王旭昊 教授



学位: 博士

毕业院校: 美国爱荷华州立大学

邮件: wangxh@chd.edu.cn



办公地点: 长安大学公路学院217


  • 学院: 公路学院
  • 性别:
  • 出生年月:
  • 职称: 教授
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历: 博士研究生
  • 毕业院校: 美国爱荷华州立大学
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱: wangxh@chd.edu.cn
  • 通讯地址: 碑林区南二环路中段长安大学公路学院
  • 邮编: 710064
  • 传真:
  • 办公地址: 长安大学公路学院217
  • 教育经历:
    • 爱荷华州立大学;博士研究生,土木工程;

    • 爱荷华州立大学:硕士研究生,土木工程;

    • 爱荷华州立大学:学士,土木工程;



近年来,聚焦极端环境绿色高性能混凝土材料低碳、智慧生产与健康服役,从服役条件复杂多变、早期病害频发、服役寿命不足等现实问题出发,通过主持国家自然科学基金面上、地区、民航联合研究基金专题项目、十四五国家重点研发计划专题、教育部博士点基金面上项目等科技攻关项目,重点开展①特殊地区混凝土低碳生产与耐久性提升关键技术;②数据驱动高韧性工程混凝土智能优化;③绿色高性能混凝土新材料研发与装配式建造;④机场道面智慧维养与检测技术等研究。发表SCI检索论文50余篇(其中第一或通讯作者论文30余篇;中科院一区论文10余篇;WOS总引700余次),主要发表于行业Top期刊Cement and Concrete Composites, ACI Materials Journal, Construction and Building Materials等;参编美国AASHTO标准3部;获国家教学成果二等奖1项,省科学技术一等奖1项。

主讲课程包括:《水泥与水泥混凝土(英文)》、《道路工程材料(英文)》(省级一流本科课程主讲教师)、《工程力学(英文)》、《欧美设计规范释义(双语)》等,《Materials for Road Engineering》道路工程材料全英文课程负责人,2020年本科在线教学优秀成果。参与教育部新工科项目、中外合作办学课程大纲设置等,积极探索“互联网+”教学模式、全英文教学改革和思政融合等教学研究。获“服务一带一路、双元培养、文化融入,来华留学交通人才高质量培养改革与实践”国家级教学成果二等奖,美国混凝土协会学生竞赛二等奖优秀指导教师奖等。指导学生参与学科竞赛,获得第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛国家级铜奖,第九届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛省级铜奖,“中建西部建设杯”全国混凝土设计大赛三等奖等。


  • 国际路面混凝土协会会员(International Society for Concrete Pavement)

  • 美国国家混凝土协会会员(National Concrete Consortium)

  • 交通运输研究委员会AFN40青年委员(Transportation Research Board)

  • 美国土木工程协会会员(American Society of Civil Engineer)

  • 美国混凝土协会会员(American Concrete Institute)

  • 特邀主编:

1.Special Issue on High Performance Building Materials and Applications in Civil Engineering, Journal of Engineering;

2.Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Applicaiton in Civil Engineering, Advances in Civil Engineering

3.Advanced Cementitious Building Materials with Applications in Civil Engineering, Advances in Civil Engineering

行业审稿:ACI Materials Journal,Journal of ASCE Materials, Cement and Concrete Composites, Material and Structures, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Construction and Building Materials, Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, Sustainable Cement Based Materials, International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials



1. 高寒区混凝土道路结构多场多尺度损伤机理

高寒区盐冻复合作用下,盐蚀的存在会加剧飞行区道面和路面冻融破坏,同时与材料的水化产物形成极复杂的膨胀复盐,此类反应造成的道路结构性损伤规律极难被量化。(1)提出了相图与盐冻化学反应机理拟合解析手段,结合材料科学创新了表征技术的分析体系;(2)利用分析体系进行传输-反应-损伤经时关系解耦,探明了微结构损伤规律;(3)开展了跨尺度分析,实现了复合作用下混凝土材料多场损伤机理的量化解析。基于此,建立了全国高寒区15个代表性城市的环境特征数据库,利用交叉学科创新表征手段建立了跨尺度渗透-损伤准则,有效突破了其服役性能难预测的制约,为实现新时代西部大开发寒区超长寿命道路设计提供了方法支撑。系列成果发表于Cement Concrete and Composites等行业顶刊,量化的损伤机理解析得到东南大学缪昌文院士和美国西北大学S.P. Shah院士等国内外学者的评价和引用。

2. 数据驱动高韧性工程混凝土智能优化。

为掌握高韧性工程混凝土在多种结构工程中的服役性能演变规律,亟需利用工程耐久性精准检控与预测形成大数据驱动的材料配比智能优化,形成原材料智能检测、新材料微结构调控和延寿机理反馈的平衡体系。申报人凝练出高韧性工程混凝土‘检、调、预’的优化体系。(1:依托5G云平台传输及视觉识别技术,搭建了基于傅里叶转换算法的骨料智能分析数据库及视觉检测设备,实现了全自动颗粒级配、粒形分析与断层扫描技术的颗粒材料三维结构重建;(2:自主研发了基于卷积神经网络的材料性能数据库及材料云优化平台,形成了高韧性工程混凝土设计理念;(3:提出了以自然区划高韧性为导向的混凝土早期性能测试技术,突破了材料工程性能耐久性早期预测难精准的瓶颈。基于此,路用集料集配检测时间缩短了12倍,生产配合比调试次数减少了1/3,使材料成本降低5-10%相关成果纳入美国AASHTO标准(TP 129-21PP 84-18),为长期困扰业界的混凝土道路材料高韧性平衡设计提供了解决方案,在浙江、甘肃、美国15个州等地两千余公里水泥混凝土道/路面材料设计中得到应用。

3. 绿色高性能混凝土新材料研发与装配式建造。



  • 长安大学公路学院:《水泥与水泥混凝土(英文)》,研究生课程

  • 长安大学公路学院:《道路建养新技术》,研究生课程

  • 长安大学公路学院:《道路工程材料(英文)》

  • 长安大学公路学院:《欧美规范释义(双语)》

  • 长安大学公路学院:《工程力学(双语)》

  • 爱荷华州立大学客座讲师:CE587-《高级混凝土技术》,2015年春季,2016年秋季

  • 爱荷华州立大学客座讲师:CE105-《土木工程专业概论》,2013年春季

  • 爱荷华州立大学助教及实验教员:





21陆路交通基础设施耐久性提升关键技术(共性关键技术)课题2 严酷环境下桥隧结构混凝土延寿与修复一体化关键技术,国家重点研发计划项目子课题,主持,22/01-24/12
























[1].   Song, P., Wang, Y., Wang, X.*, Wang, Y., Hou, X., Che, J., Wang, X. (2023). Rheological behavior of basalt fiber sprayed cementitious composites (BFSCC). Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 400, 132666. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.132666).

[2].   Wang, X., Wang, X.*, Sadati, S., Wang, K., Taylor, P., Sirotiak, T. (2023). Increase in Concrete Air Content Due to Excessive Internal Vibrator. ASCE's Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,

[3].   Liu, Q., Song, P., Li, L., Wang, Y., Wang, X.*, Fang, J. (2022). The effect of basalt fiber addition on cement concrete: A review focused on basalt fiber shotcrete. Frontiers in Materials. 9:1048228. (doi: 10.3389/fmats.2022.1048228)

[4].   Wang, X., Wang, Y., Ge, X., Tong, B.* et al. (2022). The quantitative assessment of clogging and cleaning effects on the permeability of pervious concrete. Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 335, 127455. (JCR:Q1)

[5].   Wang, X.*, Song, P., Yu, H. et al. (2021). Extended Life Concrete Bridge Decks Utilizing Internal Curing to Reduce Cracking – Materials Characterization and Engineering Demonstration. Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 275, 122163. (JCR:Q1)

[6].   Wang, X., Lu, G. *, Wang, K. (2020). Effect of Interparticle Action on Shear Thickening Behavior of Cementitious Composites: Modeling and Experimental Validation. Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 78-93. (JCR:Q1)

[7].   Liu, Z., Lou, B., Sha, A., Du, P., Wang, X.* (2019). Microstructure Characterization of Portland Cement Pastes Influenced by Lower Curing Pressures. Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 227. (JCR:Q1)

[8].   Li, C., Ashlock, J., Wang, X.* (2019). Quantifying Repeatability Reproducibility Sources of Error and Capacity of a Measurement: Demonstrated using Laboratory Soil Plasticity Tests. Advances in Civil Engineering, Article ID 3295954. (JCR:Q3)

[9].   Wang, X. *, Sadati, S., Taylor, P., Li, C., Wang X, Sha. A. (2019). Material Characterization to Assess Effectiveness of Surface Treatment to Prevent Joint Deterioration from Oxychloride Formation Mechanism. Cement and Concrete Composites, 104, 103394. (JCR:Q1-TOP)

[10].  Wang, X., Wang, X.*, Sadati, S., Taylor, P., Wang, K. (2019). A Modified Foam Drainage Test Protocol for Assessing Incompatibility of Admixture Combinations and Stability of Air Structure in Cementitious Systems. Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 211, pp. 174-184. (JCR:Q1)

[11].  Wang, X. *, Taylor, P., Yurdakul, E., Wang, X. (2018). An Innovative Approach to Concrete Mixture Proportioning. ACI Materials Journal, 115(5), pp: 749-759. (JCR:Q3)

[12].  Wang, X. *, Taylor, P., Wang, X. (2017). A Novel Test to Determine the Workability of Slipform Concrete Mixtures. Magazine of Concrete Research, 69(6), pp.292-305. (JCR:Q2)

[13].  Wang, X. *, Taylor, P., Wang, X. (2016). Comparison of Setting Time Measured Using Ultrasonic Wave Propagation with Saw-Cutting Times on Pavements – A Case Study. Proceedings of the11th International Conference on Concrete Pavements, pp. 113-128, San Antonio, Texas.

[14].  Wang, X. *, Taylor, P., X Wang. (2016). Using A Vibrating Kelly Ball Test (VKelly Test) to Determine the Workability of Slipform Concrete Mixtures. Advances of Transportation: Infrastructure and Materials, 2, pp. 1037-1046. (SCI)

[15].  Wang, X. *, Taylor, P., Wang, K., Lim, Malcolm. (2016). Monitoring of Setting Time of Self-Consolidating Concrete Using Ultrasonic Wave Propagation Method and Other Tools. Magazine of Concrete Research, 68(3), pp. 151-162. (JCR:Q2)

[16].  Wang, X., Zhang, JK., Wang, X.*, Taylor, P., Wang, K., Sun, X. (2018). Exploration of Mechanisms of Joint Deterioration in Concrete Pavements regarding Interfacial Transition Zone. Advances in Civil Engineering, Article ID 3295954, 2018. (JCR:Q3)

[17].  Wang, X. *, Taylor, P., Wang, K., Morcous, G. (2015). Effects of Paste-to-Voids Volume Ratio on Performance of Self-Consolidating Concrete Mixtures. Magazine of Concrete Research, 67(14), pp. 771-785. (JCR:Q2)

[18].  Wang, X. *, Taylor, P., Wang, K. (2015). Image Analysis Applications on Assessing Static Stability and Flowability of Self-Consolidating Concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites, 62, pp. 156-167. (JCR:Q1)

[19].  Wang, X. *, Taylor, P., Wang, K., Morcous, G. (2014). Assessing Particle Packing Based Self-Consolidating Concrete Mix Design Method. Construction and Building Materials, 70, pp. 439-452. (JCR:Q1)

[20].  Wang, X. *, Wang, K., Bektas, F., and Taylor, P. (2012). Drying Shrinkage of Ternary Blend Concrete in Transportation Structures. Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, Vol. 1, No. 1-2, pp. 56-66, Taylor & Francis. (SCI)

[21].Wang, X. *, Taylor, P., Bektas, F., Wang, K., and Tikalsky, P. (2012). Drying Shrinkage Behavior of Mortars Made with Ternary Blends. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2290, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, pp. 52-59. (JCR:Q4)

[22].Taylor, P., Wang, X.*, Brink, M. (2016). Stop Being Premature – Latest Research Looks to Strengthen Concrete Joints. Roads and Bridges, 54(9), pp. 45-47.

[23].  Taylor, P., Wang, X.* (2016). Workability and Setting Time for Slipform Paving Concrete Mixtures. Concrete International Magazine (CI) - American Concrete Institute, 38(8), pp. 41-48.


[1].    王旭昊,王亚坤,余海洋,李程,高新民,李林.凝灰岩机制砂混凝土工程性能研究及开裂风险评估[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2023.

[2].    王旭昊,侯鑫,甘珑,汪愿,边庆华,张久鹏.凝灰岩石粉在复合胶凝材料中的火山灰活性及水化性能评估[J].材料导报,2022,36(16).

[3].    王旭昊,刘倩倩,李虎成,李程,李鹏,凌一峰.装配式水泥混凝土路面板空心形式研究与优化[J].山东大学学报,2022,52(4):139-150.

[4].    王旭昊,甘珑,余海洋,李程,高新民,张亚刚,李联伟,边庆华.石粉含量对C45凝灰岩机制砂混凝土性能的影响[J].硅酸盐通报,2021,40(03):775-783+820.

[5].    王旭昊,刘泽鑫,李虎成,田继明,李程,李鹏.预制式水泥混凝土路面研究现状及发展趋势[J].科学技术与工程,2021,21(09):3457-3467.

[6].    王旭昊,余祥晶,李程,李佳,高新民,张亚刚,李联伟.粒料回弹模量室内试验方法[J].科学技术与工程,2021,21(13):5201-5209.


[1].   Jiang, S., Wang, Y., Wang, X., Liu, Z., Liu, Q., Li, C., Li, P. (2022). Numerical Analysis on the Structure Design of Precast Cement Concrete Pavement Slabs. Coatings, 12, 1051. https://doi.org/10.3390/ coatings12081051

[2].   温宏平,李炜光,王旭昊等.动态循环加载下花岗岩孔渗参数演化规律[J].工程科学与技术,2022,54(05):119-128. (DOI:10.15961/j.jsuese.202101243.)

[3].   Sha, A., Ma, B., Wang, H., Hu, L., Mao, X., et al. (2022). Highway constructions on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Challenge, research and practice. Journal of Road Engineering, 2, 1-60. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jreng.2022.02.002)

[4].   Chen, Y., Taylor, P., Ceylan, H., Wang, X. (2021). Evaluation of Joint Activation and Joint Spacing in Concrete Overlays. Road Materials and Pavement Design, (JCR:Q1)

[5].   Sun, W., Wang, K., Taylor, P., Wang, X. (2021). Air Void Clustering in Concrete and Its Effect on Concrete Strength. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, (JCR:Q1)

[6].   Sharma, A., Sirotiak, T.*, Wang, X., Taylor, P., Angadi, P., Payne, S. (2021). Portland Limestone Cement for Reduced Shrinkage and Enhanced Durability of Concrete. Magazine of Concrete Research. (JCR:Q2)

[7].   Wu, Y., Cao, P.*, Shi, F., Liu, K., Wang, X., et al. (2020). Modeling of the Complex Modulus of Asphalt Mastic with Biochar Filler Based on the Homogenization and Random Aggregate Distribution Methods. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 2020, Article ID 2317420. (JCR:Q3)

[8].   Sharma, A., Angadi, P., Sirotiak, T. *, Wang, X., Taylor, P., Borowicz, P., Payne, S. (2020). Characterization of Paste Microstructure for Durability Properties of Concrete. Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 248. (JCR:Q1)

[9].   Dopko, M., Najimi, M., Shafei, B. *, Wang, X., Taylor, P., Phares, B. (2020). Strength and Crack Resistance of Carbon Microfiber Reinforced Concrete. ACI Material Journal, Vol. 117(2):11-23. (JCR:Q3)

[10].  Ling, Y., Wang, K. *, Wang, X., Li, W. (2019). Prediction of Engineering Properties of Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer Using Artificial Neural Networks. Neural Computing and Applications, (JCR:Q1)

[11].  Sun, X., Gao, Z., Cao, P. *, Zhou, C., Ling, Y., Wang, X., Zhao, Y., Diao, M. (2019). Fracture Performance and Numerical Simulation of Basalt Fiber Concrete Using Three-Point Bending Test on Notched Beam. Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 225, 788-800. (JCR:Q1)

[12].  Ling, Y., Wang, K.*, Wang, X., Hua, S. (2019). Effects of Mix Design Parameters on Heat of Geopolymerization, Set Time, and Compressive Strength of High Calcium Fly Ash Geopolymer. Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 228. (JCR:Q1)

[13].  Feng, Z., Su, L.*, Wan, H., Ling X., Wang, X. (2019). Three-Dimensional Finite Element Modeling for Seismic Response Analysis of Pile-Supported Bridges. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol.15, No. 12, 1583-1592. (JCR:Q2)

[14].  Chen, Y.*, Taylor, P., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Wang, X. (2019). Effect of Joint Spacing and Pavement Thickness on Concrete Overlay Performance. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 12(1), pp. 64-69. (EI)

[15].  Dopko, M., Najimi, M., Shafei, B. *, Wang, X., Taylor, P., Phares, B. (2018). Flexural Performance Evaluation of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Incorporating Multiple Macro-Synthetic Fibers. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198118798986 (JCR:Q4)

[16].  Amini, K. *, Wang, X., Delatte, N. (2018). Statistical Modeling of Hydraulic and Mechanical Properties of Pervious Concrete Using NDT. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 30, No.6. (JCR:Q2)

[17].  Bektas, F. *, Wang, X. (2017). ASR Effectiveness of Ternary Blends Using Modified Mortar-Bar Test. ASTM International, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 45(3), pp. 1099–1104. (JCR:Q4)

[18].  Bektas, F.,* Wang, X. (2014). Statistical Mixture Design of Ternary Blends for Controlling ASR. Magazine of Concrete Research, 67(2), pp. 63-70. (JCR:Q2)

[19].  Lomboy, G.,* Wang, X., Wang, K. (2014). Rheological Behavior and Formwork Pressure of NC, SCC and SFSCC Mixtures. Cement and Concrete Composite, 54, pp. 110-116. (JCR:Q1)

[20].  Han, J. *, Wang, K., Wang, X., Monteiro, P. (2016). 2D Image Analysis Method for Evaluating Coarse Aggregate Characteristic and Distribution in Concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 127, pp.30-42. (JCR:Q1)

[21].  Chen, Y. *, Wang, K., Wang X., Zhou, W. (2013). Strength, Fracture, and Fatigue of Pervious Concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 42, pp. 97-104. (JCR:Q1)

[22].  Asaad, M. *, Morcous, G., Wang, X., Taylor, P., Wang, K. (2016). Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Self-Consolidating Concrete for Cast-in-Place Bridge Construction. SCC 2016 - 8TH International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete Book Series: RILEM Proceedings. 100, pp: 341-351. (SCI)

[23].  Zhang, P. *, Han, S., Ng, S., Wang, X. (2017). High Performance Concrete Materials with Applications in Building and Civil Engineering. Advances in Civil Engineering, Editorial Article. (JCR:Q3)

[24].  Zhang, P. *, Han, S., Ng, S., Wang, X. (2018). Advanced Cementitious Building Materials with Applications in Civil Engineering. Advances in Civil Engineering, Editorial Article. (JCR:Q3)

[25].  Zhang, P. *, Han, S., Ng, S., Wang, X. (2018). Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Application in Civil Engineering. Advances in Civil Engineering, Editorial Article. (JCR:Q3)

[26].  Cao, P. *, Wang, X., Jin, F., Zhou CJ. Analysis for Asphalt Concrete with Basalt fiber reinforced Using the three point bending Beam and Fracture model-I. Three Point Bending Experiment. (Will submit to Materials and Design, SCI, IF: 4.36)

[27].  Cao, P. *, Wang, X., Jin, F., Zhou CJ. Analysis for Asphalt Concrete with Basalt Fiber Reinforced Using Three Point Bending Beam and Fracture model: II. Cohesive and Enhanced VCCT Simulation. (Will submit to materials and design, SCI).




17Wang, X., Taylor, P. Assessment of Calcium Oxychloride Formation on Cylinders from CarbonCure Technologies. Technical Report, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, 2017.

16】Wang, X., Taylor, P., Vosoughi, P. Extended Life Concrete Bridge Decks Utilizing Internal Curing to Reduce Cracking. Interim Project Report, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Ames, IA, August 2016.

15】Wang, X., Taylor, P., King, D. Development of Test Protocol for the City of West Des Moines. Technical Report, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Ames, IA, May 2016.

14】Wang, X., Mack, E., Taylor, P. West Des Moines Cylinders. Consulting Lab Report. National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, 2015.

13】Wang, X., Taylor, P. New Approach Helps Maximize Saw-Cutting Times. Transportation Engineering and Road Research Alliance (TERRA) E-News. Vol. 9, No.3, July 2015.

12】Li, C., Wang, X., Ashlock, J., Taylor, P. City of Clive Residential Concrete Pavement Testing. Technical Report, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, 2017.

11】Taylor, P., Hosteng, T. Wang, X., Phares, B. Evaluation and Testing of A Light-Weight Fine Aggregate Concrete Bridge Deck in Buchanan County, Iowa. National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Ames, IA, 2016.

10】Morcous, G., Wang, K., Taylor, P., Assaad, M., Wang, X. Self-Consolidating Concrete for Cast-in-Place Bridge Components. National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project 18-16. September, 2016.

9】Taylor, P., Wang, X. Materials-Related Distress: Aggregates. Best Practices for Jointed Concrete Pavement. Tech Brief, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-HIF-15-013, 2016.

8】Taylor, P., Wang, X. Comparison of Setting Time Measured Using Ultrasonic Wave Propagation With Saw-Cutting Times on Pavements. Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB TR-675), National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, 2015.

7】Taylor, P., Wang, X., Yurdakul, E. A Study of Mixtures Suitable for Concrete Pavement Repairs. Technical Report TPF 5(224). National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Ames, IA, 2015. (Under development)

6】Taylor, P., Yurdakul, E., Wang, X., Wang, X. Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA): An Innovative Approach to Proportioning Concrete Mixtures. Technical Report TPF-5(205). National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Ames, IA, 2015.

5】Taylor, P., Wang, X., Wang, X. Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA): Evaluation of Foam Drainage Test to Measure Air Void Stability in Concrete. Technical Report TPF-5(205). National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Ames, IA, 2015.

4】Taylor, P., Wang, X., Wang, X. Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA): Development and Evaluation of Vibrating Kelly Ball Test (VKelly Test) for the Workability of Concrete. Technical Report TPF-5(205). National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Ames, IA, 2015.

3】Taylor, P., Wang, X.Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA): Factors Influencing Drying Shrinkage. Technical Report TPF-5(205). National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Ames, IA, 2015.

2】Taylor, P., Wang, X. Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis (MDA): Comparison of Setting Time Measured Using Ultrasonic Wave Propagation with Saw-Cutting Times on Pavements in Iowa. TPF 5(205), National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, 2014.

1】Taylor, P., Tikalsky, P., Wang, K., Fick, G., Wang, X. Development of Performance Properties of Ternary Mixtures: Field Demonstrations and Project Summary. DTFH61-06-H-00011 Work Plans 12 and 19, Ames, IA, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, 2012.


2】AASHTO Designation TP 129 (2018). Standard Method of Test for Vibrating Kelly Ball (VKelly) Penetration in Fresh Portland Cement Concrete. Washington, D.C., USA.

1】AASHTO Designation PP 84 (2017). Standard Practice for Developing Performance Engineered Concrete Pavement Mixtures. Washington, D.C., USA.


[1].   王旭昊,宋鹏飞,边庆华等,一种水泥混凝土路面接缝锯切时间预测装置及方法,甘肃路桥三公司,长安大学,2021-06023CN202110695828.3,等待实审

[2].   王旭昊,甘珑,李程等,一种机制砂吸水率测定装置及测定方法,长安大学,2019-12-28201911384490 .9,一通回案实审

[3].   王旭昊,李程,余海洋,一种混凝土搅拌设备,长安大学,2021-01-15ZL201910495098.5



[1].   边庆华,王旭昊,丁星等,一种公路桥梁隧道裂缝深度测量装置,甘肃路桥三公司,长安大学,2022-09-13ZL202221373122.1

[2].   迟文明,赵颖超,李峰,王旭昊等,一种高强度机制砂混凝土的力学性能测试装置,绍兴城投建筑工业化,长安大学,2022-03-22ZL202122660140.X

[3].   迟文明,李峰,赵颖超,王旭昊等,一种混凝土机制砂粒型筛分辅助装置,绍兴城投建筑工业化,长安大学,2022-02-18ZL202122518126.6

[4].   王旭昊,一种混凝土机制砂粒型筛分辅助装置,2022-01-24,中国,202122518126.6

[5].   余祥晶; 刘泽鑫; 甘珑; 余海洋; 李程; 王旭昊; 宋鹏飞; 赵小春; 一种用于图像快速处理粒料级配的筛分装置, 长安大学,2020-10-23, ZL 201922490414.8



[1].     边庆华,王旭昊,胡用书,全自动智能混凝土养护检测系统,甘肃路桥三公司,长安大学,2022-04-25

[2].     边庆华,王旭昊,田林,基于物联网的智能混凝土试块标养试验系统,甘肃路桥三公司,长安大学,2022-02-25

[3].     边庆华,王旭昊,李联伟,混凝土骨料含水量自动检测系统,甘肃路桥三公司,长安大学,2022-01-25

[4].     赵宇洋,顾宇峰,王旭昊等,路用粗骨料颗粒粒径分布检测系统V1.0,长安大学,2020-12-012021SR0430562


[1].   20236月,参加2023世界交通运输大会(中国武汉),以“装配式水泥混凝土路面研究与优化”为主题作分会场报告;

[2].   20236月,参加2023世界交通运输大会(中国武汉),以“玄武岩纤维喷射水泥基材料在不同施工阶段下的流变特性研究”为主题作分会场报告;

[3].   202212月,参加2022世界交通运输大会(中国武汉),以“机制砂石粉对水泥基材料性能影响的作用机理研究”为主题作大会报告;

[4].   202212月,参加2022世界交通运输大会(中国武汉),以“基于流变学特性的机制砂混凝土工作性能研究”为主题作大会报告;

[5].   202211月,参加2022“一带一路”土木工程基础设施安全防护国际论坛(中国武汉),以“一路‘砼’行,‘砼’享未来-高性能驱动的混凝土材料设计、仿真、延寿及智能检测前沿技术”为主题作大会报告;

[6].   202211月,参加第十一届道路与机场工程研究青年论坛(中国成都),以“装配式水泥混凝土路面研究与优化”为主题作大会报告;

[7].   20227月,参加第22COTA国际交通科技年会(中国长沙),以“Numerical analysis on the structure design of precast cement concrete pavement slabs”为主题做大会报告;

[8].   20216月,参加2022世界交通运输大会WTC(中国西安),以“A review on basalt fiber reinforced shotcrete”为主题做大会报告;

[9].   202112月,参加第三届全国路面材料力学与数值仿真研讨会(中国西安),以“基于力学破坏机理的混凝土结构材料耐久性浅析”为主题做特邀报告;

[10].   20201月,参加第99届美国交通运输研究委员会(TRB)年会(美国华盛顿),以“延长使用寿命混凝土桥面的材料特性利用内部固化减少开裂”为主题做大会报告;

[11].   20196月,参加2019世界交通大会(WTC)(中国北京),以“除冰盐对混凝土冻融耐久性破坏的机理与材料性能表征”为主题做大会报告;

[12].   20188月,参加2018全国博士后论坛(中国西安),以“一路‘砼’行功能性混凝土材料”为主题做特邀报告。

[13].   Wang, X., Taylor, P., Yurdakul, E. Performance Engineered Mixtures (PEM) for Concrete Pavements. 13th International Symposium on Concrete Roads, Berlin, Germany, June 2018;

[14].   Wang, X., Cunningham, J., Taylor, P. Update on New Era Testing. Iowa Concrete Pavement Association’s Annual Workshop, February, 2018. (Invited);

[15]    Wang, X. Getting the Mixture We Need. Workshop 6: Performance-Engineered Mixtures (PEM). The 11th International Conference on Concrete Pavements, San Antonio, Texas, August, 2016. (Invited)


  • 2023年,高等教育(本科)国家级教学成果二等奖;

  • 2023年,第九届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛省级铜奖2023年;

  • 2023年,长安大学优秀毕业设计指导教师;

  • 2023年,第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛国家级铜奖;

  • 2022年,长安大学优秀毕业设计指导教师;

  • 2022年,公路工程全国高校黄大年式教师团队,核心成员;

  • 2022年,“低能耗降碳路面技术”陕西省重点科技创新团队,核心成员;

  • 2022年,“中建西部建设杯”全国混凝土设计大赛三等奖;

  • 2021年,全国高等学校外语微课优秀作品征集与交流活动省级三等奖;

  • 2020年,《道路工程材料》省级线下一流课程主讲教师;

  • 2020年,《Materials for Roadway Engineering》全英文国际慕课负责人;

  • 202001月,长安大学“长安学者”入选者

  • 2018年03月,陕西省人才项目入选者

  • 2017年11月,清华大学-青海大学三江源研究院(特聘)

  • 2013年04月,美国混凝土协会(American Concrete Institute)学生竞赛二等奖,学生指导

  • 2012年12月,评估公告委员会奖(Computation Advisory Committee), 爱荷华州立大学

  • 2010年09月,美国爱荷华州注册实习土木工程师(Engineering-in-Training)

  • 2010年10月,罗森福德国际奖学金,爱荷华州立大学

  • 2008-2009年,国际留学生奖学金,爱荷华州立大学

  • 2009年,Magna Cum Laude Honor(GPA:3.80/4.00),爱荷华州立大学


  • 2022年12月-至今:长安大学,教授,博导,兼任特殊地区公路交通基础设施可持续发展国际合作联合实验室副主任

  • 20211-至今:长安大学公路学院,机场工程系,副主任

  • 2018年8月-2022年12月:长安大学,副教授,博导

  • 2016年4月-2018年8月:美国爱荷华州立大学,助理教授

  • 2016年1月-2018年8月:美国国家路面混凝土科研中心,研究员

  • 2014年5月-2015年12月:美国国家路面混凝土科研中心,博士后

  • 2013年1月-2014年5月:美国国家路面混凝土科研中心,实验室主任(兼职)