个人简介吴昌志,安徽省东至县人,教育部“长江学者”奖励计划特聘教授,1998年于长春地质学院获学士学位,2004年于南京大学获博士学位,随后在南京大学任教,历任讲师、副教授和教授,矿床教研室主任(2016-2020),2020年9月入职长安大学,任“长安学者”特聘教授。主要从事金属矿床的形成机制研究,特别关注重大地质事件与成矿作用的耦合关系与成因联系。主持国家自然科学基金项目7项(包括联合基金重点项目1项,重大研究计划重点项目1项,面上项目4项,青年基金1项),新疆维吾尔自治区重点研发项目1项,参与国家重点研发计划和中国地调局项目1余项。曾获教育部自然科学二等奖(2008),有色金属工业科技技术二等奖(2021)和新疆地矿局地质找矿一等奖(2018)各1项。已在GCA, ESR, GSA Bulletin, AAPG Bulletin, Geochemical Perspective Letters, Precambrian Research等国内外重要期刊发表第一和通讯作者论文50余篇,H-index 33, 论文被引用4100余次。 社会职务中国地质学会 区域地质与成矿专业委员会 委员 中国稀土学会 稀土矿产地质与勘查专业委员会 委员 《矿床地质》编辑委员会 委员 《地球科学与环境学报》编辑委员会 委员 《地球科学》《Journal of Earth Science》编辑委员会 委员 《吉林大学学报(地球科学版)》编辑委员会 委员 《岩石矿物学杂志》编辑委员会 委员 研究领域主要从事金属矿床的形成机制研究,特别关注重大地质事件与成矿作用的耦合关系与成因联系。近年来,一直立足于传统的基础矿床学,将矿石原位微区的微量元素和同位素的定量分析与矿相学相结合,开展矿石组构精细分析和矿石矿物原位高精度分析,对复杂矿床形成过程进行定量恢复,研究复杂变质作用和构造变形叠加的金属矿床,以及经历强烈后期叠加改造的热液矿床的物质来源、迁移过程、富集机制,总结相关成矿规律。 开授课程曾开设:1. 《经济地质学》 本科生课程 2. 《地质学野外工作方法》本科生课程 3. 《成矿机制与成矿模型》硕士生课程 4. 《成岩与成矿作用》 博士生课程 科研项目11) 国家自然科学基金联合基金——重点项目《东天山晚古生铜镍硫化物矿床的成矿过程与就位机制》,260万,2025~2028(主持) 10) 新疆维吾尔自治区重点研发任务专项《塔里木-南天山结合带稀有稀土金属成矿潜力关键技术研究》,900万,2023~2025(主持) 9) 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划——重点项目《东天山富铷花岗岩及相关铷矿的地质特征与成矿机制》,312万,2020~2023(主持) 8) 国家自然科学基金——面上项目,扬子地块北部早前寒武纪铁建造的特征、成因类型和构造背景,66万,2019~2022(主持) 7) 深地专项《深地资源勘查开采理论与技术集成》课题《深部过程与成矿作用研究集成》,110万,2018-2021(专题负责) 6) 深地专项《北方增生造山矿系统的深部结构与成矿过程》,2017-2021 (参加) 5) 国家自然科学基金——地区基金,塔北缘库鲁克塔格地块新元古界铁建造的构造背景、沉积环境和成矿机制,60万,2017~2019(主持) 4) 中国地质调查局——研究专题,环塔里木前寒武纪金矿的成矿规律与找矿方向,210万,2012~2016(主持) 3) 国家自然科学基金——面上项目,东天山黄山东铜镍硫化物矿床岩浆期后韧性变形特征与成矿元素再活化机制,92万,2013~2016(主持) 2) 国家自然科学基金——面上项目,下辽河坳陷古近纪玄武、粗面质火山-侵入岩与华北东部岩石圈转型,48万,2009~2011(主持) 1) 国家自然科学基金——青年基金,中天山高铷富氟花岗岩的矿物-元素分异与岩相分带机制研究,28万,2007~2009(主持) 论文共发表学术论文200余篇,2020年以来共发表学术论语文60余篇 68) Liu, X.F., Brzozowski, M.J.*, Lei, R.X., Li, W.Y., Muhtar, M.N., Xiao, F., & Wu, C.Z.*. (2025). Variable enrichment of Co by deformation and hydrothermal processes in the Huangshandong Ni–Cu sulfide deposit, Eastern Tianshan. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 106433. 67) Yang, X., Yang, G., Li, C., Konhauser, K. O., Wu, C.Z.., Huang, F., & Mao, J. (2025). Pulse of intense oxidative weathering during the latest Paleoproterozoic. GEOLOY, 53(1), 78-82. 66) Li, X., Lei, R.X.*,Brzozowski, M.J., Ye, H.*, Wang, X., Zhang, Z.H., Wu, C.Z. (2025). Depositional age and tectonic setting of the Dimunalike iron formation in southeast Tarim Craton: Implications for the resurgence of Neoproterozoic iron formations. Precambrian Research, 417, 107665. 65) Wang, X., Ye, H.*, Gao, Y., Brzozowski, M.J., Li, X., Lei, R.X., Wu, C.Z.* (2024). Depositional age and environment of the Xinyu iron deposit in the Nanhua Basin, South China. Precambrian Research, 107671. 64) She, J.X., Li, W.*, Kubik, E., Moynier, F., Luo, X.L, Mu, J., An, S., Wu, C.Z., Hu, Z., Ji, J. (2024). Tin isotope heterogeneity and baseline of the upper continental crust. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. 381: 43-59. 63) Luo, X.L, Wu, C.Z.*, She, J.X., Brzozowski, M., Du, D.H., An, S., Li, W. (2024). Understanding the extreme differentiation of granitic magmas through elemental geochemistry and Fe isotope signatures. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. 380: 31-47. 62) Ye, H., Wu, C.Z.*, Li, W., Lei, R.X.*, Sun, X., Hao, W., Konhauser, K. (2024). Deposition and termination of Neoproterozoic iron formations (NIFs): New insights from NIFs in China. EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS. 256: 104861. 61) Wang, Z.H., Lei, R.X*., Brzozowski, M.J., Ma, H.D. and Wu, C.Z., (2024). Magmatic–hydrothermal evolution processes of the highly evolved granitic system: insight from zircon of the Baishitouquan pluton, NW China. GSA Bulletin. 37425 60) Muhtar, M. N., Xiao, W., Brzozowski, M. J., Mao, Q., Yang, H., & Wu, C.Z.. (2024). Permian− Triassic magmatism above a slab window in the Eastern Tianshan: Implications for the evolution of the southern Altaids. GSA Bulletin.37133 59) Wu, S., Lei, R.X*., Brzozowski, M.J., Wang, W., Luo, X., and Wu, C.Z., (2024). Rubidium (Rb) enrichment processes in a highly evolved granitic system: Insights from the petrology and geochemistry of the Guobaoshan Rb deposit in Easter Tianshan, NW China. GSA Bulletin. 37702. DOI:10.1130/B37702.1 58) Jia, L., Wu, C.Z.*, Lei, R.X., Brzozowski, M.J., Wang, Y.T., Qian, Z.Z., Deng, X.H. (2024). Geochronology and geochemistry of zircon and columbite–tantalite group minerals from the Weilasituo Sn–polymetallic deposit, northeastern China: Implications for the relationship between mineralization and the magmatic–hydrothermal transition. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 106407. 57) Bai, S.H., Lei, R.X.*, Brzozowski, M.J., Wang, Z., Wang, W., Wu, C.Z.*, (2024). Permian ridge subduction-related magmatism in the Chinese Altai: Insights from geochronology and geochemistry of the Jiangjunshan pluton.JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCE. DOI: 10.1007/s12583-024-0088-y 56) Hu, JJ., Lei, R.X.*, Brzozowski, M.J.,and Wu, C.Z., (2024) . Textures and chemistry of columbite-group minerals record magmatic–hydrothermal processes in the Baishitiouquan pluton in the Eastern Tianshan, NW China. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 106319. 55) Jin, X.W., Lei, R.X.*, Yuan, H.D., Brzozowski, M.J.,and Wu, C.Z., (2024) . Rb enrichment processes in highly evolved granites: Insights from mica and K-feldspar from the Baishitiouquan pluton, Eastern Tianshan. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 106301. 54) Yuan, H.D., Lei, R.X.*, Brzozowski, M.J., Wang, Z.H., Tian, Y., Wang, W., Wu, C.Z. (2024). Multi-stage magmatic–hydrothermal evolution of nepheline pegmatite: Insights from the mineralogy and geochronology of a zircon megacryst from the Yilanlike nepheline pegmatite, South Tianshan. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 106188. 53) 贾力,吴昌志* ,焦建刚,钱壮志,雷如雄. (2024). 大兴安岭南段北大山岩体的年代学与地球化学:岩石成因及成矿潜力的指示. 岩石学报,40(3): 961-986. 52) 唐国卿; 吴昌志* ; 新疆硬岩型铷矿资源的主要成因类型与成矿潜力. (2024). 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 2024, 43(1): 102-126. 51) 王雨婷,杜静国,雷如雄,邓小华,吴昌志* . (2024). 内蒙古维拉斯托矿床隐爆角砾岩型锂铷矿体的成矿流体特征与成矿过程. 地球科学,49(12): 1-17 50) 王鹏寅,雷如雄*,吴世保,吴昌志,袁海波. (2024). 东天山印支期闪长质岩墙岩石成因及构造意义. 岩石学报,40(8): 2389-2414. 49) Du, J., Du, Y., Wang, G., Wu, C.Z., Mao, J., & Zhang, L. (2024). Gold mineralisation by pyrite recrystallisation and arsenopyrite sequestration in the Jiaochong Au deposit, Tongling ore district, eastern China: Implications for the formation of stratabound ore deposits. Ore Geology Reviews, 105955. 48) Yang, X., Mao, J., Bowyer, F. T., Wu, C.Z., Li, R., Zhao, C., Yang, G., & Poulton, S. W. (2024). A phosphate-rich marine reservoir in the redox stratified Ediacaran ocean. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1), 41. 47) Amraei, S., Yazdi, M., Qiu, L., Wu, C.Z., Chen, L., Moine, B., Ghasemi Siani, M., & Rajabpour, S. (2024). Apatite U–Pb geochronology and whole rock, Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic geochemistry of XV mafic‐ultramafic intrusion, Bafq, Central Iran: Implications for petrogenesis and tectonic setting. Island Arc, 33(1), e12514. 2023 46) Bai, S., Lei, R. X., Brzozowski, M. J., Hao, L., Zhang, K., & Wu, C.Z.* (2023). Constraints on the timing of magmatism and rare-metal mineralization in the Fangzheng Rb deposit, Altai, NW China: Implications for the spatiotemporal controls on rare-metal mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews, 105427. 45) Muhtar, M.N., Wu, C.Z.*, Brzozowski, M.J, Santosh, M., Tian, R.S., Xie, G.A., Zhang, W.F., Lei, R.X., Xiao, W.J. (2023). Timing and spatial variation of deformation along the Kanggur–Huangshan Shear Zone in the Chinese Tianshan: Implications for regional differential uplift and mineralization. GSA BULLETIN , 135(5/6): 1429-1448. 44) Ye, H., Wu, C.Z.*, Brozozowski, M., Yang, T., Sun, X.H., Lei, R.X., Li, W., (2023). Genesis of the Longwanggou iron deposit in the Yudongzi Complex, South China: implications for the redox state of seawater at the onset of the Great Oxidation Event. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS. 2023.105562. 43) Tian, R., Muhtar, M.N., Xie, G., Wu, C.Z.* (2023). Episodic magmatism in the Dananhu arc, Eastern Tianshan: Implications for the Late Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the North Tianshan Ocean. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW, 2023, 65(5): 720–738. 42) Sun, X. H., Li, X., Lei, R. X., Brzozowski, M. J., Ma, H. D., Li, W., Xiong, L. M., Xia, M. Y., & Wu, C.Z*. (2023). Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution of the Tarim Craton, NW China: Constraints from geochronology and geochemistry of orthogneisses and granitic veins in the Xingdi region of the Quruqtagh Block. Precambrian Research, 399, 107247. 41) Sun, X.H.*, Luan, Y., Zhang, T.Y., Brzozowski, M.J*., Ye, H., & Wu, C.Z. (2023). Geochemistry, zircon U-Pb chronology and Hf isotope composition of the Heishan’gou iron deposit in the Bikou Terrane, central China: Implication for the genesis of the Yudongzi banded iron formations. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 105250. 40) Wu, S. B., Lei, R. X.*, Brzozowski, M. J., Wang, W., Yuan, H. B., & Wu, C.Z. (2023). Early Neoproterozoic magmatism in the Central Tianshan Block, China: Implications for its tectono-magmatic evolution and relationship to Rodinia. Precambrian Research, 397, 107203. 39) Muhtar, M. N., Xiao, W., Brzozowski, M. J., Chen, S., Aibai, A., Wang, M., & Wu, C.Z. (2023). Genetic link between orogenic Au and porphyry Cu (Au) mineralization in the Dananhu Arc, NW China: Evidence from geochronology, geochemistry, and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopes of the Tudunbei Au deposit. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 253, 107280. 38) Yang, X., Mao, J., Wu, C.Z., Li, Z., Konhauser, K. O., Chen, B., & Yang, G. (2023). Genesis and depositional environment of the Carboniferous Baishanquan iron deposit in Eastern Tianshan, Northwestern China. Lithos, 456, 107304. 37) Mu, J., Zhao, S., Brzozowski, M., Li, H., Wu, C.Z., & Li, W. (2023). Geology, geochemistry and genesis of the world-class Shizhushan wollastonite deposit, Mengshan area, South China. Ore Geology Reviews, 105469. 36) 穆合塔尔·麦麦提尼亚孜,吴昌志,肖文交. 2023. 东天山康古尔-黄山剪切逞的活动与成矿:对区域找矿勘查的指示. 岩石学报,39(11):3434-3446. 35) 吴世保; 雷如雄; 吴昌志. (2023). 北山白头山铷矿赋矿花岗岩锆石U-Pb年龄、分异演化过程及对铷成矿的约束, 地质通报, 2023, 42(5):714-729. 34) 邓小华, 吴昌志, 吴艳爽, 陈西, 张静, 石煜, & 陈衍景. (2023). 东天山印支期矿床地质特征、成因类型及成矿规律. 地球科学与环境学报, 45(3): 590-621. 33) 张凯, 雷如雄, 孙晓辉, & 吴昌志. (2023). 中天山地块沙垄铁建造矿石矿物原位微量元素特征及其意义. 吉林大学学报 (地球科学版), 53(1), 88-105. 2022 32) Wu, C.Z.*, Zhao, F.F., Yang, T, Lei, R.X., Ye, H., Gao, B.F., Li, W. (2022). Genesis of the Fulu Cryogenian Iron Formation in South China: synglacial or interglacial? PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH. 2022.106689 31) Muhtar, M. N*., Wu, C.Z, Brzozowski, M. J., Lei, R., Wang, M., & Xiao, W*. (2022). Permian ridge subduction-related magmatism in the Eastern Tianshan: Implications for the evolution of the southern Altaids. LITHOS, 428, 106815. 30) 唐国卿; 吴昌志* (2022). 铷与铯——稀有金属中的绝代双骄, 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 41(5): 1073-10776. 29) Feng, Z.J. , Yang, T.*, Yao, X., Brzozowski, M.J.*, Lei, R.X., & Wu, C.Z. (2022). Ore forming and reworking processes in the Xitieshan Pb–Zn deposit, Qinghai Province, China: constraints from in situ trace-element and S isotope compositions of sulfides. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 105103. 28) Brzozowski, M.J.*, Good, D. J., Yan, W., Wu, C.Z, An, S., & Li, W. (2022). Mg–Fe isotopes link the geochemical complexity of the Coldwell Complex, Midcontinent Rift to metasomatic processes in the mantle. JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY, 63(8), egac081. 27) Yang, X.*, Mao, J., Santosh, M., Li, R., Wu, C., Gao, J., Wang, Z. (2022). Ediacaran iron formations from the North Qilian Orogenic Belt, China: Age, geochemistry, Sm–Nd isotopes and link with submarine volcanism. PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 368, 106498. 26) Sun, X.H., Li, X., Lei, R.X., Yang, X.F., Chen, J.Z., Wu, C.Z.*, (2022). Geochronology and geochemistry of gneiss and migmatite from the Korla Complex in the Quruqtagh block, NW China: Implications for Proterozoic crustal evolution of the northeastern Tarim Craton.ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS. 2022.105127. 25) Lei, R.X., Wu, C.Z.*, Zhang, K., Yang, X.F., Ye, H. (2022). Depositional environment and genesis of the Paleoproterozoic Astingbulake banded iron formations from the Quruqtagh Block, Northeast Tarim Craton. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2022.104946. 24) Lei, R.X.*, Brzozowski, M.J., Feng, Y.G., Zhang, K., Muhtar, M. N., Luo, X, Wu, C.Z.* (2021). Triassic crust–mantle interaction in the Eastern Tianshan, southern Altaids: insights from microgranular enclaves and their host Tianhu granitoids. Lithos, 2021. 402-403, 105879. 23) Muhtar, M.N.#, Wu, C.Z.*, Brzozowski, M.J., Zhang, W.F., Chen, B.Y., Lei, R.X., Xiao, W.J. (2022). Age and genesis of the Jinshan gold deposit in the Chines North Tianshan: a link to large-scale strike–slip shearing events. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 104734. 22) Wu, C.Z.*, Deng, X.H., Bagas, L., Brzozowski, M.J., Chen, Y.J. (2022). Critical Metals in Northwest China: Characters, genesis and tectonic settings, FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE, 851360 (Editorial). 21) Chen, B.Y., Wu, C.Z.*, Brzozowski, M.J., Lei, R.X., Muhtar, M.N., Li, T.G., Zhang, Y.K., and Chen, J., (2022). Geochronology and tectonic setting of the giant Guobaoshan Rb deposit, Central Tianshan, NW China. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 104636. 20) Feng, Z. J., Yang, T., Yao, X., Brzozowski, M. J., Lei, R. X., & Wu, C.Z. (2022). Ore forming and reworking processes in the Xitieshan Pb–Zn deposit, Qinghai Province, China: constraints from in situ trace-element and S isotope compositions of sulfides. Ore Geology Reviews, 105103. 19) Brzozowski, M. J., Good, D. J., Yan, W., Wu, C.Z., An, S., & Li, W. (2022). Mg–Fe isotopes link the geochemical complexity of the Coldwell Complex, Midcontinent Rift to metasomatic processes in the mantle. Journal of Petrology, 63(8), egac081. 18) Yang, X., Mao, J., Santosh, M., Li, R., Wu, C.Z. , Gao, J., Zhang, X., & Wang, Z. (2022). Ediacaran iron formations from the North Qilian Orogenic Belt, China: Age, geochemistry, Sm–Nd isotopes and link with submarine volcanism. Precambrian Research, 368, 106498. 2021 17) 吴昌志*,贾力,雷如雄,陈博洋,丰志杰,凤永刚,智俊,白世恒. (2021). 中亚造山带天河石花岗岩及相关铷矿床的主要特征与研究进展. 岩石学报,37(9): 2604-2628. 16) Wang, S.M., Wu, C.Z.*, Muhtar, M.N., Lei, R.X., Brzozowski, M.J*. (2021). Mobilization of ore-forming metals during post-magmatic hydrothermal overprinting of the Huangshandong Ni–Cu sulfide deposit, Eastern Tianshan, NW China. 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