个人简介王浩,长安大学,地球科学与资源学院,讲师 社会职务研究领域矿物材料与资源综合利用 开授课程磁电选矿、化学选矿等 科研项目1. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,300102278109,石墨烯复合催化材料的制备及其有机物催化降解性能,2018/01-2019/12,5万元,在研,主持。 2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,51804037,石墨烯吸附/催化复合材料的制备及其含氟选矿废水净化性能及机理,2019/01-2021/12,26万元,在研,主持。论文(1)Hao Wang,Qiming Feng,Kun Liu*,Zishun Li,Kesheng Zuo, Xuekun Tang, A novel technique for microcrystalline graphite beneficiation based on alkali-acid leaching process, Separation Science and Technology, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1080/01496395.2017.1405986 (2) Hao Wang,Qiming Feng,Kun Liu*, Zishun Li,Xuekun Tang,Guangze Li, Highly efficient fluoride adsorption from aqueous solution by nepheline prepared from kaolinite through alkali-hydrothermal process, Journal of Environmental Management, 2017, 196 :72-79 (3)Hao Wang,Qiming Feng,Xuekun Tang,Kesheng Zuo,Kun Liu*, Insights into Alkali-Acid Leaching of Sericite: Dissolution Behavior and Mechanism, Minerals, 2017, 7 (10):196 (4) Hao Wang,Qiming Feng,Kun Liu*, The dissolution behavior and mechanism of kaolinite in alkali-acid leaching process, Apply Clay Science, 2016, 132-133:273-280 (5)Hao Wang, Qiming Feng, Xuekun Tang, Kun Liu*, Preparation of high-purity graphite from a fine microcrystalline graphite concentrate: Effect of alkali roasting pre-treatment and acid leaching process, Separation Science and Technology, 2016, 51(14): 2465-2472 (6)Xuekun Tang,Qiming Feng,Kun Liu*, Zishun Li,Hao Wang, Fabrication of magnetic Fe3O4/silica nanofiber composites with enhanced Fenton-like catalytic performance for Rhodamine B degradation, Journal of Materials Science, 2018, 53(1):369-384 科技成果荣誉奖励工作经历2017/02-至今,长安大学,矿产系 |