个人简介李振洪,博士、博士生导师,海外引进国家特聘专家,GEO中国专家工作组防灾减灾组组长,长安大学二级教授,测绘科学与技术学科带头人,地质工程与测绘学院院长,黄土科学全国重点实验室副主任,西部矿产资源与地质工程教育部重点实验室主任,陕西省基础学科(地球系统科学)研究中心副主任,陕西省科技创新团队负责人,陕西省“三秦学者”创新团队负责人,国家自然基金委川藏铁路重大项目首席科学家, 科技部国家重点研发项目首席科学家。长期从事影像大地测量与地质灾害及生态环境监测方面研究。 社会职务2010-2016: 英国自然科学研究基金会NERC地球物理和大地测量设施专委会委员 2011-2016: 国际大地测量学协会 (IAG) SC4.4委员会主席:卫星成像系统和机载成像系统的应用 2016-2020: 欧洲遥感实验室协会(EARSeL)Radar特别兴趣组副主席 2016-2022: 国际摄影测量与遥感协会(ISPRS) 微波遥感工作组(WG III/2)副主席 2019-2022: 中国地球物理学会第十届理事会常务理事 2022-2025: 中国地球物理学会第十一届理事会常务理事 2023-2025: 中国测绘地理信息学会第十三届大地测量与导航专业委员会副主任委员 2023-2025: 中国遥感应用协会雷达遥感专业委员会副理事长 2020-2023: 陕西省测绘地理信息学会第十一届理事会副理事长 2020-2025: 中国灾害防御协会天空地多元信息与综合减灾技术专委会专家组副组长 2021-2025: 中国岩石力学与工程学会地质与岩土工程监测分会副理长 2021-2025: 中国地震学会地震灾害链专业委员会第一届副主任委员 2021-2025: 中国地理信息产业协会理论与方法工作委员会副主任委员 2021-至今: GEO中国专家工作组-防灾减灾组组长 2009-至今: 《Survey Review》编委 2016-至今: 《Advance in Space Research》副主编 2017-至今: 《Remote Sensing》责任副主编 2017-至今: 《Sensors》编委 2018-至今: 《Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science》编委 2020-2022: 《GeoEnvironmental Disasters》副主编 2021-至今: 《地球科学与环境学报》副主编 2022-2026: 《武汉大学学报-信息科学版》编委 2022-2026: 《Geodesy and Geodynamics》副主编 研究领域李振洪教授团队研究领域包括: - 卫星大地测量 - 遥感(含SAR/InSAR、光学、高光谱) - 卫星大数据 - 地壳运动、活动断层与地震 - 地质灾害 - 生态环境监测 - 精准农业 开授课程本科大一:《测绘学概论》 本科大三:《数字高程模型》 本科大三:《科技论文写作》,《GNSS原理及应用》 本科大四:《合成孔径雷达干涉测量》 研究生课程:《对地观测技术及其应用》,《现代测绘技术创新与重大工程应用》 科研项目- 科技部国家重点研发计划“重大自然灾害监测预警与防范” 重点专项,大范围自然灾害交通网信息全息感知与智能控制及安全诱导技术装备研发(项目编号:2020YFC1512000),2020.11-2024.10;首席。 - 国家自然科学基金委重大基金项目,川藏铁路重大灾害风险识别与预测(项目编号:41941019), 2020.01-2023.12; 首席。 - 国家自然科学基金委重点国际合作研究项目,东非裂谷区地裂缝灾害机理与防控(项目编号:41920104010), 2020.01-2024.12;参与。 - 陕西省科技创新团队:地质灾害监测预警和防控创新团队(项目编号:2021TD-51), 2021-2023;项目负责人。 - 陕西省“三秦学者”创新团队:长安大学地学大数据与灾害防控创新团队(2022),2022-2026;项目负责人。 ·UK-China Agritech Challenge - REmote sensing and Decision support for Apple tree Precision management, Production and globaL tracEability (RED-APPLE), BBSRC, United Kingdom, 2019.02-2022.02. ·Sentinels of Wheat (ST/N006801/1), the STFC-NSFC Newton Agri-Tech Joint Programme, 2017-2019. ·PAFiC: Precision Agriculture for Family-farms in China (ST/N006801/1), the STFC-NSFC Newton Agri-Tech Joint Programme, 2016-2019. ·Community-based earthquake disaster risk reduction in China (CEDRRiC): integrating local and scientific knowledge for planning and preparedness (NE/N012151/1), the NERC-ESRC-NSFC Newton Fund - Increasing Resilience to Natural Hazards in Earthquake Prone Regions of China (IRNHiC), 2016.01-2018.12. ·DRAGON-4: Earth observations for geohazard monitoring and risk assessment,European Space Agency and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), China, 2016-2020. ·Building REsilience to Multi-source Flooding in South/Southeast Asia through a Technology-informed Community-based approacH (REMATCH, NE/P015476/1), NERC Global Challenges Research Fund: Building Resilience, 2016-2017. ·DRIER-China: Drought Resilience In Ecosystem services and Rural communities in China (NE/P015484/1),NERC Global Challenges Research Fund: Building Resilience, 2016-2017. ·Centre for the Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics (COMET, come30001), Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), United Kingdom, 2014-2019. ·Looking inside the Continents from Space (LiCS): Insights into Earthquake Hazard and Crustal Deformation (NE/K010794/1), Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Large Grant, United Kingdom, 2014-2019. ·Urban Big Data Research Centre, Economic and Social Research Council(ESRC) Large Grant, 2014-2019. ·Exploring the potential for precision nutrient management in China (PUMiC), the STFC Newton Agri‑Tech Fund, 2015-2016. ·RApID: Resilient Application of Intelligent Disaster management, the STFC Newton Fund, 2014-2015. ·Exemplar Smart Farming in Newcastle, the STFC Newton Agri‑Tech Pathfinder programme, 2014-2015. ·Ground Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (GB-SAR) (NERC Reference: CC049), NERC Strategic Environmental Science Capital Call, 2014. ·RAE Distinguished Visiting Fellowship (to support Dr Maorong Ge from GFZ): GNSS Seismology for responding to large earthquakes and monitoring infrastructure stability, Royal Academy of Engineering, 2014-2015. ·Assessing the performances of Terrestrial Imaging Systems for Topographic Mapping, National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO), United Kingdom, 2013-2014. ·Integration of GPS and InSAR for high precision deformation mapping, Key Laboratory of Earth Fissures Geological Disaster, Ministry of Land and Resources (Geological Survey of Jiangsu Province), 2013-2014. ·InSAR for the Earth’s surface deformation in the Fenwei Basin, China Geological Survey - Chang’an University, 2013-2015. ·Present-day crustal deformation in Central Lhasa Plate and Characteristics of the geodynamic process in preparation of strong earthquakes, China Earthquake Administration (Institute of Crustal Dynamics), 2013-2015. ·DRAGON-3: Monitoring crustal deformation and man-made infrastructure in China using InSAR observations,European Space Agency and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), China, 2012-2016. ·Using high resolution topographic data to detect regions of high seismic hazard from space, Carnegie Trust (Larger Grant),2012-2013. ·Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar image processing for rapid assessment of earthquake hazard damage, the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) - National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) International Joint Project, 2012-2014 (UK Leading PI). ·Landslide and Ground subsidence monitoring with advanced InSAR, China Geological Survey - Chang’an University, 2012-2014. ·SSSC-SFC: Feasibility of G-SAR toolbox for remote monitoring of infrastructure stability, Scottish Funding Council, 2012-2013. ·GAS: Generic Atmosphere Solutions for radar measurements (NE/H001085/1),Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), United Kingdom, 2009-2011 (PI). ·Multi-wavelength PS InSAR techniques and their applications to land subsidence in Eastern China, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2011-2013 (Co-I; PI: Prof Guoxiang Liu, Southwest Jiaotong University, China). ·Use of InSAR to map surface cracks in Xi’an City, China. China Geological Survey - Chang’an University, 2009-2011. ·Centre for the Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics (COMET+) , National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO), Theme 6: Dynamic Earth and Geohazards. Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), United Kingdom, 2008-2012 (Associated Investigator). ·DRAGON-2: Crustal deformation in China associated with the seismic cycle of major faults or related to lakes loading on the lithosphere: Measurement by SAR Interferometry,European Space Agency and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), China, 2008-2012. ·DRAGON-2: Monitoring ground surface displacement in the Three Gorges area, Dangxiong-Lasha and Jiangsu province area,European Space Agency and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), China, 2008-2012. ·OSCAR: Online Services for Correcting Atmosphere in Radar, NASA, 2009-2011 (Collaborating with Dr Paul von Allmen (PI) and Dr Eric Fielding at JPL). ·Geodetic Imaging of Earth's Surface Deformation Using Integrated InSAR and GPS Observations, NASA, 2008-2011 (Collaborating with Prof. William C. Hammond (PI), Prof. Geoffrey Blewitt, and Prof. Hans-Peter Plag at University of Nevada, Reno) ·Monitor active faults using GPS/InSAR integrated techniques, China 863 programme, 2009-2010 (PI: Prof Caijun Xu, Wuhan University; ID: 2009AA12Z317). ·Using space geodesy techniques (i.e. GPS and InSAR) to monitor deformation over the Yellow River Delta, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2006-2008 (PI: Prof Xinghua Zhou, First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, China; ID: 40576044). 论文科技成果荣誉奖励2019 王之卓青年科学家奖 2018 The 2018 RAS Group Achievement Award in Geophysics acknowledges COMET’s success in using satellite and ground-based observationsand geophysical modelling to study earthquakes, volcanoes and tectonics across the globe. 2018 The 2017 Remote Sensing Best Guest Editor Award to the Special Issue of Remote Sensing titled Earth Observations for Geohazards (Guest editors: Professor Zhenhong Li and Professor Roberto Tomás Jover). 2016 ESA and National Remote Sensing Centre of China Award of Excellence for the DRAGON-3 project exploring Crustal Deformation and Infrastructure. 2005 国家优秀自费留学生奖学金 2004 Best Paper Presentation, the U.S. Institute of Navigation, USA. 2004 Student Paper Prize, the U.S. Institute of Navigation, USA. 工作经历2019-至今: 长安大学,教授 2020-至今: 英国纽卡斯尔大学,访问教授 2014-2020: 英国纽卡斯尔大学,教授 2011-2014: 英国格拉斯哥大学,高级讲师(英制副教授) 2008-2011: 英国格拉斯哥大学,讲师(英制助理教授) 2005-2008: 英国伦敦大学学院,博士后 2015-2017: 武汉大学地球空间信息技术协同创新中心,客座研究员 2012-2015: 武汉大学,珞珈讲座教授 2010-2010: 美国航空航天喷气动力实验室,访问科学家 |