Renjiangzhuo Lecturer

Mechatronic Engineering


Degree: Ph.D.

Graduate School: University of Alberta



BirthDate: 1992-06-23

Office Location: Room #608, Building of Construction Machinery School

The personal data

  • Department: Mechatronic Engineering
  • Gender: male
  • BirthDate: 1992-06-23
  • Career: Lecturer
  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Academic Credentials:
  • Graduate School: University of Alberta
  • Tel:
  • Email:
  • Address School: ChangAn University Middle section of Nan Er Huan Road XiAn, ShaanXi Province
  • PostCode School: 710064
  • Fax School:
  • Office Location: Room #608, Building of Construction Machinery School
  • Education experience:

    2017.09 - 2021.12 Canada, University of Alberta, Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D. (Funded by China Scholarship Council)

    2015.09 - 2016.12 UK, University of Manchester, Advanced Manufacturing Technology and System Managements, M.Sc. (Distinction)

    2011.09 - 2015.07 China, Henan University of Science and Technology, Industrial Engineering, B.E.


Dr. Jiangzhuo Ren is a recipient of the National Plan for the Recruitment of Overseas Talent (Postdoctoral recruitment Project, First Batch) and a high-level innovation and entrepreneurship talent via the Qinchuangyuan Platform. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Alberta in December 2021 and conducted postdoctoral research there from January to June 2022. In September 2022, he joined the School of Construction Machinery at Chang'an University as a full-time faculty member. Dr. Ren's research focuses on intelligent manufacturing theory and surface engineering technology applications. He has published 16 journal papers in prestigious journals such as Robot. Comput. Integr. Manuf., Adv. Eng. Inform., and J. Manuf. Process., with 12 papers as the first or corresponding author. He is also hosting four research fundings.

Social position

Review expert of the China Scholarship Council

Guest editor of Machines

Reviewer of journals such as the Journal of Thermal Spraying Technology


Research Interests:

Intelligent Manufacturing, Advanced Surface Technology, Manipulator Trajectory Optimization

Previous research:

(1) Digital-twin theoretical framework of High-velocity Oxygen-fuel thermal spraying process

(2) Coating property optimization via in-flight particle behavior control

(3) Coating growth rate modeling

(4) Synchronization of a coating temperatuure model and a coating thickness model towards digital-twin concept

Current research:

(1) Coating Thickness Distribution Based on Heuristic Search Method

(2) Automatic Generation and Optimization Algorithm for Robot Path

(3) Digital Twin Modeling Method with Fluent

Open Course

Undergraduate Courses:

Fluid mechanics and hydraulic transmission (Chinese)

Fluid mechanics and hydraulic transmission (English)

Measurement and Sensor Technologies (Bilingual)

Research project

Talent Project

1. Ministry of Education, 博士后海外引才专项 (Overseas Postdoctoral Recruiment Program), Principal Investigator, 2024.06-2027.05, ¥930,000

2. Shaanxi Science and Technology Department, 秦创原引用高层次创新创业人才项目(Province High-level innovation and entrepreneurship talent project),Principal Investigator, 2022.10-2025.09, ¥180,000

Research Project

1. Shaanxi Science and Technology Department (General Program for young scholars), Thickness control and uniformity optimization of HVOF coating based on heuristic search algorithm, Principal Investigator, 2024.01-2025.12, ¥50,000

2. Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Shaanxi Province (Postdoctoral Research Project Funding), Heuristic process parameter optimization method for HVOF towards aviation Equipment, Principal Investigator, 2024.01-2025.12, ¥50,000

3. Talent Recruitment Supporting Funds by Chang'an University, Intelligent surface techology, Principal Investigator, 2024.06-2027.05, ¥100,000

4. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, HVOF coating thickness distribution optimization, Principal Investigator, 2022.10-2024.09, ¥50,000

Education Project

1. International Education and Teaching Improvement Project at Chang'an University, Teaching Quality Improvement of Graduate International Courses through Multi-method Integration, Key Participant, 2023.05-2024.04, ¥10,000


First/corresponding author:

[12] Zhu D, Guo Y, Ren J**, Abu-Tahon M, El-bahy A, Song H, Liu Y*, Ren F, El-bahy Z. A multifunctional and low-cost separator for long-life aqueous Zn metal batteries. Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials 2024, 7: 205. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF = 17.7)

[11] Miao Y, Wang F, Ren J**,  Liu J, Liu Y*, Xiong Y, Ren F. Cobalt-iron layered double  hydroxides/CNTs composite modified separator enabling high-performance  lithium–sulfur batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2024, 985:  174073. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF 5.8)

[10] Ren J, Zhang  Y, Zhang W, Li D*, Sun S, Hui J. Investigation of the post-expansion  collapse strength of solid expandable tubulars made of different steels.  Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024, 156: 107825 (SCI, JCR Q2, IF = 4)

[9] Ren J,  Sun Y, Ahmad R**, Ma Y*. Coating thickness optimization for a robotized  thermal spray system. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing  2023, 83: 102569 (SCI, JCR Q1, IF = 10.1)

[8] Tao F, Feng K, Liu Y*, Ren J**,  Xiong Y, Li C, Ren F. Suppressing interfacial side reactions of Zinc  metal anode via isolation effect toward high performance aqueous  zinc-ion batteries. Nano Research, 2023, 16:6789-6797. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF =  10.3)

[7] Ren J, Zhou T, Rong Y, Ma Y**, Ahmad  R*. Feature-based modeling for industrial processes in the context of  digital twins: A Case Study of HVOF Process. Advanced Engineering  Informatics 2022, 51: 101486(1-22) (SCI, JCR Q1, IF = 5.6)

[6] Ren J,  Zhang G, Rong Y, Ma Y*. A feature-based model for optimizing HVOF  process by combining numerical simulation with experimental  verification. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 2021, 64: 224-238.  (SCI, JCR Q2, IF = 5.0)

[5] Ren J, Ahmad R, Zhang  G, Rong Y, Ma Y*. A Parametric simulation model for HVOF coating  thickness control. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing  Technology 2021, 116: 293-314. (SCI, JCR Q2, IF = 3.2)

[4] Ren J,  Ren F*, Li F, Cui L, Xiong Y, Volinsky A. Effects of microstructure,  mechanical and physical properties on machinability of graphite cast  irons. Metals 2020, 10(2): 285. (SCI, JCR Q2, IF = 2.4)

[3] Ren J,  Li Z, Xiong Y*, Li F, Ren F, Volinsky A. Effect of microstructure and  mechanical properties on cutting force of different cast irons with  similar tensile strength. China Foundry 2019, 16: 177-183. (SCI, JCR Q3,  IF = 1.2)

[2] Ren J, Rong Y, Ma Y*. Comparison  of the renormalization group and the realizable k-ɛ turbulence models  for dynamic performance of HVOF process with a coupled two-stage CAE  method. Computer-Aided Design & Applications 2021, 18(1): 117-129.  (EI)

[1] Ren J, Ma Y*. A feature-based  physical-geometric model for dynamic effect in HVOF thermal spray  process. Computer-Aided Design & Applications 2020, 17(3): 561-574.  (EI)

Technological Achievements

Honor Reward

Best oral presentaion in the 5th International Conference on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Engineering, 2024.10

Excellent reviewer of Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2022

Sadler Graduate Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering, 2021.09

China Scholarship Council (CSC) PhD Scholarship, 2018.05

Doctoral Recruitment Scholarship of UA, 2017.09

Work experience

2022.09 – Present  Lecturer, Chang’an University, China

2022.01 - 2022.06  Postdoctoral fellow, University of Alberta, Canada

2018.04 - 2021.12  Research assistant (part-time), University of Alberta, Canada

2018.09 – 2021.05  Teaching assistant (part-time), University of Alberta, Canada

2016.09 - 2016.12  Demonstrator (full-time), University of Manchester, UK