The personal data
ResumeSocial positionResearch petrology, mineralogy ,gemmology ,loess
Open CourseCrystallography and mineralogy, Optical crystallography,Petrology,Basis of gemmology,Gem identification Research project1. National Natural Science Foundation of China, major project sub-project two, 21102618059, compaction loess subsidence mechanism and disaster effect of Pingshan City Engineering Project, 2018-01 to 2022-12, 1.66 million yuan 2. National Natural Science Foundation of China, General Project, 211026180336, Reliability of slopes in the Loess Plateau Irrigation Area and its robust control, from January 1, 2019 to 2022-12, 610,000 yuan 3. The Ministry of Land and Resources' non-profit industry scientific research project, the metallogenic regularity of the Jiulongnao Mining Field in the eastern section of Nanling and the subproject of the Demonstration Demonstration Project, a typical deposit of Jiulongnao Mining Field in the eastern section of Nanling, 2014 to 2016, 164,000 Questions, mainly participating 4. Chang'an University, special fund project of the Central University, CHD2010JC049, Research on the microscopic mechanism of creep of loess, 2010-01 to 2012-12, 50,000 yuan, closed, presiding 5. Zhenping County Land and Resources Bureau, 220027140350, Zhenping County Twelfth Five-Year Plan for geological disaster prevention and control, 2012-01 to 2014-12, 125,000 yuan, closed, presiding 6. Shaanxi Provincial Department of Land and Resources, 2008767, Stability Study of Landslide in Heihu Village, Chenhe Township, Zhouzhi County, 2008-01 to 2010-12, 140,000 yuan, closed, presiding 7. The project of the Northwest Survey and Design Research Institute of the State Power Corporation, the geological hazard assessment of the Hanjiang Shuhe Hydropower Project, 2004-01 to 2005-12, 120,000 yuan, closed, participation Thesis1. Xie Xing, Wang dangrong, Wang Chongli. On the color of jadeite in Myanmar [J]. Journal of Xi'an Institute of engineering, 2000.22 (4): 40-42 (December 2000) 2. Xie Xing, Wang Chongli, Wang Yurong. Discussion on the definition of jadeite [J]. Journal of Chang'an University (Geoscience Edition), 2003.25 (3): 21-23, (September 2003) 3. Liang Ting, Zhou Yi, Xie Xing. Study on the basic characteristics of epidote in Shangluo, Shaanxi [J]. Journal of gemology, 2003, 5 (2): 30-32, (April 2003) 4. Liang Ting, Xie Xing. Gemmological characteristics of Yunnan heteropolar ore [J]. Gemmological and gemmological journal, 2003, 5 (4): 34-36 (August 2003) 5. Wang Donghong, Zheng Jianguo, Xie Xing. Discussion on comparative test method of grouting effect of pressure grouting pile [M]. Development and application of pile foundation engineering technology, China Construction Industry Press, 2003 (July 2003): 338-340, 6. Lin bin, Wang Renhe, Xie Xing. Experimental study on mechanical properties of Typical Permafrost in Huainan Mining Area [J]. Journal of Xi'an University of science and technology, 2003, 23 (4): 389-393, (December 2003) 7. Xie Xing, Wang Chongli, Liang ting. Analysis of the influence of jadeite rock type on its specific gravity and refractive index [J]. Journal of Geoscience and environment, 2004, 26 (4): 24-27 (December 2004) 8. Xie Xing, Wang Donghong, Zhao Fasuo. Application of multi-channel transient Rayleigh wave method in detection of lime soil compaction pile [J]. Journal of engineering geology, 2004, 12 (added): 482-486 (October 2014) 9. Wang Donghong, Xie Xing, Zhang Jiwen. Application of Rayleigh wave method in foundation detection in Loess Area [J]. Geotechnical engineering technology, 2004, 18 (3): 157-160 (June 2004) 10. Shao Tiequan, Liu yunhuan, Xi Xianwu, Xie Xing. The mode of siliceous fluid emplacement and its evolution in gold deposits and their relationship with mineralization [J]. Journal of Xi'an University of science and technology, 2004,24 (4): 438-441 (December 2004) 11. Xie Xing, Wang Donghong, Zhao Fasuo. Comparative study on bearing capacity of long bored pile with two kinds of hole forming technology in Loess Area [J]. Journal of Xi'an University of science and technology, 2005, 25 (1): 42-46 (March 2005) 12. Shao Tiequan, Liu yunhuan, Xi Xianwu, Xie Xing, Yang Xingke. Discussion on the source of ore-forming materials of typical gold deposits in East Tianshan, Xinjiang [J]. Journal of Xi'an University of science and technology, 2005,25 (2): 175-178 (June 2005) 13. Xie Xing, Zhao Fasuo. Landslide hazard characteristics and stability analysis of Xunyang section of national highway 316 [J]. Highway traffic science and technology, 2005, 22 (9): 15-18 (September 2005) 14. Xie Xing, Wang Chongli, Liang ting. The structural characteristics of jadeite and its influence on the quality of jadeite [J]. Journal of Geoscience and environment, 2005, 27 (3): 15-18 (September 2005) 15.XIE Xing, LI Youzhu, WANG Donghong, WANG Chongli. Discussion about coloring mechanism of green and lavender, Journal of Kazakhstan Institute of Technology University, Volume48, Number 4, pp. 10-16, April, 2005. 16. Wang Donghong, Xie Xing, Zheng Jianguo. Study on engineering properties of post grouting bored pile in Loess Area [J]. Engineering investigation, 2005 (2): 4-7 (March 2005) 17. Wang Donghong, Xie Xing, Zhang Wei, Qi Shengwen. Experimental study on load transfer behavior of super long bored pile in Loess Area [J]. Journal of engineering geology, 2005, 13 (1): 117-123, (March 20, 2005) 18. Xie Xing, Zhao Fasuo, Wang Yanting, Lin bin, Wang Donghong. Comparative study on mechanical properties of structural Q2 and Q3 loess [J]. Journal of Xi'an University of science and technology, 2006, 26 (4): 451-455 (December 2006) 19. Xie Xing, Zhao Fasuo, Wang Donghong. Structural damage evolution analysis of Q2 loess [J]. Journal of Xi'an University of science and technology, 2007, 27 (1): 78-82 (March 31, 2007) 20、LI Youzhu, XIE Xing ,GAO Siyuan,XU Wenshi, Main tectonic features of the little Qinling Gold Belt(Central China) , Russian Geology an Geophysics, Volume48, Number 2, pp. 199-203, February, 2007.(SCI) 21. Xie Xing, Wang Donghong, Zhao Fasuo. Study on damage constitutive model of structural Q2 loess under uniaxial compression [J]. Hydrogeology and engineering geology, 2008, 35 (3): 47-50 (May 15) 22. Xie Xing, Zhao Fasuo, Wang Donghong. Q2 loess statistical damage constitutive model [J]. Journal of Xi'an University of science and technology, 2009, 29 (3): 322-328 (May 31, 2009) 23. Xie Xing, Zhao Fasuo, Wang Donghong. Nonlinear rheological model of Q2 loess in Xi'an area [J]. Journal of Chang'an University (NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION), 2009, 29 (5): 41-46 (September 15, 2009) 24. Xie Xing, Wang Donghong, Zhao Fasuo. Rheological properties and statistical damage rheological model of Q2 loess [J]. Hydrogeology and engineering geology, 2010, 37 (3): 63-68 (May 15, 2010) 25. Wang Donghong, Xie Xing, Zhao Fasuo. Rheological constitutive model of Q2 loess considering creep damage [J]. Journal of Xi'an University of science and technology, 2010, 30 (6): 682-686 (2010, 11, 30) 26. Wang Hui, he Qingfeng, Xie Xing, Zhao Fasuo. Structural comparative analysis of Q2 loess in different regions [J]. Chinese Journal of geological hazards and prevention, 2010,21 (4): 99-103 (December 2010) 27、Xing Xie、Donghong Wang、Fasuo Zhao. Statistic damage constitutive model of loessial soil considering damage threshold. Applied Mechanics and Materials.Vols . 204-208 (2012) PP 370-375 (2012) Ref: 20124815724800 trans tech publications, Switzerland (2012.8.12) 28. Xie Xing, Wang Donghong, Zhao Fasuo. Study on uniaxial damage model of loess like soil based on Weibull distribution [J]. Journal of engineering geology, 2013, 21 (2): 317-323 (April 15, 2013) 29、Xing Xie,Donghong Wang,Jiwen Zhang.Experimental investigation of compression of overlength bored piles shaft in loess area[J],Applied Mechanics and Materials.Vols . 644-650(2014,10),pp5023-5027 Thirty 30. Lu Lin, Liang Ting, Chen Zhenghui, Wang Yong, heihuan, Xie Xing. Mineralogical characteristics and indicating significance of wolframite in Xihuashan Tungsten Deposit, Jiangxi Province by X-ray powder diffraction and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry [J]. Rock and mineral testing, 2015, 34 (1): 150-160 (January 2015) 30. Li Xiucai, Niu Manlan, Wu Qi, Fu ChangLei, Guo Xianqing, Xie Xing. Shrimp zircon U-Pb dating of andesite in xiabulang copper lead zinc deposit, Tongren County, Qinghai Province and its constraints on mineralization age [J]. Geosciences, 2015, 50 (4): 1154-1165 (October 2015) 31. Xie Xing, Liang Ting, Lu Lin, Zhao Zheng, Chen Zhenghui, Chen Wei, Ding Ming. Preliminary study on the indicative significance of the composition and structure analysis of wolframite to the formation conditions of the deposit [J]. Deposit geology, 2016, Vol.35 (supp1): pp323-324 32. Xie Xing, Liang Ting, Lu Lin, Zhao Zheng, Chen Zhenghui, Chen Wei, Ding Ming. Chemical composition and crystal structure of wolframite from Pangushan and Taoxikeng in Gannan and their indicative significance [J]. Deposit geology, 2017, vol.91 (4): pp876-895 (published by Science Press, ISSN:0001-5717 ) EI 33、Xing Xie, Yuzhen Fu , Jiajun Liu.Mineralogical characteristic of ductile–brittle shear zone in the Baguamiao gold deposit, Shaanxi Province: Implication for gold mineralization.Geological Journal. 2017;52(S1):81–96. SCI 34、Xing Xie, Shengwen Qi, Fasuo Zhao, Donghong Wang.Creep behavior and the microstructural evolution of loess-like soil from Xi'an area, China.Engineering Geology.2018;236:43-59 SCI Technological AchievementsHonor RewardWork experience1998.7-present The school of Earth Science and Resources,Chang'an University teacher 2014.10-2015.10 Oklahoma state university Visiting Scholar |