Peng Ting Associate professor

Highway College


Degree: PhD.

Graduate School: Xian Jiaotong University


Tel: +86-186-29145791

BirthDate: 1977-02-19

Office Location: 305# Transportation Technical Building, Main Campus of Changan Univesity

The personal data

  • Department: Highway College
  • Gender: male
  • BirthDate: 1977-02-19
  • Career: Associate professor
  • Degree: PhD.
  • Academic Credentials:
  • Graduate School: Xian Jiaotong University
  • Tel: +86-186-29145791
  • Email:
  • Address School: 305# Transportation Technical Building, Main Campus of Changan Univesity
  • PostCode School: 710064
  • Fax School:
  • Office Location: 305# Transportation Technical Building, Main Campus of Changan Univesity
  • Education experience:


 He is born in 1977. He is from Tongnan CountyChongqing. He is both IEEE member and ASCE member. He obtained bachelor's degree of highway and urban street engineering from Xi'an Highway Transportation University, master's degree of highway and railroad enginnering from Chang'an University, doctoral degree of computer science and technology from Xi'an Jiaotong University. He is now work with highway college of Chang'an University as an associate professor. His research interests include: infrastructure online measurement, assets management and construction material.

 He won national science and technology achievements reward and provincial science and technology achievement reward. More than ten papers are indexed by SCI or EI.

Social position


Open Course

Research project


Technological Achievements

Honor Reward

Work experience