- 学院: 地质工程与测绘学院
- 性别: 男
- 出生年月: 1989-10-11
- 职称: 副教授
- 学位: 博士
- 学历: 研究生
- 毕业院校: 武汉大学
- 联系电话:
- 电子邮箱: lixin2017@chd.edu.cn
- 通讯地址: 西安市雁塔路126号
- 邮编: 710054
- 传真: 029-85585200
- 办公地址: 地学科技大厦
- 教育经历:
本科:2007/09-2011/06,西南交大 硕士:2011/09-2013/06,武汉大学 博士:2013/09-2017/06,武汉大学
主要从事北斗/GNSS/惯性/视觉/激光/UWB等多源融合导航定位,复杂环境下无人机/机器人自主(拒止)导航定位理论与应用。近几年主持国家自然科学基金(青年/面上)、科技部重点研发子课题等国家级项目4项,陕西省自然科学基金、陕西省科技计划项目重点研发计划课题,中国博士后面上项目省部级项目3项。以第一/通讯作者在测绘学报,GPS Solutions,IEEE等国内外知名期刊发表发表高水平学术论文20余篇,获中国卫星导航协会科技进步奖一等奖、教学成果奖特等奖等奖项,《导航定位与授时》期刊青年编委,《GPS Solutions》、《Advances in Space Research》等学术期刊审稿专家。 欢迎对多源融合导航感兴趣、认真踏实的同学加入研究小组,一同进步,共同成长!
(1)全球华人GNSS协会(CPGPS)会员,中国卫星导航学术年会(CSNC)会员,陕西测绘学会会员 (2)《导航定位与授时》期刊青年编委,《GPS Solutions》、《Advances in Space Research》、《Sensors》等学术期刊审稿专家
(2)视觉/激光/惯性SLAM技术 (3)北斗/多源传感器灾害监测(滑坡/桥梁等) (4)复杂(拒止)环境无人机自主导航定位
1. 数字地形测量学(本科) 2. 惯性导航(本科) 3. 导航与定位(本科) 4. 组合导航理论与方法(硕士) 5. 综合导航与授时理论方法(博士)
纵向主持项目: 1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,多源融合的山区复杂环境旋翼无人机精准导航定位方法研究,42474026,2025.1-2028.12,主持(国家级) 2.国家重点研发计划子课题, 融合北斗的交通基础设施结构实时三维监测技术研究,2021YFB2600603,2021.12-2024.11,主持(国家级)
3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,基于抗差自适应UKF的伪卫星/UWB高精度室内定位方法研究,42004023,2021.1-2023.12,主持(国家级) 4. 装备发展部,全球连续监测评估系统(第三阶段)分析中心建设与运行维护,2018.10-2019.10,主持(国家级) 5. 陕西省自然科学基金青年项目,GNSS/INS/UWB组合隧道定位关键技术研究,2021JQ-248,2021.1-2022.12,主持(省部级) 6. 陕西省科技计划项目重点研发计划一般项目工业领域,PPP-RTK高精度增强服务技术研究,2021.5-2023.12,主持(省部级) 7. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,UWB辅助的室内伪卫星高精度定位方法研究,2018.7-2020.7,主持(省部级) 8. 中央高校基金,室内伪卫星高精度定位模糊度求解方法研究,2018.01-2019.12,主持,已完成 9. 中央高校基金,融合视觉SLAM和惯导的自主定位与建图,2020.01-2021.12,主持,已完成 横向主持项目: 1. 横向委托项目,基于BDS/UWB的室内定位技术研究,2022.04-2023.12,主持 2. 横向委托项目,因子图优化的惯性基姿态解算软件研发,2023.11-2024.5,主持 3. 横向委托项目,弹性导航多源信息融合算法和测试验证,2023.11-2024.02,主持 4. 横向委托项目,工程化VINS软件开发服务,2024.05-2026.05,主持 主要参与项目: 1. 国家自然科学基金重大科研仪器研制项目,无人机精准投放式北斗滑坡灾害智能监测预警系统,211026220052,2021.11-2026.12, 参与,在研 2. 国家重点研发子课题,多源异构信息融合的特大滑坡实时预警系统研发与典型区应用示范,211226190103,2018.12-2021.12, 参与,已完成
一作&通讯论文成果: Li X, Li H, Huang G*, Zhang Q and Meng S. Non-holonomic constraint (NHC)-assisted GNSS/SINS positioning using a vehicle motion state classification (VMSC)-based convolution neural network. GPS Solutions, 2023, 27(3), pp.144. Chen S, Li X*, Huang G, Zhang Q and Wang S. NHC-LIO: A Novel Vehicle Lidar-inertial Odometry (LIO) with Reliable Non-holonomic Constraint (NHC) Factor. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2023, 23(21). 李昕, 孟硕林, 黄观文*, 张勤, 李晗旭. GNSS/SINS定位稳健SE2(2)-EKF方法. 测绘学报, 2023, 52(10). 李昕, 孟硕林, 黄观文*, 张勤, 梁峻唯. 基于SE(3)-EKF的旋翼无人机GNSS/SINS空中快速对准方法,中国惯性技术学报,2023, 31(10). 李晗旭, 李昕*, 黄观文, 张勤, 陈世鹏. 基于速度分类的LSTM神经网络辅助GNSS/SINS车载定位方法. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2024. DOI:10.13203/j.whugis20230061. Yang H, Li X*, Du Y, Jing C, et al. Accelerometer static state detection (SSD)-assisted GNSS/accelerometer bridge monitoring algorithm. Measurement Science and Technology, 2024, 35, 106309. Li X, Ye J*, Zhang Z, et al. A novel low-cost UWB/IMU positioning method with the robust Unscented Kalman filter (UKF) based on maximum correntropy. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024, 24(8), 29219-29231. Li X, Liang J, Huang G*, Ma S, Li H. Adaptive Invariant Extended Kalman Filter-Based Tightly-Coupled SINS/RTK Integrated Positioning for Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 2024, 73, 1-17. Li X, Zhang Ze, Huang G*, et al. Rapid construction of GNSS/UWB seamless coordinate reference frame based on a robust general graph optimization (g2o) approach. Measurement. 2024. Li X, Chen S, Fei L*, et al. A novel reliable PSO-UKF-based UWB/SINS positioning approach in a narrow-long environment. Measurement Science and Technology, 2024. Chen S, Li X*, Ma S, et al. DBSCAN-Based Dynamic Target Recognition and Semantic Information Entropy-Assisted Vehicle LiDAR Odometry.IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 2024. Wang S, Li X*, Zhang Y, Ma S, et al.Deep Learning-Based 6-DoF Visual Relocalization Assisted Simultaneous Localization and Mapping. Industrial Robot-The International Journal of Robotics Research and Application, 2024. Li H, Huang G, Li X*, Jing C, Feng Y, et al. A Novel GNSS/SINS Integrated Positioning Method based on Maximum Correntropy Extended Kalman Filter with Adaptive Multi-Factor Variable Kernel Bandwidth. Measurement, 2024. Ye J, Li X*, Zhang X, Zhang Q, Chen W. Deep Learning-Based Human Activity Real-Time Recognition for Pedestrian Navigation. Sensors, 2020, 20(4). Li X, Huang G, Zhang P*, Zhang Q. Reliable Indoor Pseudolite Positioning Based on a Robust Estimation and Partial Ambiguity Resolution Method. Sensors, 2019, 19, 3692. Li X, Zhang P*, Huang G, Zhang Q, Guo J, et al. Performance Analysis of Indoor Pseudolite Positioning Based on the Unscented Kalman Filter. GPS Solutions, 2019, 23: 79. Li X, Huang G*, Zhang Q, Zhao Q. A new GPS/BDS tropospheric delay resolution approach for monitoring deformation in super high-rise buildings. GPS Solutions, 2018, 22: 90. Li X*, Guo J, Hu J. An Improved PSO Algorithm and Its Application in GNSS Ambiguity Resolution. Applied sciences. 2018, 8, 990. Li X, Zhang P*, Guo J, et al. A New Method for Single-Epoch Ambiguity Resolution with Indoor Pseudolite Positioning. [J]. Sensors, 2017, 17(4). Li X, Guo J*, Zhou L. Performance analysis of BDS/GPS kinematic vehicle positioning in various observation conditions [J]. Sensor Review, 2016, 36(3):249-256. 李昕, 郭际明*, 章迪, 杨飞. 一种基于多普勒测速的GPS单历元动态定位算法研究[J]. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2018, 43(7):1036-1041. 李昕*. GPS/BDS及PL高精度RTK定位算法研究. 测绘学报, 2019, 48 (4): 534-534. 李昕, 郭际明*, 周吕,等. 一种精确估计区域北斗接收机硬件延迟的方法[J]. 测绘学报, 2016, 45(8):929-934. 李昕*. GPS/BDS定位中一种有效粗差探测方法. 测绘通报 S1(2018):6-9. 李昕, 史俊波, 郭际明. BeiDou/GPS组合定位算法研究及初步结果[C]. 中国卫星导航学术年会. 2014. 郭际明, 李昕*, 张鹏. 基于固定点初始化的室内伪卫星定位方法研究[J]. 测绘地理信息, 2017, 42(2):1-4.
其他合作论文成果: Jing C, Huang G*, Li X, Zhang Q, et al. RTK/Accelerometer Tightly Coupled Deformation Monitoring Algorithm based on Baseline Shift Virtual Observation Constraint. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2024, 24(16). Jing C, Huang G*, Li X, Zhang Q, Yang H, Zhang K, Liu G. GNSS/accelerometer integrated deformation monitoring algorithm based on sensors adaptive noise modeling. Measurement. 2023, 218:113179. Jing C, Huang G, Zhang Q, Li X, et al. GNSS/Accelerometer Adaptive Coupled Landslide Deformation Monitoring Technology. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14(15), 3537. Feng Y, Huang G, Jing C, Li X, et al. GNSS/MEMS IMU vehicle integrated navigation algorithm constrained by displacement vectors in urban environment. Measurement Science and Technology. 2023, 34(12):125157. Feng Y, Huang G, Li X, Li Z, et al. An Adaptive BDS/MEMS Navigation Algorithm Based on Low-dynamic Carrier Motion Characteristics and Dual-antenna Constraint Information. Measurement. 2024, 225: 114037. Liu G, Huang G, Li X, Jing C, et al. Fusion of Numerical Meteorological Data to Mitigate Residual Tropospheric Error in GNSS RTK for Large Bridge Monitoring in Mountainous Areas. Measurement, 2024. Xu Z, Li M, Han Y, Li X, et al. Robust Flow Estimation Algorithm of Multichannel Ultrasonic Flowmeter Based on Random Sampling Least Squares, Sensors, 2022, 22(19): 7660. Liu Y, Zhao Q, Li Z, Yao Y, Li X. GNSS-derived PWV and meteorological data for short-term rainfall forecast based on Support Vector Machine, Advances in Space Research, 2022, (70) :992-1003. Zhao Q, Zhang K, Yao Y, Li X. A new troposphere tomography algorithm with a truncation factor model (TFM) for GNSS networks. GPS Solutions, 2019, 23: 64. Zhao Q, Yao W, Yao Y, Li X. An improved GNSS tropospheric tomography method with the GPT2w model. GPS Solutions, 2020, 24: 2. Zhao Q, Liu Y, W, Ma X, Li X. An Improved Rainfall Forecasting Model Based on GNSS Observations. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020, 99:1-10. Zhao Y, Zhang P, Guo J, Li X, Wang J, Yang F, Wang X. A New Method of High-Precision Positioning for an Indoor PL without Using the Known Point Initialization. Sensors 2018, 18, 1977. Zhao Y, Guo J, Zou J, Zhang P, Zhang D, Li X, Huang G, Yang F. A Holistic Approach to Guarantee the Reliability of Positioning Based on Carrier Phase for Indoor Pseudolite. Applied sciences. 2020, 10, 1199.
1、2019.11,长安大学二类青年学术骨干 2、2020.10 ,“前瞻引领、创新驱动、实践提升”的卫星导航创新型人才培养体系与成效,卫星导航定位教学成果奖特等奖,排名第六,中国卫星导航定位协会 3、2020.06,大学生创新创业训练计划项目,长大图书馆导航仪,国家级立项,指导教师(排名第一),教育部 4、2019.04 ,无人机抛撒式北斗灾害监测系统第十届“北斗杯”全国青少年科技创新大赛全国总决赛研究生组北斗应用创新一等奖,指导教师(排名第二),中国卫星导航定位协会 5、2020.09 ,北斗精灵科技有限公司第十届“挑战杯”陕西省大学生创业计划竞赛,陕西省铜奖,指导教师(排名第三),陕西省大学生创业计划竞赛组委会
2017.07-2020.12:长安大学,讲师 2020.12-至今: 长安大学,副教授