个人简介陈适之,男,副教授,硕士生导师,工学博士,1993年2月生,四川仪陇人。本科毕业于同济大学土木工程学院,博士毕业于东南大学土木工程学院,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)访问学者,于2019年12月进入长安大学工作,在公路学院桥梁工程系从事科研与教学工作。 目前主要从事桥梁安全监测与智能评估方向的研究,入选陕西省科协青年人才托举计划,发表一作通讯SCI论文20余篇,1篇论文入选美国ASCE协会三年内引用最高论文榜单,担任Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure期刊青年编委,Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), Mechanical System and Signal Processing, Engineering Structures, Journal of Bridge Engineering, Smart Materials and Structures,Sensors等期刊审稿人,申请发明专利7项,授权5项,软件著作权4项。 欢迎对桥梁工程、结构工程以及人工智能交叉方向科研感兴趣的同学报考!支持鼓励学生赴海外交流深造,联系邮箱:szchen@chd.edu.cn 社会职务
研究领域智能交通基础设施 信息详见:Researchgate 欢迎对人工智能以及相关学科交叉方向科研感兴趣的同学报考!联系邮箱:szchen@chd.edu.cn。 和国内外多位学者一同组织的MDPI topic“AI Enhanced Civil Infrastructure Safety”欢迎赐稿! 参与本次Topic的期刊包括“Remote sensing”,“Sensors”,“Applied Science”,“Buildings”,“Infrastructures”,“Materials” 开授课程结构力学(全英) 64学时 本科生 结构力学(双语) 46学时 本科生 结构有限元(双语) 32学时 本科生 桥梁结构可靠性与优化设计 32学时 研究生 科研项目1. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,超大跨径缆索承重桥梁智能化设计软件与核心技术标准研发,主持(在研) 2. 国家自然科学基金,基于长标距FBG阵列的装配式梁桥整体性态监测评估方法研究,主持(在研) 3. 陕西省科协青年人才托举计划项目,基于光纤传感与计算机视觉融合的交通荷载精细化感知方法研究,主持(在研) 4. 陕西省自然基金青年项目,极端重载下基于宏应变测量的中小桥安全评估与监控方法研究,主持(在研) 5. 中央高校基本科研业务费优秀博士毕业生项目,基于宏应变测量的公路梁桥安全评估方法研究,主持(在研) 6. 教育部重点实验室开放课题基金,基于长标距FBG的中小桥横向联系性能评估方法研究,主持(在研) 7. 国家自然科学基金面上基金,缆索承重桥梁的冗余容错区间反演方法,参与(在研) 论文SCI: ·Xin-Rui Ma, Xian-Lin Wang and Shi-Zhi Chen* (2024). Trustworthy machine learning-enhanced 3D concrete printing: Predicting bond strength and designing reinforcement embedment length, Automation in Construction. ·Xiang-Yu Wang, Peng-Bin Liang, Shi-Zhi Chen*, Bi-Tao Wu (2024). Data-driven Shear Capacity Prediction of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams with Uncertainty-aware, ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering. ·Shi-Zhi Chen, De-Cheng Feng* and Ertugrul Taicroglu (2024). Prior knowledge‐infused neural network for efficient performance assessment of structures through few‐shot incremental learning, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. ·De-Cheng Feng, Shi-Zhi Chen* and Ertugrul Taciroglu(2024). “Deep learning-enhanced efficient seismic analysis of structures with multi-fidelity modeling strategies,”Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. ·Shi-Zhi Chen, Shu-Ying Zhang, De-Cheng Feng and Ertugrul Taciroglu(2023). “Embedding prior knowledge into data-driven structural performance prediction to extrapolate from training domains,”Journal of Engineering Mechanics. ·Shi-Zhi Chen, Qiang-Ming Zhong, Shu-Ying Zhang, Gan Yang and De-Cheng Feng(2023). “Evaluation of Performance of Bridge Weigh-in-Motion Methods Considering Spatial Variability of Bridge Properties,”ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering. ·Gan Yang, Shi-Zhi Chen*, Xiang-Yu Wang and Dian Hu(2023). “Study on data-driven identification method of hinge joint damage under moving vehicle excitation,”ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering. ·Qiang-Ming Zhong, Shi-Zhi Chen*, Zhen Sun and Lu-Chao Tian(2023). “Fully automatic operational modal analysis method based on statistical rule enhanced adaptive clustering method,”Engineering Structures. ·Zhen Sun, DM Siringoringo, Shi-Zhi Chen*(2023). “Cumulative displacement-based detection of damper malfunction in bridges using data-driven isolation forest algorithm,”Engineering Failure Analysis. ·Shi-Zhi Chen, De-Cheng Feng*, Wen-Jie Wang and Ertugrul Taciroglu(2022). “Probabilistic machine learning methods for performance prediction of structure and infrastructures through natural gradient boosting,”Journal of Structural Engineering. ·Shi-Zhi Chen and De-Cheng Feng*(2022). “Multi-fidelity approach for data-driven prediction models of structural behaviors with limited data,”Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. ·Shi-Zhi Chen, Qiang-Ming Zhong, Shi-Tong Hou and Gang Wu*(2022). “Two-stage stochastic model updating method for highway bridges based on long-gauge strain sensing,”Structures. ·Bo Fu Shi-Zhi Chen, Xin-Rui Liu and De-Cheng Feng* (2021). “A probabilistic bond strength model for corroded reinforced concrete based on weighted averaging of non-fine-tuned machine learning models,” Construction and Building Materials. ·Ji-Gang Xu, Shi-Zhi Chen*, Wei-Jie Xu and Zi-Sen Shen (2021). “Concrete-to-concrete interface shear strength prediction based on explainable extreme gradient boosting approach,”Construction and Building Materials. ·Shi-Zhi Chen, De-Cheng Feng* and Zhen Sun* (2021). “Reliability-based vehicle weight limit determination for urban bridges subjected to stochastic traffic flow considering vehicle-bridge coupling,”Engineering and Structures, 247(7): 113166. ·Shi-Zhi Chen*, De-Cheng Feng, Wan-Shui Han and Gang Wu (2021). “Development of data-driven prediction model for CFRP-steel bond strength by implementing ensemble learning algorithms,”Construction and Building Materials, 303: 124470. ·Shi-Zhi Chen*, Shu-Ying Zhang, Wan-Shui Han and Gang Wu (2021). “Ensemble learning based approach for FRP-concrete bond strength prediction,”Construction and Building Materials, 302: 124230. ·Gan Yang, Ping Wang*, Wan-Shui Han, Shi-Zhi Chen, Shu-Ying Zhang and Yang-Guang Yuan (2021). “Automatic generation of fine-grained traffic load spectrumvia fusion of weigh-in-motion and vehicle spatial–temporal information,”Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1111/mice.12746. ·De-Cheng Feng, Shi-Zhi Chen, Mohammad Reza Azadi Kakavand and Ertugrul Taciroglu* (2021). “A probabilistic model based on Bayesian averaging for predicting the plastic hinge lengths of reinforced concrete columns,”Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE, 147(10), 04021066. ·Shi-Zhi Chen*, De-Cheng Feng and Wan-Shui Han (2020). “Comparative study of damage detection methods based on long-gauge FBG for highway bridges,”Sensors, 20(13): 3623. ·Shi-Zhi Chen, Gang Wu*, De-Cheng Feng, Zhun Wang and Xu-Yang Cao (2020). “Multi-cross-reference method for highway-bridge damage identification based on long-gauge fiber Bragg-grating sensors,” Journal of Bridge Engineering, 25(6): 04020023. ·Shi-Zhi Chen, Gang Wu* and De-Cheng Feng (2019). “Damage Detection of Highway Bridges Based on Long-Gauge Strain Response Under Stochastic Traffic Flow,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 127: 551-572. ·Shi-Zhi Chen, Gang Wu* and De-Cheng Feng (2019). “Development of a bridge weigh-in-motion method considering the presence of multiple vehicles,” Engineering Structures, 191: 724-739. ·Shi-Zhi Chen, Gang Wu*, De-Cheng Feng and Lu Zhang (2018). “Development of a bridge weigh-in-motion system based on long-gauge fiber bragg grating sensors,”Journal of Bridge Engineering, 23(9): 04018063. ·Shi-Zhi Chen, Gang Wu*, Tuo Xing, and De-Cheng Feng (2018). “Prestressing force monitoring method for a box girder through distributed long-gauge FBG sensors,” Smart Material and structures, 27(1): 015015. ·Shi-Zhi Chen, Gang Wu* and Tuo Xing (2017). “Deflection monitoring for a box girder based on a modified conjugate beam method,” Smart Material and structures, 26(8): 085034. EI: ·张书颖,陈适之*,韩万水,吴刚 (2021). 基于集成学习的FRP加固混凝土梁抗弯承载力预测研究. 工程力学. doi: 10.6052/j.issn.1000-4750.2021.06.0422 ·陈适之,冯德成,杨干,韩万水,吴刚* (2021). 基于宏应变曲率的桥梁式动态称重方法研究. 工程力学. doi: 10.6052/j.issn.1000-4750.2020.11.0862 ·Shi-Zhi Chen, Gang Wu* and Hui-Le Li(2018). “Multi-scale finite element model updating of highway bridge based on long-gauge strain response,” 9th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Melbourne, Australia. (EI) ·Shizhi Chen, Gang Wu* and Bitao Wu (2017). “Simultaneous identification method of damage and vehicle parameters on bridges utilizing long-gauge strain influence line under moving vehicle loads,” Proceedings of SPIE: Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, Portland, OR. (EI) ·Wan Hong*, Shizhi Chen (2017). “Performance assessment of engineering structures based on long-gauge FBG sensors: A review,” Proceedings of SPIE: Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, Portland, OR. (EI) 科技成果发明专利 1. 陈适之,杨干. 基于物理-数据驱动的车-桥耦合分析系统及其构建方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL202110316696.9 2. 陈适之,韩万水,冯德成,袁阳光. 一种加强型桥梁加固用支撑结构,发明专利,专利号:ZL202011306207.3 3. 陈适之,吴刚,冯德成. 一种基于多重交叉验证的桥梁损伤识别方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201811622266.4 4. 陈适之,吴刚,冯德成. 基于分布式长标距光纤光栅传感器的桥梁式动态称重方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201811622281.9 软件著作权 1. 桥梁模态参数全自动识别软件 v1.0 荣誉奖励
工作经历2019.12-2021.11: 长安大学公路学院 讲师 2021.11-至今: 长安大学公路学院 副教授(破格)、硕士生导师 |