个人简介李尧,男,副教授,硕士生导师。2013年和2018年于西安交通大学金属材料强度国家重点实验室获得学士和博士学位。主要从事高能束(激光、电子束)焊接/增材制造航空航天结构材料的显微组织与力学性能本构关系的研究和同步辐射先进表征技术在材料学科的应用与软件开发。目前在国外学术刊物上发表SCI论文30余篇,包括Advanced Materials, Nature Communications, International Journal of Plasticity, Additive Manufacturing, Materials & Design, Materials Science & Engineering A, Applied Physics Letters等国际知名期刊,其中一篇入选 ESI 高被引论文。此外,已授权国内发明专利3项和计算机软件著作权5项。目前主持国家自然科学基金、陕西省重点研发计划、中国博士后面上资助、重点实验室开放课题等项目10余项。主讲本科专业课程《材料科学基础》(双语)、《焊接结构》、《材料综合实验》、《增材制造》等课程。自主开发同步辐射微束衍射(μXRD)数据处理软件 XtalCAMP(http://nano.xjtu.edu.cn/info/1171/2793.htm)和电子背散射衍射(EBSD)可视化数据处理软件(https://www.yuque.com/yourghurt/ebsdtool)。 社会职务研究领域
开授课程《材料科学基础(双语)》、《焊接结构》、《材料综合实验》、《增材制造》、《金属增材制造技术(全英文)》 科研项目主持项目:
论文【发表的论文列表】[1] Dang X, Li Y*(通讯作者), Zheng J, Cui L, Lu K, Liang X, Luo S, Zhou G, Jiao Y, Dou Y, Zhou L*, He W*, Shear banding mediated fracture mechanisms in additively manufactured IN738 superalloys under low-strain-rate loading[J]. International Journal of Plasticity, 2025, 104296.(中科院1区) [2] Dang X, Liang X, He W*, Lu K, Li J, Zhou L, Wang X, Luo S*, Li Y*(通讯作者). Enhanced fatigue performance of γ/γ′ dual-phase single-crystal superalloys with graded surface nanostructures[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2024, 916: 147339.(中科院2区) [3] 刘源, 寇浩南, 何怡清, 尤瑞昶,张鑫,滕居珩,李尧*(通讯作者),张凤英. 增材制造316L不锈钢组织结构特征与硬化机理[J]. 材料导报, 2024, 38(3): 152-157.(中文核心EI) [4] 李尧*(通讯作者), 寇浩南, 李梦阳, 李梦阳,张阔,刘源,虢婷,张凤英,宋绪丁. 激光增材制造沉淀强化镍基高温合金热裂纹研究进展[J]. 表面技术, 2024, 53(7): 1-14.(中文核心EI) [5] Dang X, Liang X, Luo S, Li Y*(通讯作者), Jiao Y, Tian Z, He W*. Surface strengthening and fatigue life improvement of single crystal Ni-based superalloys via laser shock peening without coating[J]. Materials & Design, 2023, 232: 112097. (中科院1区) [6] Dang X#, Li Y#(共同一作), Chen K, et al. Avoiding cracks in additively manufactured non-weldable directionally solidified Ni-based superalloys[J]. Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 59: 103095. (中科院 1区) [7] Dang X, Li Y*(通讯作者), Chen K, et al. Insight into the interfacial architecture of a hybrid additively-manufactured stainless steel/Ni-based superalloy bimetal[J]. Materials & Design, 2022, 216: 110595. (中科院 1区) [8] Liu Y, Li Y*(通讯作者), Kou H, et al. Microstructural and hardness investigation of a multiphase Mo-Si-B alloy processed by laser surface remelting[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2022: 450:129012. (中科院 2区) [9] Chen Z#,*, Li Y#,*(共同一作&通讯作者), Zhang S, et al. Hierarchical architecture and mechanical behavior of K418 Ni-based superalloys manufactured by laser powder bed fusion[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2022, 851: 143630. (中科院 1区) [10]Jiang C, Zhang J, Chen Y*, Hou Z, Zhao Q, Li Y*(通讯作者), Zhu L, Zhang F*, Zhao Y. On enhancing wear resistance of titanium alloys by laser cladded WC-Co composite coatings[J]. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2022, 107: 105902.(中科院2区) [11]李尧(通讯作者),杨浩,贺红伟,张洁,张孟延,李梦阳,郝建民,后处理对激光重熔Inconel 718合金组织及性能的影响,中国有色金属学报,2022, 32(6): 1673-1684. (中文核心EI) [12]杨浩,李尧(通讯作者),郝建民,激光增材制造Inconel 718高温合金研究进展,材料导报,2022, 36(6): 129-138. (中文核心EI) [13]李尧,党晓凤,陈凯,何卫锋,感应加热对激光增材修复高温合金DZ125L组织和力学性能的影响,机械工程学报,2021, 57(22): 52-59. (中文核心EI) [14]Li Y, Chen K, Narayan RL, et al. Multi-scale microstructural investigation of a laser 3D printed Ni-based superalloy[J].Additive Manufacturing, 2020, 34: 101220. (中科院 1区) [15]Li Y, Chen K, Dang X, et al. XtalCAMP: A comprehensive program for the analysis and visualization of scanning Laue X-ray micro-/nanodiffraction data[J]. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2020, 53: 1392–1403. (中科院 2区) [16]Li Y, Chen K, Tamura N. Mechanism of heat affected zone cracking in Ni-based superalloy DZ125L fabricated by laser 3D printing technique [J]. Materials & Design, 2018, 150, 171-181. (中科院 1区) [17]Li Y, Qian D, Xue J, Wan J, Zhang A, Tamura N, Song Z, Chen K. A synchrotron study of defect and strain inhomogeneity in laser-assisted three-dimensionally-printed Ni-based superalloy [J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 107 (18): 181902. (中科院 2区) [18]Li Y, Wan L, Chen K. A look-up table based approach to characterize crystal twinning for synchrotron X-ray Laue microdiffraction scans [J]. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2015, 48 (3): 747–757. (中科院 2区) [19]Xue J, Zhang A, Li Y(共同一作), Qian D, Wan J, Qi B, Tamura N, Song Z, Chen K. A synchrotron study of microstructure gradient in laser additively formed epitaxial Ni-based superalloy [J].Scientific Reports, 2015, 5 (9): 14903.(中科院 3区) [20]Chen K, Huang R, Li Y, et al. Rafting-Enabled Recovery Avoids Recrystallization in 3D-Printing-Repaired Single-Crystal Superalloys[J]. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32 (12): 1907064.(中科院 1区) [21]Zhang F, Huang K, Zhao K, Tan H, Li Y, et al. Directed energy deposition combining high-throughput technology and machine learning to investigate the composition-microstructure-mechanical property relationships in titanium alloys[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2023, 311: 117800. (中科院 1区) [22]Zhao K, Zhou X, Hu T, Li Y, et al. Microstructure characterization and tensile properties of Ti–15Mo alloy formed by directed energy deposition[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2022, 858: 144103. (中科院 1区) [23]Wang ZJ, Li QJ, Li Y, Huang LC, Lu L, Dao M, Li J, Ma E, Suresh S, Shan ZW. Sliding of coherent twin boundaries [J].Nature Communications, 2017, 8: 1108.(中科院 1区) [24]Zhang FY, Gao PP, Tan H, Li Y, Chen YN, Mei M, Clare AT, Zhang LC, Tailoring grain morphology in Ti-6Al-3Mo through heterogeneous nucleation in directed energy deposition, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 88, 132–142. (中科院 1区) [25]Zhao D, Chen YN, Jiang CP, Li Y, Zhao QY, Xu YK, Zhan HF, Wan MP, Zhao YQ, Morphological evolution of Ti2Cu in Ti-13Cu-Al alloy after cooling from semi-solid state, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 848, 156639. (中科院 2区) [26]Zhang FY*, Qiu Y, Hu TT, Clare AT, Li Y, Zhang LC, Microstructures and mechanical behavior of beta-type Ti-25V-15Cr-0.2Si titanium alloy coating by laser cladding, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2020, 796, 140063(中科院 1区) [27]Chen K, Kunz M, Li Y, Zepeda-Alarcon E, Sintubin M, Wenk HR. Compressional residual stress in Bastogne boudins revealed by synchrotron X-ray microdiffraction [J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 2016, 43 (12): 6178–6185. (中科院 1区) [28]Lupinacci A, Chen K, Li Y, Kunz M, Jiao Z, Was GS, Abad MD, Minor AM, Hosemann P. Characterization of ion beam irradiated 304 stainless steel utilizing nanoindentation and Laue microdiffraction [J]. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2015, 458: 70–76. (中科院 1区) [29]Shen H, Zhu W, Li Y, Tamura N, Chen K. In situ synchrotron study of electromigration induced grain rotations in Sn solder joints [J]. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 24418.(中科院 3区) [30]Jackson MD, Mulcahy SR, Chen H, Li Y, Li Q, Cappelletti P, Wenk HR. Phillipsite and Al-tobermorite mineral cements produced through low-temperature water-rock reactions in Roman marine concrete [J]. American Mineralogist, 2017, 102 (7): 1435–1450.(中科院 3区) [31]Zhou G, Zhu W, Shen H, Li Y, Zhang A, Tamura N, Chen K. Real-time microstructure imaging by Laue microdiffraction: A sample application in laser 3D printed Ni-based superalloys [J]. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 28144.(中科院 3区) [32]Qian D, Zhang A, Zhu J, Li Y, Zhu W, Qi B, Tamura N, Li D, Song Z, Chen K. Hardness and microstructural inhomogeneity at the epitaxial interface of laser 3D-printed Ni-based superalloy [J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 109 (10): 101907.(中科院 2区) [33]Qian D, Xue J, Zhang A, Li Y, Tamura N, Song Z, Chen K. Statistical study of ductility-dip cracking induced plastic deformation in polycrystalline laser 3D printed Ni-based superalloy [J]. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 2859. (中科院 3区) 【授权的发明专利列表】[1] 李尧,杨浩,刘源,张勇,张凤英,一种激光熔覆原位合成钼-硅-硼合金涂层的方法,发明专利,中国:ZL202011536356.9,2022-08-02 [2] 李尧,张勇,张凤英,陈永楠,一种适用于多相钼合金的纳米硬度测量方法,发明专利,中国:ZL201911058976.3,2021-07-23 [3] 张凤英,黄开虎,高盼盼,胡腾腾,李尧,孙志平.一种面向激光增材制造应用的类TC4钛合金:发明专利,中国,ZL 202010462036.7,2021-07-23.
【授权的软件著作权列表】[1] 李尧,李梦阳,虢婷,张凤英,陈永楠, 晶体取向数据可视化软件[简称:OrienTool] V1.0,软件著作权,登记号:2023SR0973279,2023-08-24 [2] 李尧,杨浩,陈永楠,张凤英,电子背散射衍射实验数据可视化软件[简称:EBSDVisual],软件著作权,登记号:2021SR0763413,2021-05-25 [3] 李尧,刘源,陈永楠,张凤英,电子背散射衍射实验数据前处理软件[简称:EBSDProcess],软件著作权,登记号:2021SR0763414,2021-05-25 [4] 陈凯,李尧.同步辐射微束衍射实验数据处理软件[简称:XtalCAMP] V2.0:中国,软件著作权,登记号:2016SR060878.2016-03-23. [5] 陈凯,李尧.同步辐射微束衍射实验数据处理软件[简称:XtalCAMP] V1.0:中国,软件著作权,登记号:2015SR263332.2015-12-16.
工作经历2023至今 长安大学 材料学院 副教授 硕士生导师 2018-2023 长安大学 材料学院 讲师 硕士生导师 |