社会职务《International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear control 》、《ISA Transactions》、《汽车工程学报》等多个期刊审稿人。 研究领域主要研究方向为无人运载器运动控制、智能网联车辆运动控制、深度强化学习等人工智能控制、非线性控制理论等。 开授课程汽车智能控制技术 汽车电器与电子设备 汽车电子控制基础与单片机原理 科研项目陕西省科技厅,陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目,基于自学习的运载器高精度轨迹跟踪最优控制方法研究, 2024.1-2025.12,主持 陕西省科技厅,陕西省重点研发计划,智能网联电动汽车高速车路协同决策与规划关键技术, 2022.2-2023.12,参与 西安市科技局,西安市科技计划项目,基于多车动态场景的高速多驾驶任务实时自动决策控制关键技术,2022.7-2024.6,参与 中央高校基金项目,300102221102,考虑通信连接和避碰的网联车辆队列分布式输出反馈控制研究,主持 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目,基于信任的车辆安全预警多尺度干预绩效影响机理与协同优化方法,52372322,参与 论文(1) Taiqi Wang; Chang Wang; Shengyu Yan; Yongtao Liu;Disturbance observer-based fixed-time sliding mode trajectory tracking control for marine surface vehicles with uncertain dynamics. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control,2023,Early Access, DOI10.1177/01423312231193188 . (2)王泰琪,肖润谋,王畅,张新锋. 考虑参数不确定性的无人车预设性能路径跟踪控制,汽车工程学报,2023. (3) Taiqi Wang; Yongtao Liu; Xinfeng Zhang; Extended state observer-based fixed-time trajectory tracking control of autonomous surface vessels with uncertainties and output constraints, ISA transactions, 2022, 128: 1-10. (4) Mingyu Fu; Taiqi Wang; Chenglong Wang; Fixed-time Trajectory Tracking Control of a Full State Constrained Marine Surface Vehicle with Model Uncertainties and External Disturbances, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2019, 17(6): 1331-1345 (5) Mingyu Fu; Taiqi Wang; Chenglong Wang; Adaptive Neural-Based Finite-Time Trajectory Tracking Control for Underactuated Marine Surface Vessels With Position Error Constraint, IEEE Access, 2019, 7(2019): 16309-16322. (6) Mingyu Fu; Taiqi Wang; Chenglong Wang; Barrier Lyapunov Function-Based Adaptive Control of an Uncertain Hovercraft with Position and Velocity Constraints, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019, 2019(1): 1-16. (7) Mingyu Fu; Taiqi Wang; Yujie Xu; Shuang Gao; Path-Following Control of an Underactuated Hovercraft with Dynamic Uncertainties under Serret-Frenet Frame, Proceedings of the 36th Chinese Control Conference, Dalian, China, 2017. 科技成果荣誉奖励生产力促进奖(创新发展)国家级一等奖 1项 2021年长安大学优秀指导教师奖 工作经历 |