The personal data
ResumeSocial positionResearchStructural Geology Numerical modeling of geologic processes Open CourseResearch projectThe National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2020-2022 Thesis(1) Liu, Y. (*), Konietzky, H., Particle-Based Modeling of Pull-Apart Basin Development, Tectonics, 2018, 37(1): 343-358. (2) Liu, Y. (*), Konietzky, H., Particle-Based Modeling of Transtensional Pull-Apart Basins, Tectonics, 2018, 37(12): 4700-4713. (3) Liu, Y. (*), Konietzky, H., Particle based modeling of pull-apart basin development with different initial master fault configurations, In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Jahrgang: EGU-2018-12728, Nr. 20. (4) Shi, W., Dong, S., Liu, Y., Hu, J., Chen, X. and Chen, P., Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the South Ningxia region, northeastern Tibetan Plateau inferred from new structural investigations and fault kinematic analyses, Tectonophysics, 2015, 649, 139-164. (5)刘源(*),杨家喜,胡健民,王雁飞,王媛. 阿尔泰构造带喀纳斯群时代的厘定极其意义. 岩石学报,2013, 29(3), 887-898. (6) 施炜,刘源,刘洋,陈鹏,陈龙,岑敏,黄兴富,李恒强.青藏高原东北缘海原断裂带新生代构造演化. 地学前缘, 2013, 20(4), 01-17. Technological AchievementsHonor RewardMagna cum laude award for PhD degree from the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, 2018. Work experience2019.03-present, Chang'an University,Lecturer |