿专家。 研究领域主要研究领域和方向 1、交通运输系统工程(运载工具系统工程)理论与仿真; 2、人-车-路环境系统安全理论和技术; 3、交通应急科学与理论; 4、智能运载装备与控制技术(汽车运输智能化理论与载运技术); 5、城市绿色交通理论; 6、物流系统规划与设计理论; 7、交通运输系统规划理论与方法。 开授课程研究生课程 1、道路运输系统工程 2、交通运输系统规划 3、智能交通技术 4、系统理论与数学规划 5、交通应急科学与理论 6、交通应急科学与方法 本科生课程 1、交通运输概论 2、智能运输系统 3、系统工程 科研项目近年主持或者承担的项目 1、国家自然科学基金委 “地面动态环境中驾驶员空间距离辨识的研究”; 2、国家自然科学基金委 “跟弛行为中重型货车和小汽车驾驶员驾驶行为和视觉搜索模式的对 比研究”; 3、科技部(“863计划”子项目) “红外传感器技术咨询及方案设计”; 4、交通运输部西部交通建设科技项目“汽车排放对山区高速公路路域生态境污染和环境保护对 策研究”; 5、交通运输部项目 “道路冷链运输服务规则研究”; 6、交通运输部项目 “道路运输管理信息系统业务框架研究”; 7、交通运输部项目 “国际道路运输发展研究”; 8、交通运输部项目 “城市轨道交通运营监测预警技术体系框架研究”; 9、交通运输部项目 “道路零担快运服务规范研究”; 10、陕西省外国专家局科技项目 “驾驶危险性预测及其视镜仿真技术研究”; 11、陕西省交通运输厅科技项目 “延安、榆林国家运输枢纽规划”; 12、河南省交通运输厅科技项目 “山区高速公路交通安全设施优化及保障措施研究”; 13、甘肃省交通运输厅科技项目 “甘肃省高速公路突发自然灾害风险评价与对策研究”; 14、甘肃省交通运输厅科技项目 “甘肃省农村公路旅客运输安全管理对策研究”; 15、河北省交通运输厅科技项目 “基于交通行为安全性的河北省高速公路运行控制技术”; 16、浙江省交通运输厅科技项目 “浙江省交通安全生产管理关键技术研究”; 17、陕西省交通运输厅科技项目 “乡村振兴战略下新能源城乡公共交通创新融合发展应用研究”; 18、陕西省交通运输厅科技项目 “府谷县综合交通规划编制”; 19、河南省交通运输厅科技项目 “基于交通行为安全性的河南省高速公路运行控制技术研究”。 20、国家重点研发计划专题项目 “自主式交通系统架构设计规程研究” 论文近年发表的论文 1、Jian Cui, Jianyou Zhao. Optimal route planning of traffic multi-source route based on granular computing[J] JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND HUMANIZED COMPUTING,2020(SCI检索) 2、Jing Cai, Jianyou Zhao*, et al. Can I Trust You? Estimation Models for e-Bikers Stop-Go Decision before Amber Light at Urban Intersection[J] JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION,2020(6678996), p1-14,2020(SCI检索) 3、Han Wanli, Jianyou Zhao, et al. Driver behaviour and traffic accident involvement among professional urban bus drivers in China[J] TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART F-TRAFFIC PSYCHOLOGY AND BEHAVIOUR,v 74,p 184-197,2020.(SCI检索) 4、Jing Cai,Jianyou Zhao*, et al. Exploring Factors Affecting the Yellow-Light Running Behavior of Electric Bike Riders at Urban Intersections in China[J] JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION,2020(8573232), p1-12,2020(SCI检索) 5、赵建有,等.重大突发公共卫生事件下城市应急医疗物资配送[J] 交通运输工程学报,v 20(3), p 168-177,2020. (EI检索) 6、Jianyou Zhao, et al.Urban and Rural Public Transportation Hub Station Location Model[C] Resilience and Sustainable Transportation Systems. Proceedings of the 13th Asia Pacific Transportation Development Conference, p 209-218,2020. (EI检索) 7、Jianyou Zhao, et al. Accurate Identification of Accident Black Point Based on Hazard Attribute Analysis[C] Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, v 2, p 629-644,2020. (EI检索) 8、Jianyou Zhao, et al. Impact of Holiday-free Policy on Traffic Volume of Freeway: an Investigation in Xi'an[C] Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, v 503, p 117-124,2019. (EI检索) 9、Jianyou Zhao, et al. Optimization of the Variable Area in Curbside Bus Stop [C] Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, v 503, p 811-819,2019. (EI检索) 10、Jianyou Zhao, et al. Study on length optimization of bus stop zone [C] CICTP 2019: Transportation in China - Connecting the World - Proceedings of the 19th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, p 1628-1638, 2019. (EI检索) 11、Jianyou Zhao, et al.Evaluation on the development level of multimodal transport enterprises[C] CICTP 2019: Transportation in China - Connecting the World - Proceedings of the 19th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, p 2887-2899, 2019. (EI检索) 12、Jianyou Zhao, et al. Research on carrying capacity of integrated transportation in guanzhong plain urban agglomeration[C] CICTP 2019: Transportation in China - Connecting the World - Proceedings of the 19th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, p 4829-4840, 2019. (EI检索) 13、Jianyou Zhao, et al.Driver's auditory reaction characteristics in lane change behavior on urban expressway based on simulated driving experiment[C] CICTP 2019: Transportation in China - Connecting the World - Proceedings of the 19th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, p 546-557, 2019. (EI检索) 14、Jianyou Zhao, et al. Analysis on the development of light-weight automobile body [C] CICTP 2019: Transportation in China - Connecting the World - Proceedings of the 19th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, p 491-503, 2019. (EI检索) 15、Jianyou Zhao, et al. Study on allocation scheme of bicycle sharing without piles [C] CICTP 2019: Transportation in China - Connecting the World - Proceedings of the 19th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, p 1603-1614, 2019. (EI检索) 16、Jianyou Zhao, et al. Research on integrated bicycle network planning method in tourism city[C] CICTP 2019: Transportation in China - Connecting the World - Proceedings of the 19th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, p 1639-1650, 2019. (EI检索) 17、Jianyou Zhao, Jing Liu, et al. Exploring the Relationships between Subjective Evaluations and Objective Metrics of Vehicle Dynamic Performance [J] JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION, 2018. (SCI检索) 18、Jianyou Zhao, Jing Cai, et al. Research on Railway Freight Volume Prediction Based on ARIMA Model [C] CICTP 2018: Intelligence, Connectivity, and Mobility - Proceedings of the 18th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2018, 428-437. (EI检索) 19、Jianyou Zhao, Chaoyue Wen, Yongmei Xue, et al. Simulation of Racing Chassis Performance Based on ADAMS [C] CICTP 2018: Intelligence, Connectivity, and Mobility - Proceedings of the 18th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2018, 1560-1574. (EI检索) 20、Jianyou Zhao, Yongmei Xue, Qichen Wu, et al. Optimization Analysis of Urban Road Intersection Based on VISSIM Simulation [C] CICTP 2018: Intelligence, Connectivity, and Mobility - Proceedings of the 18th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2018, 1908-1917.(EI检索) 21、Chen Y, Hu K,Zhao J, et al. In-use energy and CO2 emissions impact of a plug-in hybrid and battery electric vehicle based on real-world driving [J] International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, 2017(10):1-8.(SCI检索) 22、Chen Y, Zhang Y, Fan Y, K Hu,Zhao J, et al. A dynamic programming approach for modeling low-carbon fuel technology adoption considering learning-by-doing effect [J] Applied Energy, 2017, 185:825-835. (SCI检索) 23、 Zhao Jianyou ,Zhao Yang , Fang Zhong-Quan ,Liu Yang . Evaluation and Improvement of a Freeway Network Security Prevention and Control System [C] CICTP 2016 - Green and Multimodal Transportation and Logistics - Proceedings of the 16th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2016, 2390-2401. (EI检索) 24、Zhao Jianyou, Fu Xiaoyu , Jin Hui. Development of an Evaluation System of Driver Stress Response Based on Visual Simulation [C] CICTP 2016 - Green and Multimodal Transportation and Logistics - Proceedings of the 16th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2016 ,2390-2401. (EI检索) 25、Zhao Jianyou, Cui Jian. Road Transportation of Hazardous Articles Management Research Based on the Internet of Things [C] CICTP 2016 - Green and Multimodal Transportation and Logistics - Proceedings of the 16th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2016, 2366-2375. (EI检索) 26、Zhao Jianyou ,Luo Tian, Zhang, Yunjiao. Modeling Capacity and Delay Based on Bus Bay Blockage and the Influence of Traffic Flow [C] CICTP 2016 - Green and Multimodal Transportation and Logistics - Proceedings of the 16th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2016,2314-2325. (EI检索) 27、Wang Shu ,Zhao Jianyou, Wang Qin. Research on the Optimization of Distribution Locations and Transporting Routes for the Products of Cold Chains with Time Windows [C]CICTP 2016 - Green and Multimodal Transportation and Logistics - Proceedings of the 16th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2016, 453-464. (EI检索) 28、Pei Siyin, Zhao Jianyou. A scalable approach support for external Milk-run planning and optimization in home appliances enterprises [C] Proceedings of 2016 8th International Conference on Information Management and Engineering, ICIME 2016, 67-70. (EI检索) 29、Tian, Luo, Zhang Yunjiao, Zhao Jianyou. Application of GPS based intelligent dispatching system in public transportation [J] Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 2016 , 237-248. (EI检索) 30、Zhang H, Zhao J, Xiao D, et al. Ant Colony Optimization and Road Transportation Route of Dangerous objects [J] Atlantis Press, 2015. (SCI检索) 31、Zhao Jianyou, Fang Zhongquan. Research on Campus Bike Path Planning Scheme Evaluation Based on TOPSIS Method: Wei'shui Campus Bike Path Planning as an Example [J] Procedia Engineering, 2015, v137, 858-866. (EI检索) 32、Zhao, Jianyou,Fu Xiaoyu, Zhang Yunjiao. Research on Risk Assessment and Safety Management of Highway Maintenance Project [J] Procedia Engineering, 2015, v137, 434-441. (EI检索) 33、Zhao Jianyou, Tang Dayu, Liu Bin. Performance Evaluation Study on the Emergency Logistics System of Military and Location [C] CICTP 2015 - Efficient, Safe, and Green Multimodal Transportation - Proceedings of the 15th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2015, 3039-3049. (EI检索) 34、Zhao Jianyou, Liu Bin, Tang Dayu, Zhao Yang. Research on Emergency Decision of Highways in Rainfall [C] CICTP 2015 - Efficient, Safe, and Green Multimodal Transportation - Proceedings of the 15th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2015, 3081-3090. (EI检索) 35、Zhao Jianyou, Jiang Yubo , Zhang Xixi. Research on Transportation Efficiency Evaluation Based on DEA Model [C] CICTP 2015 - Efficient, Safe, and Green Multimodal Transportation - Proceedings of the 15th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2015, 2364-2375. (EI检索) 专著教材1、《道路交通运输系统工程》 人民交通出版社 3、《汽车安全驾驶技术》 人民交通出版社 4、《高速公路通信系统理论及应用》 电子工业出版社 科技成果1、2011年高速公路优化监控与紧急事件管理技术研究获河北省交通运输厅科学技术进步一等奖 2、2009年公路管理数据共享平台软件开发获河北省交通运输厅科学技术进步三等奖 荣誉奖励1、2012-2018年,哈尔滨工业大学学报,《哈尔滨工业大学学报》优秀审稿专家; 2、2018.09,长安大学,优秀教育工作者; 3、2018.07,长安大学,优秀本科毕业设计指导教师; 工作经历工作经历 1、2020.05-至今,长安大学汽车学院物流工程系 教授,长安大学智能与物联网科技研究院 副院长,交通系统工程研究 所副所长,载运工具运用工程学科建设责任教授; 2、2015.11-2020.04,长安大学汽车学院 教授,发展研究中心主任、发展规划处 副处长; 3、2011.11-2015.06,长安大学汽车学院 教授,图书馆 馆长; 4、2007.07-2011.11,长安大学汽车学院 教授,高层次人才办公室 主任; (2009.10-2010.10,在美国加州大学UC Davis访问学习) 5、2002.04-2007.07,长安大学汽车学院 教授,图书馆 副馆长; 6、1993.07-2002.04,长安大学汽车学院 副教授,研招办 主任; 7、1983.07-1993.07,西安公路交通大学汽车工程学院 助教、讲师、副教授。 |